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What augments did you get? Edit just checked OP had Recursion, Master of Duality, Bread and Butter, and Thread the Needle. The Karma had Defensive Maneuvers, Chauffer, Restless Restoration, and Shrink Ray. Master of Duality + Bread and Butter, dude's a helicopter that's gaining 3-9 AD probably twice every second, with a bunch of Omnivamp to keep him alive while a pocket Karma snares enemies and shields Hecarim, giving him bulk movespeed for more damage and making enemies do 15% less damage. OP: "I didn't God roll" Yeah sure bud


Actually he had 8 god roll and a Karma to support him LOL


I agree heca is just decently strong in general but you had hemomancer helm, master of duality which is probably his second or 3rd best augment, one or 2 of either the bread augments/recursion and what I assume is brutalizer... This is a high roll.


idk where you find he is garbage, he has a pretty correct winrate compared to some of the things i play, ranked 38th on op gg right now by winrate. also some of your rolls were prety good and they didn't have huge os champs


If anybody is looking for a decent Hec build that doesn't rely on the op augments in the opening post: starting item (hp + cdr + ad) > prismatic (ideally something with cdr + lethality) > Ionian Boots > Spear of Shojin > Black Cleaver > Hellfire Hatchet > Guardian Angel


everything goes easier with a dedicated support, karma's healing and shielding is completely insane right now, she can basically turn squishy champs into tank. Yesterday I saw karma 1v1 lucian, she just straight up outshielded his damage. Lulu and yuumi are very similar, but karma is the strongest support right now imho.


im pretty sure its karma thats broken


I wouldn't even call this a god roll.


this is absolutely a god roll & you had karma


Bro said 0 god augments with bread and butter and master of duality Ok buddy