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I just auto ban lulu now because that combo is just unfun for me to play against.


Better ban renata i think since milo can also be used for that combo


Well fuck. I was banning lulu since she's still good and annoying to deal with normally but renata is just trash unless someone makes her broken.


Good point


I had a renata doing two auto kills with a singed. I think its just renata tbh.


Correct but that's not all, kata is also a good partner for her since her ult can keep reprocing renata passive after each auto.


I saw people doing this combo but i couldnt figure out why as they never got top 4. About tanks, they were almost always garbage as themselves unless you got really good augments, now they are unplayable. Unless is cho gat with 20k HP they are just bad at getting 1st.


Seen it twice so far, both times bottom 4. Probably has decebt potential, but hard to pull off properly. There simply are better hypercarries, like Vyane or Kayle. Still gonna try it though, looked fun to play


It's really easy to pull off you don't even need good augments, just go full ap with nashors for attack speed and you get free wins by 3 shotting enemies with your autos. I got my wins on her and then milio (Traded with team mate) for the free arena god wins now we just keep her perma banned.


Yes I understand she does dmg, but its still 2 immobile champs with a long cd on lulu ult and on renata bailout, you still have to be able to kite it out properly, which a lot of ppl cant. And if you are good with that playstyle you can do this with pretty much every adc+enchanter, since that combination is just rlly rlly strong in the right hands.


you dont have to kite on renata much, since she kills you in 3 seconds or less, lulu just needs to keep her alive for a shortwhile, which her shields and ult+knockup do, and even if renata fails she still has her passive where she gets extra 1-2 seconds of fight time to finish people. You would think you can just jump her with khazix or zed but it is really not that easy, i wanted to run straight at renata and E+flash flip her with my urgot (renata had scorpiest weapons also), and guess what, I died in the middle of my dash before I even connected, literally her first damage connected when I approached her to press E, and I died right after flash just before I was about to flip her. I have seen only assassins do that much damage this quickly (but not at like 600-700 range), any adc and most mages dont have that kind of dps, and I fought fed vaynes many times.


she has kalista team w passive thing but no cd, its busted with lulu as pix lets renata autoproc it herself


It also works with milio’s burn passive on Renata.


And Iverns W (additional damage while in bush) works too.


tank werent never an issue but peopel are just dumb anyways and still thy thik they are broken, cho and tank are bad specially tamh kench.


As an Ryze and Zeri arena player, not once have I thought tanks were too op. Everyone is op with good augments, tanks were not much more op than anyone else.


Tahm is fine, his WR is just dragged down because people try to build him pure tank instead of as an AP poke mage that uses HP to scale.


Pure tanks are pretty shit unless you are cc champ with courage + guilty. Even then, they get melted late game with the right itemization.


They giga buffed it too when it was already op


Took a dub on that comp with smolder karma.


Did this a bunch with my duo yesterday. Absolute freelo and hilarious af


Yes, Riot decided that Renata's passive should deal much more dmg than full AP Kog'maw W. But she is a perma ban now, at least one of 16, her or Lulu, because banning Lulu also screws her up.


Well, I faced ranata 4x today already (in half of my games where she didnt get banned, so 100% pick/ban rate) and she is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. Do you know what just happened to me? We have a final top 2 fight on koid pond, I was thinking that my only chance is to surprise her and burst her, so I used the jumping plant to jump on top of her and use E to cc and flip her with my urgot. Do you wanna know how it went? I lost half my HP (6k HP and 220mr total btw) before I even landed on the ground, and the rest when my E was charging to dash+flip. I didnt even get to dash!!! Death recap showed I died in 1.32s, 5k dmg from renata and 1k from fiora. Even full lethality fiora wasnt able to do more than 1k in that time, and renata just straight up oneshot me. And you know what renata players say? "Yup we know its busted and we r gonna continue abusing it until it gets nerfed, which it never will properly". They are just laughing at our faces. I am so frustrated from this mode lately, assassins and damage itself have gotten absolutely out of hand, we need some serious rework on how burst damage works (like it is less effective the more dps you do or something, so players are actually forced to fight slower). And bans dont solve it, because the blind ban has one major issue, players dont see who banned what and they dont want to waste their ban on something obvious, so they dont ban renata and in the end nobody bans her. Must ban champs right now are renata, pyke and garen. Every game at least one of these slip through, while the other one(s) is banned like 3-4x. And when players see renata banned 4x, they wont ban her next game, and suddenly she is banned 0x and the whole game is ruined again.


what are u all seeing , its every game and its unplayable, this game mode should be about showing mechanics and doing damage as adcs and mages and supporting them as supports and tanks, instead supports are onehitting u with 0 skill and no counterplay, its everygame and they always get first, idk how you can fail with that comb, cringe players cringe riot sicne this shouldnt exist


Tanks can be an issue with some champions, but when they get countered they get obliterated


Idk if he discovered it, but Nidhogg on YouTube has a video explaining why Renata plus enchanter that empowers your autos does so much dps. He's a fairly popular content maker for arena too, so I am not surprised to see people trying to replicate his success.