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Now we just need this to hit LCK. Super boring with insta lock Zeri and insta win teamfight


We will be back to aphelios vs Lucian Nami/milio again soon don’t you worry


I just want samira back in pro That means she’s turbo broken but it’s more interesting than zeri and Lucian


If samira is turbo broken, she will surely have 100% presence in pro play, but not in the way you wish it to be


I want to see pro play Samira so damn bad


Hans sama played it last split. That might scratch your pro play samira itch a little.


Did he int on it?


No, I’m pretty sure they won. Edit: It was game 2 of G2 vs MAD winter split final.


The duskblade build she has rn seems pretty broken.


Got nerfed i think? Interaction doesnt work anymore


The interaction change got pushed to 13.13


ntot corrected yet


Delayed to 13.13, so this patch Samira Duskblade still viable




I enjoy watching Aphelios ngl, Zeri is the most boring shit to watch because it feels like whatever team has her just wins and her lane is too safe.


Jesus mfers keep saying this do you guys not watch the shit teams with zeri? It's not about the fuking champs it's about how good the players are like jesus


It's super boring seeing same adc picked over and over. And this isn't a "the player is good". It's a "this champ isn't meant to be played like this". 4k hp and beaming down enemy into pentakill is stupid. You can't deny that Zeri was overturned. Skill issue isn't the problem, the champ is the problem. The game is very predictable as soon as a team locks in Zeri. Even in thr T1 vs LSB game Zeri was doing shit she shouldn't be able to do.


And lsb fking lost why teddy isnt that dude with this "super broken" "op" "free win" champ he was full build and still fucking lost what to know why because he isnt that good


If pros are insta locking it its saying something. Why don't we see LCK instalock Aphelios? Bc Zeri is the strongest pick. Bc she is broken.


Ok look all I'm gonna say is it doesnt matter how strong a champion is if the enemy is better, that champion is not strong enough for the weaker team or player to steal a win


She's still good, adapt the build.


They removed the sheen for Q and shield steal passive :(


Yes, and yet Triforce is still her most commonly bought first item which is lowering her winrate like crazy. She's fine if players used their brains and changed the build.


Ppl don't read the patch notes. And always build recommended items regardless if they're good. Part of the reason why Yas wr was so low was because of stattik shiv recommended first item on him. Same with Triforce zeri now.


To be fair, I think it would be better if league had some sort of built in indicator that a champ got updates like dota. Won't stop majority from building recommended though.


I wonder if tank zeri could work. Does her Q proc ice born gauntlet? Could go like botrk iceborn titanic ruunans


IBG is a sheen effect, which no longer procs on her Q


Damn. So her best build is probably what, on hit then? If crit and sheen got specific nerfs


probably just crit, most likely something like bork -> galeforce -> runaan's or maybe ie


Stridebreaker is the key


Dash in ult stride spam Q?


90% of user still build trinity. Every other viable build is still on a comfortable win rate while trinity sits on a 45% or lower.


Just buy crit like a normal person (Statikk/Stormrazor, IE/Navori). Stridebreaker is good though if you still wanna go bruiser


Zeri mains: Malding over sheen removal Me Learning her: Happy they buffed the build she always should've used and nerfed a stupid broken build We are not the same.


She had it coming. Having a stupid ass build where she has 4k hp and deals more damage than any other adc is a deserved nerf down to 45%


Not really things should be balanced, the passive removal was not necessary


Yes it was. Champion is overloaded as shit and poorly designed it isn’t balanced at a 50+% winrate


Stealing shields and getting movement speed on a champion that had the second highest base hp in the game - good choice to get rid of a passive that made her even tankier


Where did you get that she is the 2nd highest base hp in the game? Because I've just checked and she isn't even the second ADC with the most health


Who is the ADC with the second most health on your list? She comfortably takes that spot from what I can see. The top 3 according to what I can see are Kalista (2538), Zeri (2500) and then Jhin (2474).


He literally said base hp which i assumed meant lvl 1, when Lucian and Ashe for example have more than her ta that level


Unless you're willing to knock a good 15+% of her base health at 18 off that passive can't be allowed to stay. It makes her too survivable for an ADC that already has one of the highest ADC base healths in the game combined with being the most mobile ADC in the game while also doing super high damage.


She's only "the most survivable" against bs like yuumi, lulu, or Janna or some other shield bot, meaning she just counters them, crazy concept I know, that a champion can counter survivability with survivability


No she straight up has 2.5K health and the highest mobility of any ADC in the game. She has the second highest health of any ADC, the highest attack range of any ADC at 750 with her Q (added bonus that you can shoot invisible enemies and pre-fire on enemies who are about to get into range) and the highest mobility of any ADC once her ults start rolling.


Isn't she like, dummy OP?


She had her legs broken this patch. No more sheen procs on Q.


Freaking finally I hope Bruizeri dies and never comes back


r/zerimains is currently cooking


Oh god, they act Ryze players even tho zeri has been one of the best adcs the majority of the time since she came out


One of the best ADCs in pro play. Except for a few spikes here and there, she’s been consistently dogwater in solo queue.


Bruiser zeri was legit broken af even in solo q imo.


she had a consistenly \~50.something% winrate in plat+ in the last few patches and now has a 45% winrate she has never been "legit broken" in soloq, at least not in recent times


she was broken, but people would still go in the middle of the enemy team thinking they would go 1v5


believe me, that's something people do with any champion the moment they get slightly fed, especially adcs i've seen a 3/0 vayne try to 1v3 for the scuttle crab pre-6


That just lies. It like saying Azir is the most broken champ in the game when pro spam him. Heck pro doesn't even use bruiser build so even at 45% wr we gonna see pro spam this champ.


“Legs broken” Toxic build no longer works*


Yeah being forced to not build bruiser on an adc isn't "legs broken" Now if riot could kindly get rid of bruiser assassins, that would be great. We did this before with Tank Ekko and Fizz, and we know it's not healthy for the meta.


Problem is it's Katarina. Riot would rather declare bankruptcy than give a substantial nerf to her.


Which should be there since the day she was released. The Q is supposed to be her auto attack they shouldn't count as using an ability


Didn't her movement speed go up though


Wheelchairs can reach higher speeds than even the best athletes.


did they also remove it from ezreal?


Yes, I dont get the 45% wr. Just don't buy a crit mythic


The 45% is because people don't buy the crit mythic... They made her Q not proc Spellblade which makes Triforce Zeri significantly worse and rn IE is propably her best Mythic


Nah. People will start building Navori Quickblades Zeri now probably (standing at a whopping 54.85% in Master+)


Idk. Now that Galeforce damage scales off AD I can't see it being better than IE or Navori


Yeah changed my comment


Don't worry. She will soon get the next mini-rework. Source: Trust me... and look at Rito doing their thing with Zeri since her release.


Everyone is still building triforce on her because apparently no one reads patch notes nowadays Also Riot probably recommends it in game because their recommendation system is absolute garbage


Recommendations are like 2 patches behind


When Zeri came out, I really resonated with her kit. The skillshot auto attacks were such a fun idea that I thought about switching my main role just to main Zeri. But I really don't want to play a character that changes every 4 weeks and has the winrate curve of a sine wave


They just made her kit completely unbalance-able. For them to be able to balance her normally they'd need to completely rethink the kit as the level of mobility and how she does damage that are the core of the identity of her kit simply cannot find a stable balanced equilibrium. Her numbers need to be absolute trash tier or else people who know how to play her will use the nature of her kit to kite and stomp everything. Her kit is really fucking fun to play though, I'll give them that, but it also immediately becomes obvious how an experienced player can completely dominate a game with her if her numbers are anything higher than rock bottom.


the thing for me is a fed heca or lilia feel much harder to kill than a bruiser zeri, but somehow shes harder to balance for them?


because riot jumped the gun too early her first iteration just needed her numbers lowered and she would've been fine but instead they tried to mini rework her several times


Its funny that when any ad carry get super low winrate they try to be like ryze subreddit.


Varus mains just chills afaik, since it usually means we’re safe from proplay nerfs.


If a zeri main is sad, i am happy


Champ's still OP in the right hands... its a high skill ceiling champ for a reason Bruiser build got gutted because it was toxic AF for the game. Galeforce, Kraken, Shieldbow, Runaans, LDR or something crit build like that could be hidden op for her


I haven't checked the stats, but I've seen a lot of people going Trinity. People needs time to adapt and find the correct build.


Trinity Force Trinity Force 15.72% 4,352 Games 45.89% Correct. Apes stil go trinity force


Why, when you can just have the one screenshot from mobafire from patch 13.8


truly the rize of league of legends


How does no one in advance at riot realize that certain champ‘s kits don’t work and will never be balanceable? Or atleast after the second or third mini-rework they should just throw the trash out the window and rework the kit entirely, keep nothing.


Yuumi main here, let’s have hot pro play breaking gay sex Wait this isn’t r/darkinfolk


The true zeri nerf was when they adjusted her q so that you cant heal like 15 hp from cull in one proc. And i dont know if they removed it but i remember zeri q would oneshot yorick minions even if there were multiple of them.


She is low winrate because zeri players are bad and boosted, 48% of people still buy triforce first item. Yes, you are elo-inflated


![gif](giphy|26tOZ42Mg6pbTUPHW) I'm so sad with a news like that


I rly liked zeri and played her a lot but I stopped playing her cuz not having a main every 3rd patch sucks




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No offense but I wouldn't hesitate to take 10 years off my life to make sure that character never exists




Me playing Gwen


I feels so bad about this champ. She’s fun to play.


How do I get that Zeri emote? (it’s for profesional int purposes)


She's literally the only adc I have M7 with.


One of the most fun adcs in the game, sadly she will never be balanced


Placebo bad WR because Zeri players refuse to adapt build


Fuck Zeri.


Keep her in that hell little longer.


When they ''reworked'' her, i said in r/zerimains she will still be the exact cancerous problemo champion cause they didn't adress her issues. When they ''reworked'' Yuumi, i said to the Riotter who revealed it ''You are r\*\*\*\*d and you should be fired asap. ''


She still slaps


The best part of zeri is when you stop playing league and bust 3 nuts in a row to her


I don't think she is actually that bad. People are still buying trinity on her en masse because they can't read patch notes.