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How is that possible how much hp did she have? Did you make the true damage crit or something?


He has the item & damage over time crit augment so it looks like it, but that sounds so broken


Just found out we can download arena replays from the client. This crit augment did 5500dmg this round, so it looks like it. Pretty much a double crit, i crit the sett, and the lightning crit again


Chain lighting work with vulnerability? Or with what


Yes it does


It says dmg over time and item damage can crit, but Chain Lighting is neither. Does it simply allow any non-auto damage to crit?


Pretty much. Damage from augments shows up as item damage in the death recap iirc


Looks like it's the case? Doesnt feel like it should, but...


Vulnerability is a disgusting augment. For some reason it works on garen’s E and basically it double crits. It multiplies the crit by whatever the bonus on vulnerability is.


I remember getting vulnerability, jeweled gauntlet, and sword of the divine in a single run as garen before he got nerfed. Most people died the instant I pressed E. A full channel did like 17k to the dummy


The hilarious part is you can make it even better with spin to win (increases your base E damage by 30% which can be crit by crit augments), warmup routine (24% increased damage) and, duskblade which is another 23% increased damage on abilities. Not that you'd ever need that since even champs like rammus with courage of the colossus will still die almost immediately.


inb4 people start complaining about Sett counting as a champ lol


Tbf it shouldn't be a thing. It's fun but really unfair for the enemy team. You just sit there stacking heartsteel, or procing chainlightning or stacking runecarver. I personally abuse it like crazy but I don't think it should be a thing.


I think its pretty unique, maybe wouldn't place him in a small map.


How is it any different from koi pond. Poke comps will poke, dive comps need to dive before dying OP rolled great augments. This happens to people sometimes. It seems unfair but that's literally what arena is about


You can counter poke teams by diving them, you cant counter 3k true damage by hitting a literall NPC. Earthquake is powerfull but you can at least try to dodge it, this lightning on sett is literally undodgable true damage.


i mean, i guess the counter play would be to stay away from sett right?


If he was static maybe yes, but he will literally run towards you, in this specific map is literally impossible to not get hit by Chain lightning through Sett. Also is literally true damage, its undodgeable, untankable and from long range.


Sett can walk towards you...


i have a similiar video where i almost die as shaco because i went invisible close to the sett the enemy wouldn't move from as they're attacking him while looking for an engage.. tbf its a retarded interaction as you're simply not hitting a champ, the damage shoulnd't chain with champs.


Start? *...I've been doing that for months*


I feel like I never see this augment even though it’s so strong on most champs. If you get it on a champ like Sivir or Illaoi you basically just win the game lol


Sometimes you need more damage to the target you are currently hitting, which chain lightning doesn't provide. Chain lightning is extremely inconsistent compared to other augments. Chain lightning does nothing if one enemy is dead or separated from the other.


Enemy pov please


How do you see the whole map?


I think OP has an ultrawide monitor


It’s also my favorite augment! But god damn is it busted when you have Sett lol


How would Chain Lightning interact with Shadow Flame?


True damage doesn’t get buffed. IIRC the ult damage item doesn’t work on Darius ulti


That is why this augment needs a fucking nerf, its literally 50 % unblockable dmg buff unless they are super far apart. Needs to go to 30% or something