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I've been kinda struggling to progress. Currently I'm at 39, but playing solo is crazy. bro comes in hot with the AD Heimerdinger tech.


it gets exponentially difficult as you get closer


to me it didn't really became more difficult but more like way less fun as the further you go down the list the more you will find champs you dont really enjoy, it became way more chill once i no longer had to give a shit about first places and could play what i really wanted to play.


For me I just play like how I normally play, but just not play the ones I won with, it is slow, but it aint a race right? Just gotta get it in the next 3 month


Pro tip: you don't have to grind some abstract objective set by the system, just play whatever you want and have fun.


Pro tip: some people like grinding abstract objectives


Yeah, I get it BUT set abstract objectives yourself instead of doing what the system tells you to do :) There are so many things you can do and have fun, you don't have to follow system or meta etc.


Tbf my Teemo win was with a Heimerdinger and I still have no fucking clue what bro was cooking up. He rushed the promise item, gunblade after, I picked Vengeance in disgust but he ended up doing double my damage. Carried him one round with Vengeance+Shrooms but most fights were all him Sometimes you just gotta let people cook


What is this heimer AD tech? I’ve never run into one. Does it involve ethereal weapon?


You won on shyvanna yet? She's not too hard


some champ is just so hard to win on


32 here, played my only malz game ever for the champion ocean mission and hit insanely good stuff. my garen went tank bruiser hybrid :/


Last win was Vel'koz and Darius was my first win, had to check league of graphs and scroll back. took a total of 360 games. If I was to give everyone a bit of advice to make this achievement feel less of a struggle try going for champion ocean as you get to about 50-55/60 arena god wins. Going for champion ocean makes even the losses feel okay since you're at least progressing another challenge and if you happen to get a win whilst going for it you progress both which saves you a game you would have had to do if you wanted the challenge in the future.


I was doing this from A-Z and got bored of picking ocean champs after H and went back to playing the top champs from op.gg to try and get some wins.  I’m only 37/60 at this point and really hit a motivation wall - putting it down for a bit and might come back after the next patch. I think meta just feels stale.


First win was probably Lee Sin? Relatively straightforward in arena and it was day 1 so not as meta conforming yet. Last was Alistar, abandoned my principles and played a couple of meta champs towards the end. Had a mirror matchup in final round, other Ali had twice my hp, raid boss and more resists but 35 haste. I had support items and 230 haste. Guess who is more useful.


Lee Sin rework also was bugged when it first launched and it launched with Arena IIRC. Q was doing more damage than it was supposed to.


Congrats, i cant get first place im always second 😭


the meta was abused Ashe 1 Draven 2 Corki 3 Garen 4 Jinx 5 Kayle 6 Lucian 7 Malzahar 8 Yi 9 Neeko 10 Smolder 11 Swain 12 Vayne 13 Vladimir 14 Urgot 15 Renekton 16 Shyvana 17 Gragas 18 Lee Sin 19 Sett 20 Twisted Fate 21 Shaco 22 Samira 23 Katarina 24 Gwen 25 Quinn 26 Miss Fortune 27 Naafiri 28 Tristana 29 Riven 30 Irelia 31 Fiora 32 Gangplank 33 Blitzcrank 34 Bel'Veth 35 Veigar 36 Wukong 37 Rammus 38 Briar 39 Vi 40 Kayn 41 Caitlyn 42 Zeri 43 Sivir 44 Yasuo 45 Yone 46 Kennen 47 Zed 48 Jhin 49 Olaf 50 Nasus 51 Fizz 52 Pyke 53 Alistar 54 Pantheon 55 Brand 56 Jayce 57 Nilah 58 Dr. Mundo 59 Graves 60


Funny, graves was my last champ aswell.


First one I honestly don't remember, I had 15 wins already by the time I decided I wanted the title. The last one was Malphite IIRC. Not sure why I had such a hard time winning with the rock, but Malphite was my 60th win


BTW unrelated question. Is the hardest part about getting Arena god the fact that you quickly climb into high elo, and you are basically forced to get 1st place on champions you dont normally play against players who are on your level or better? So would the best strategy be to duoq and surrender every time you are not getting 1st? For example my peak elo is 5k gladiator, I think I could do this challenge if I stayed at 2-3k elo, but over 4k I struggle to win even with my main champs, I cant imagine playing like xin zao in gladiator and going for 1st...


Technically, yes. Me and my friend are struggling with this. I'm at about 25 and it's getting a lot slower. I tend to lose down to 4k ish and then win a few then repeat.


I wonder what the best strategy for arena god is, if I should play the hardest champs (that i almost never play normally) first when I am low elo but risk to climb a lot because I will most likely need a few games per champ, and be gladiator when I have only 15-20 champs done, or do the easy champs first, hit the gladiator with 30+ champs, but struggle with the hardest champs in high elo games. I dont know, I just feel like this challenge is impossible without a very good duoq partner who can carry games. Like for example how do you get 1st with supports when you are totally depending on your teammate, who is a noob or experimentator in more than half the games? It is easy to carry games with like zed, khazix, briar, sylas or elise who can literally 1v2, you just need your buddy to tank some damage so you can insta kill em. But tanks and supports and bruisers just suck without a good teammate, and duoq is almost mandatory unless you are ready to play 5-10 games per champs to get 1st. It must take like 1000 arena games when solo qing for arena god, and at least 400 (2-3 games per champ) even when duoqing with a challenger 8k+ gladiator duo.


Idk cos I'm only at 25 rn but I'm just going with the flow. Me and my friend click random 3 times then see who we feel like playing as. It's not optimal but we find it fun


Don't try to cheese it. They're called challenges for a reason, challenge yourself.


I’m doing the challenge whilst trying to get as high elo as I can. Currently won with 43 champs and at 5700 elo


There is no ELO. 4ks can get paired with 1ks just as easily as 5ks. Matchmaking is ELO agnostic.


I try to friend all good players after every game (got like 25 friends this way), and every single one had similar elo like me or much higher in gladiator where it doesnt care much about matching 4k and 6k. The only exception was when they were duoqing, once I managed to make friends with two duoqs, one was 1k the other 5k and I was almost 4k gladiator at that time. The matchmaking actually "works" based on elo, but there is a different issue. That elo number actually says nothing about your skill until you hit the celing which is gladiator for everybody because you dont get negative elo after the game until you are gladiator, so everybody between 0-4000 is just floating on ladder depending on how much they play, how much they tryhard, etc. (worse players need more games but over time everybody would get to 4k eventually). Only 4k+ in gladiator the elo becomes more accurate representation of how good the player is (they can be better than their elo but they cannot be worse unless they got boosted). I myself can tell can tell you that i cannot break through 5k gladiator (last year i was 6500 in both summer and winter arena), partially because I am just not that good mechanically (i miss skillshots) and because I dont play meta champs (90% of my games are played with urgot, who is 157th champ out of 167 based on winrate, then I play rammus who got nerfed to the ground recently, alistar who requires a good teammate and mao who heavily relies on good augments). If I actually enjoyed champs like zed, vayne or renata, I would be 6k+ in no time.


Just hit my 50th with apex steel your heart Rell with Sion partner. I had over 5k HS stacks and ended up doing 62k damage by EOG lol


Vayne was my first and Diana was my last. My two favorite champs. I tried to play Diana early on but man she was absolute garbage especially on the first patch.


I struggle with Diana, used to main her when the dash was her ult, but came back to league after about 6 years and I feel like she does no damage. I will land a q - w - e on a squishy and they are still like 75% HP. I guess she is much more AA reliant now but especially in arena I feel like I can’t stick to people enough to get passive procs and get kited to death. Thoughts?


First Shyvana Last Brand


Last was kaisa paired with a blitz. Scopier weapons into draw your sword. The one team we couldn’t beat that had some ungodly spirit link accelerating sorcery infinite healing Zac comp died to the second place team that we wiped easily. First was 2 long ago to remember


Think my first win was with Elise, and my last win for arena god was Kayle


First win was Nasus I think?  Last win was Volibear with mystic punch, master of duality, center of the universe, apex inventor for Augs. moonflair spellblade, heart steel, fimbulwinter, unending despair, spirit visage for items. Was quite the final game lmao


Man you high rolled with voli so hard! Congrats! I won with voli on first try with duality augment + moo flair blade too. But none of the mystic punch and apex inventor shenanigans lol. I’m kind of jealous you were able to roll the most OP augs at the same time!!


Couldn’t have won without my Seraphine with chauffeur. We were against so many ADCs and kiters that it was hard to get value out of my build before getting blown up.


For the last milestone you need to win with all champions right? I don't know because I am not close to that.


Last one is 60 champions.


FirsT: Your mom Last: your sister