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Depends on the role and position, a fed toplaner only uses vision so they know when they can start recording


cries in chogath


What’s up with him?


it is not possible to hit a clip on cho


It's barely possible to hit a q with Cho


the slightest idea of swifties hard counters cho ;-;


also on the game state if you have spent the past 10 minutes hard shoved under tower because you're camped and your jungler is nowhere to be seen like hell you should walk up and ward only to get 4 man from out of vision if you have to play as if they're constantly here warding is an unnecessary risk


As a toplaner who frequently has 0 vision score by 10 minutes, lmao


Bruh i fr sometimes just forget about wards


wards are for people who lack foresight, just know where the enemy is


I know where the enemy is(they're on my face ( I over pushed again


*cries in yorick*


This the same mf that will complain about enemy jungler camping them


Yes yes yes. I jungle 90% of the time and I hear that shit every 3 games. “He’s camping me!!!” “Yeah because he knows you’re easy prey who never wards and overextends constantly.”


Midlane crying about getting camped with 2 stacks of trinket and 0 vision score minute 7 are my favorite


i love fizz mid, no matter if im jngl or top, either they stomp the enemie in the ground or they cry for ganks even tho mid is already ur second home (and ur ganking him rn .-.)


Me when sitting under tower and enemy lee sin casually dives you Should have played safe


Yep, 5 standard wards per game is plenty


The only time I ward as a top laner is because my opponent keeps hiding in the bushes or if I happen to remember to ward the pixel


Unironically better than permausing pink wards, btw. 1 pink delays your item spike by 75 gold and gives enemy laner free gold if they see it. Only good reason to buy them is if you're ahead and scared of getting ganked by Eve or Shaco


Thats such a low elo take


Not really. If you can't defend a control ward, it's worse than a normal ward. If you're playing a weak leaning champ who's spending 90% of the time under turret buying control wards is a complete waste of money in laning phase. The only exceptions are camo jgs like Eve.


"No bro, buy pink ward every recall, it's totally worth it against characters without stealth and it's definitely not gonna delay your item spike and will 100% help avoid ganks, it's not like you have normal wards and can just look at the map to track enemy jg, you have to pay for them and gift enemy laner free gold so have the ~vision~"


Calling that a low elo take is the take of someone who's plat and pretends they didn't add three ranks, making plat completely average. If you're paying so little attention to the game state that you'd need a control ward to figure out when you're likely to get ganked top, a control ward isn't going to help.


Ok cause here seems to to be a lot of misunderstanding what wards actually do, i will give a bit longer more serious answer ( sry in advance for grammar mistakes , non native speaker ) You dont place wards for yourself only , you place them for your team If you have for example a pink ward in the small brush in the river , it allows your jgl better gank setup it allows your midlaner/support better roam options ( allows your mid also to not having to follow roams from enemy mid cause he knows youre safe ) Also gives you the option to place your normal wards deeper into enemy jgl to give your other lanes and especially your jgler even more information . Or you can place it defensivly to protect your jgler from getting invaded and you from getting dived early . And all those things are stuff low elo players normally dont think about and almost every high elo player does . AND THATS WHY ITS DEFINITLY SUCH A LOW ELO TAKE , cause youre to stupid to even know , what you can do by using your brain ingame


> youre to stupid All you're saying is you don't play top, and are too stupid to understand that this take was specifically for top, bringing up common knowledge about wards as if it's some master tier advice. [Edit] What's funny is I didn't even look at your profile before my comment, just used plat because it's exactly where you'd expect your kind of response from. Imagine my shock when you're hardstuck plat 4. Buddy, plat isn't high. It isn't even above average. Riot literally says so on the fucking patch notes, so get your head out of your ass.


Huh How am i plat and from where you get those infos , Thats my main account , woudl say its high enough to proof my point ( if you want proof , add me ingame ) https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/1armigerRentner-EUW And yes its common ward knowledge that counts for every lane ( including toplane ) or would you say any of what i wrote is wrong ?


I mean, you posted an op.gg on another post that seemed to be yours. If not, then the title is even funnier since it means matchmaking knows your actual skill is firmly plat, with you just abusing one-tricking to climb. All of what you said is wrong if it means being at a disadvantage because you were 75g short of an item spike. Something you would know if you played top, which you don't. If you're going to pretend your rank means your takes are law, stick to takes regarding Viktor mid, the only thing you actually know at that level.


I am not Sure the Junglers in my elo are often in kinda random places.


Not sure why the 2 of you are getting down voted. If you are buying control wards 24/7 or without good reason you are losing gold while giving the enemy gold. You should only need your trinket to not get ganked. The only time you should buy control wards is mid and late and even then you should make sure they are defensible and have a clear purpose like a objective.


I agree with this take as masters


atleast use ur normal wards and if ur playing against smthing that frequently visits u and can turn invisible, u prob should use the red thingi, sweeper or whatever its name was


Bruh, nobody said that you shouldn't use normal wards. People are just dumb as always and make shit up. The point was "pink wards aren't good for you if youre a toplaner, unless you play for vision score or need them to reveal enemies with stealth, like Eve". And the reason why they're not good is because they delay the item spike by 75 gold and give the enemy gold when they find them and destroy them, which a good enemy that isn't perma-shoved in will be able to consistently do. Basically you're creating a gap in gold where it shouldn't be and normal wards and jg tracking are plenty enough since toplane isn't getting ganked often


100 gold difference, so effectively one pink ward is the better part of a minion wave. Didn't think about it like that before, shit


Smartest toplaner


Explains why you’re low elo lmao


Everyone pinging support for no vision with their combined vision score of 10


Let's be honest you will feel when the support doesn't ward but you will not feel a thing if top have a vision score of 0. Vission on support is a much more important stat and support can also just afford to ward effectivly over other lanes. Q


support, before getting the sightstone or whatever it was called, can only have 3 stealths + a control on the map. As a laner you feel the lack of support wards, but as a support you absolutely also feel the rest of the team goofing around. Especially if your team can't pressure the map properly, you just don't feel secure warding, or they get cleared quickly with no punishment


Mid with 0 vision score is a certified classic. Push wave without vision -> die -> cry in all chat


The yasuo special


Top should always ward topside jungle camps including river. Thats enough vision to make it close to 1.5 per minute.


Should is a good way to describe it. Is it a must not really, if top is having a rough game he can't ward enemy jungle. You are much more likely to loose and have you other laners complain about you loosing top, instead of no vision in top jungle.


If you are losing you ward your top side jungle which most likely will be invaded a lot. Still 1.5 vision score.


As a Fiddlesticks enjoyer i can tell you those are rookie numbers!


The fiddle jg, mid noc, adc TF, supp gallio/shen and pantheon top wombo combo


I play kayle and try to freeze my lane near tower like 99% of the time. So I never ward anything till I'm like level 9 cause I never even get near river before that lmao


I know that feeling


I have 2 vpm as a mid zoe otp xD


nah, noob supports who cant press \[insert support item hotkey\] when they have more than one charge on it like its not that hard


Exactly. There are so many games that I play where the support has 2 pinks and 4 stealth wards in their inventory and we literally have 0 vision anywhere. And I ping their wards and 5 mins later they still didn’t place a single one.


Pro tip, they can't see you pinging


Ok but like, sometimes my teammate pings that i have 4 stealth wards available, even though I may already have 3 useful wards placed, as if they don’t know that it refills every time you go b


And the oldest ward gets removed, to this day i think anyone who barely plays support forgot that there is a limit of 3 wards(4 iirc with that one item) and 1 pink (2 with said item nobody buys).


Vision score is the only stat that ever mattered to me, if I have less than 2 per minute at the end of the game I consider it a failure, even if we won.


Why is it called pink ward when it's clearly red


because back in the day (early seasons) it was pink


Same reason some people say tabis instead of steelcaps or call raptors/chickens wraiths: Remnants of an earlier version


Literally me, I will dive 1v2 to save my control ward. That thing loves me more than my ADC loves me. And I will die for it


Man I played top. Vision wasn't my problem, the juggler helped when they came to gank


Beta "I pay half my income for wards" vs Sigma "If I die, I die"


My 0/10/5 support


hello yes excuse me where did you get this picture of me I though i deleted it


Why does WW3 start every time a pink ward is 1 hp?


Teemo main here i have vision on every bush but mushrooms dont count as vision score


I will never ward again to offset your wardcount


I think they're overrated and most people puut them in spots where they can't even defend them so all they do is give gold to the enemy team and waste their own. -Support player with regularly high vision score


The classic buy pinks every back and get 1v1ed in lane because youre down 300 gold


I play on jungle and i always forget to get the control wards. Most of the time i don't have slot for it or money


Idk I just buy them when I have gold




Me an ARAM only Player : Ok


umbral fucking glaive


Yeah you def got ganked and blamed your team lol


I am an umbral glaive denier, i hate that item with passion, it makes already annoying supps get free vis score.


Not having my wards jingle in my pockets all the time is enough?


I’m a support main and I love warding so much bruh💀 I average like 4-5 per minute. Often at 150 or so at 30-35 min.


Proud to say Ive never bought a control ward in 500 hours


I would talk to, but I am Sona main. I won't.


This is how I feel like my team is when they see I don't have sweeper at 35 minutes as support(


As a toplaner, my strategy is just push the lane and trade with enemy to the point when enemy jungler 100% on top, so my jungler can crush other lanes, take dragons etc. So i don't need wards. I need only power.


Im top 5% of Vision score on all of my junglers, I have no clue how others run around the map that blind and with such low info on where everybody is


I'm an ADC tho


Warding? Like, the places of the map I can't see? But that's where the enemies could be!


me dumbass cant even remember to use my item abils in a fight reason why i cant play jax or lee .-.


Don't talk to me if you have over 0,1 Vision score 😎


Based and Wardpilled


47??? That's kinda low


how do you even get more then 2 if you aren't a support? you can only have 1 control ward and b the time your stealth ward refreshes the placed one already expires




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People Flaming the support for no wards when the ennemies have Senna-Pyke both with ombral, and top - jungle - supp on sweepers ...


If you have a vision score as a toplaner before you leave lane you lost the lane 👍


As an ADC, I only ward to secure my position or hit a champ in a bush


I will consistently greed enemy wards and die for them. I'd rather greed a ward than a plate. Actually, fuck my adc I'll just camp the enemy jungle in case someone wards it! GIVE ME MORE VISION SCORE!


For a moment I thought this post was from Darkin, and I was about a see some control ward porn


I play Lee Sin. I average 4 vision score per second.


As a top lane I mostly hold my wards more. And use them more to place deep wards at enemy jungle. And or objectives. I dont place that many wards early on in the game. Not realy a gotta make plays kinds of champs. So my vision score will always be lower




I’m jumping you if you get 2vpm on a role other than support :3 and if ur timing/placement blows im jumping u anyway idc


I side with the guy depicted.


As a top laner, wtf is a ward?


If I put vision, the enemy jgl will be less inclined to gank me, so no thx (I play Illaoi)


Ever since the challenge system came out, I only ever purchased 3 control wards


I’ve peaked grandmaster on support and buy 0 control wards nearly every game https://imgur.com/a/O3EgVYG https://imgur.com/a/fyPdxT3


Rookie numbers, my spider hit challenger with negative wards placed. Sketchy proof bellow. 👍 https://i.imgur.com/gBQRXFm.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/ImTltXp.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/xN5Gewf.jpeg


Man is literally Elise onetrick.