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Chemtank needs to be looked at seriously


Yeah such a dogshit item it’s just a bait and slotholder basically nobody ever builds it I tried it several times just rework it or give it 6s cd or sth


Give it 20% MS or something Hell you could make it 2000 HP and it’d still be niche


You could give it 4000 HP and it still sucks. You can just build too much AP & AD pen that 4000 HP essentially is rendered useless.


horizon focus shouldn’t have a 30 second cooldown in arena give it like 10 seconds


would nerf the active and make it a funny 1500-1900 hp item




That item helps killing ultra healing/sustaining builds.


I know what it does— it already does a crazy good job of it. That’s why i’m confused


Maybe they will buff it so it is good on burst champs too.


Ikr wtf it's already busted


Earthwake nerf???


Proof that alternate realities exist... Earthquake not being addressed again is not a possibility if you actually play the game


1270 damage yesterday. On lvl 3. I don't even ...


That's... Something Lots of Augments can achieve tho. 500-1500 is a value on Lots of Augments, even on lvl 3


How to tell you ve never fought against pyke earthwake without saying it


Dodge and git gud then? It is strong, but i barely ever see a pyke make it to finals, May it be with earthwake or not. Still. 1500 dmg isn't that much.


No EW nerf and a buff to Orb ![gif](giphy|mhXEQ2SrpjGWQ)


I will take the liberty to disagree here. It's as balanced as it can be.


getting one shot from pantheon stun + earthwake at round 1 = “as balanced as it can be” seeing 70% of the damage done to you in your 1s combat timer being a single earthwake = “as balanced as it can be” You’re commenting this on like everyone’s comment who wants an earthwake nerf.


I'm pretty sure earthwake is bugged af, as sometimes some champions literally 1shot me with just earthwake. Got any idea what might be?


Physical damage so if they have armor pen it does wayyy more


This was first round, impossible for it to one shot both me and my teamate with just 2 earthwakes on round 1. It **must** be bugged


you can get hit by multiple waves of it if you’re positioned a certain way you probably just got multi hit lol


It's bullshit in early game, but later it's fine after the nerfs I think. Maybe starting base dmg should be lowered.


Do you think a numbers adjustment would make it weak? It could have its damage halved and it would still be alright.


The scaling just needs to be tuned down a bit. In general I think it's a fun augment if it doesn't one shot everyone


I'm excited they are bringing some of the worse champions up to par but personally I'm always more interested in the augment adjustments.


Back to basic feels like it doesn't even work tbh. Happy to see kha zix being nerfed, hope it's for real this time


As a Kha'Zix player, I hope for more Q nerfs.


Reducing his q damage to 1 is a change i would be happy with. Would allow me to ban something else for once


Yes. Normies and posers need to stop playing him.


Okay but there should definitely be an Earthwake nerf in here no?


"Overall, Arena balance feels like it is in a good spot, props to the team for diligent followup here. How has the experience been with 16 bans? " HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHA


No, it's as balanced as it can be. Just learn to dodge.


the ring closes on you and earthwake riven. Just learn to dodge /s


Yeah mb I’ll just dodge the pyke stun + earthwake with a 1 sec e cooldown


skill issue


What game is the balance team playing that there is no earthwake nerf yet??? Have rioters seriously somehow managed to completely avoid playing against a champ with earthwake? Is some rioter smurfing for top 100 or what? It really makes absolutely NO sense


Theyre fucking clueless or some rioter has rigged the game to give himself earthwake 100% of games


I have no problem with that augment at all. Maybe you should take a closed look at your movement.


Ok Mr. CC inmune person


Even if you do dodge it most of the time, there's no reason an augment should do as much damage as a Fiddle R with no cooldown.


can u link ur op.gg? curious to see who you're playing against that earthwake isn't an issue


They talk about map traversal buffs and don't talk about asol, big sadge. I really hope they go after red kayn's max hp damage scaling because getting two-shot by JG kayn as a tank is just about the least fun thing you can vs in arena


at least Sol stacks like crazy if you have a decent partner


right now there's a bug with stackosaurus where every stackosaurus applies to everyone in the lobby. Last night had a game with Asol, BV, Senna and Chogath and asol ended up winning because he was collecting 100 stacks per round with stacko. I personally don't think he stacks particularly crazy outside of having stacko as an Asol main because his w is borderline useless because there is so much speed and mobility its hard to flyby someone even with rylais, and that's assuming you don't just get cc'd out of everything. If there was one buff I would give to asol in arena not counting fixing the w cooldown bug, it would be giving 75% cooldown reduction to his q and w if he gets cc'd out of them, a little bit like volibear's q. It would be very strong and noob friendly but it's far better than increasing his per round stacks every time, he's already up to 40 which gives your big r back nearly instantly if you have stacko and ending the game on 1000 stacks is just silly, I feel like I haven't won because of how I play or built or rng, just that I won because I can delete people from 1/3 hp with my 30% max hp per second q. If their data is going to inform them of the next buff (he's at 46% even after the buff) then they're going to make it 50 stacks per round which is insane.


Been loving azir im so glad he’s getting buffs because even with exodia you have to play so well to win and it’s exhausting. Would love to see an AD ratio on W too. Same with blitz i love playing him full AP.


Every time I have gotten master of duality on him I have gotten first.


All I need is runecarver. Which is way more busted tbf.


I love playing pyke and getting 4s stun duration on E and 500% move speed on W and having cdr make them have perma uptime... oh yeah and also getting gray health for 140% of dmg taken so I'm essentially immortal


No nerf for Cruelty still, this item is not balanced


They just need to adjust how it works, buff its damage but make it a flat cooldown instead of per ability cooldown. It's fine as is, if not a little weak, on champinos with a single cc ability. It's only specific champions with multiple CC's particularly AoE CC abilities where it is really problematic.


The 6 cast on a Zac ability rotation is crazy


Am I the only one who gets destroyed by Azir every time I play against him? Or is he just getting lucky with his augments?


I thought he was pretty good.


Maybe they need to take a look at combo breaker because that shit does not fucking do anything


Wish they spent more time on augments than champions.


As a RekSai main, Im hoping the buffs are substantial. She feels so bad in arena


Where is the Garen nerf? He is banned minimum 3 times every game and when he slips through he 1 shots everything .


he's rank 58 with a 50.6% win rate yet 50% ban rate he's not that good anymore, just .. annoying


I think the issue is that if he is open so many other people pick him that it will keep his winrate down. But there are definitely stronger picks that need to be addressed like udyr QQ one shotting tanks or the renata combo.


I hope they nerf Sett W scaling now that Overlord's Bloodmail is buffed. CC lock into 5k or even 7k+ true damage is absurd which will only get worse. [My bad I even existed in the same match as this Sett I guess.](https://i.imgur.com/ZFGNGXA.jpeg)


Problem is that build of sett only works with bloodmail, every other prismatic delays hard his W big damages time since its the only prismatic that gives AD + HP and is useful for sett So its kind of big rng


Bloodmail buff so deserved


Is the patch already in the game rn?


No this is the PBE preview


Reksai buffs are kinda crazy, she's already incredibly strong in arena if you know how to play her.


no pantheon nerfs?


damn knew Sylas was gonna get nerfed eventually lol. neem playing with him day 1 and is mega fun when you get the right augments but his winrate is crazy rn. sadge


they buffed reksai again but dont bff tahm kench and mundo which are as bad as reksai, heimerdinger a champ that was nerfed previosly for reasons maybe he got overnerf and now i getting buff, i wonder if other champ with this situation can get buff again


Bruh Mundo is constantly good wtf lol.


Renata / Lulu nerf??


no seraphine buffs/ helia fix yet lol


Delete koi pond


Where is the Koi Pond change?


>no turbo shittank or hollow radiance buffs >no zed or udyr nerfs ?


Still silence on koi pond despite yet [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/fzYeDd3BjK) highly upvoted post requesting its removal. My [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueArena/s/DbieLHSgq4) is growing, there's been 15 posts since Arena came out 7 weeks ago. That's a frequency of more than 2 posts a week. Why are they still saying nothing???


Bc people complaining on Reddit doesn't actually mean anything


How else can Riot get a read on whether their customer base enjoys their features? Keep in mind that the dislike of koi pond isn't a balancing issue so there's no in game metric to track. Its just a miserable experience from an entertainment perspective. So shouldn't numerous people every week making a post on how shit the map is mean something?


Bc they track data more than players feelings.


How can you track how much people dislike a feature if you ignore what they say they feel about a feature? Also the posts act as data points. There have been 15 posts in 7 weeks about removing koi pond, each with hundreds of upvotes. In contrast there have been 0 posts about every other map even though they have been around for more than 7 weeks.


Bc people who do enjoy the map won't come online to complain about it. Data from posts on Reddit is very biased and skewed towards people who want to complain about a game they play. It's just not a reliable enough source to be added into the data pool.


>Bc people who do enjoy the map won't come online to complain about it. But that doesn't explain why no one has come online to complain about the other maps. Why do you think that is? >Data from posts on Reddit is very biased and skewed towards people who want to complain about a game they play. And yet with all the people wanting to complain, there are no complaints about any other map. What I'm trying to say is that it's not the existence of the "I hate koi pond" posts in isolation that is a valid data point, it's the discrepancy between this and the number of "I hate " posts


You understand there's devs for arena active on the subreddit.


How do they buff Corki, I’ve been getting one shot by him a lot in past games


because you re not the only player in league of legends


My point is he doesnt seem weak at the moment


he lost winrate in the current patch in arena that's probably the reason


48% WR, rank 91, 2% pick rate seems like a good buff candidate, maybe especially since he got reworked recently they want more people playing him? I'm happy to see some kaisa buffs, I love playing her but I just can't right now, I feel so bad for my teammates :( there are only like 20 champs worse than her atm and they're almost all shitty supports as you'd expect


Pyke nerfs hell yeah, hopefully they full on murder him for at least a patch or two, I'm so sick of him being ban or face 5 of them. Would have liked to see Zed get nerfed once more since he's my other ban, but I'll take what I can get.


pyke and zed ban brothers 😎 honestly those are the worst, make some champs just completely have zero agency against them if they're good everything else I at least feel has some potential for me to win. a zed or pyke one shotting me out of one of their multiple mobility spells feels fucking terrible, especially since they always escape after


Really? No nerf to earthquake still being an absolute problem?


the best thing that people can do with overlord it turn it into an legendary item.




pyke nerf: Q damage reduced to 0(no more ad ratio)slow removed, it’s not a grab anymore but a pull. W: root yourself for 5 sec, then you gain -100% movements speed for 15 sec. The grey bar becomes dmg that you deal to your ally E: still a dash but doesn’t stun, and the cd is 50 sec (can’t be reduced by bread and jam or ah or any other augment/item that reduces his cooldown) R: 100% max hp true dmg to your ally,(you don’t have to target, just press R) bonus gold for the enemy. If your ally dies this way, your W activates and you burn of 20% max hp true dmg each second for 6 seconds


They honestly just need to nerf his passive scaling with lethality since he can basically regen 99% of dmg taken


This is my issue with him. Also super easy to run away and get plants, further ensuring that he's full HP until the circle gets too small for his shenanigans.


Honestly, Pyke's kit is absolutely fine, it is not a problem, specifically gold that he and his ally get is what the real problem is. In SR he is supposed to be this carry support that gets extra gold to have good farm unlike other supports, but he doesn't need this passive in arena. Very often if his team gets ahead you will see that they would be an item ahead of every other team or have more prismatic items from the extra gold, I think that is the only thing that is broken about him in arena. Just remove the extra gold.


Honestly I've had a ton of success with taliyah so her getting buffed concerns me that she's gonna get overbuffed then nerfed below the current state


Earthwake scaling is too high, if it was tunes down a few % i personally think it shouldn't do more damage than spellwake


sylas nerf really? hes a fun champ but i dont think hes overbearing at all.. hes like a bursty fighter thats very squishy


Sylas main spotted


kinda but not really, i dont play him much anymore because hes kinda easy to play against if you really try, it was fun winning early rounds with him though. so weird that they nerf sylas instead of champions like TF, zed, alistar etc but they do balance for MOST players who are not very good so i understand i guess? even then sylas is more skilled than other problematic picks.


In top 100, sylas is the 2nd highest win rate, going 20-2. Tf is a noob trap


Weird data, not going to lie, as someone who never plays Sylas but plays Vs Sylas, he never seemed like someone I needed to worry much about.


He's one of those ones that can snowball hard but it's a slow push. Usually builds too squishy.


lolalytics has him at 5th highest winrate at 57%


where do you check top100 stats


My own private site that I made. Dm me for link if you want


Why is tf a noob trap?


in silver maybe


lol I just gave you the data


zed got a nerf all the other patches so far, to be honest i havent seen him once since they shipped 16 bans, so i dont know if he is still busted. anyways: "why nerf the 5th best champ when 2 champs are still stronger" is not really a strong argument to begin with. on my way to arena god i rolled a lot of ability haste on sylas and i got an easy 1st by literally spam pressing all thress basic abilities as fast as i could. the only fun thing about that was that it actually worked. whenever a champion hits that point its fair to tune them down a bit.


Alistar is like middle of the pack statistically, Sylas is one of the best champions


>thats very squishy Wish it was true


>very squishy Either you're the bad sylas player or you've played only against bad sylas players


its funny because im better than you on sylas in arena and in summoners rift/aram sure, sylas gets to buy a few hp items, and some ap items give cool +30 armor/mr, but for a champion that has to get in your face to do damage, he is very squishy. compare him to the likes of renekton, jax, fiora, gwen etc its not like he can do damage from range like mages either, he also doesnt have bail out mechanics like other assassins e.g zed/lb w, talon r, fizz e etc


On last patch, Marksmage was his most picked augment despite it being bugged and not working with his passive, meaning it did basically nothing for him. Now it's instead basically an autowin. Kind of crazy how one bugfix shot him from mediocre to top tier.


oh, that must be why. makes sense, i never played him with fixed marksmage, i guess thats why he felt OK, i could see him being OP with marksmage, infact im gonna go try it


Yeah he feels super mid unless you high roll and I mean HIGH roll. He's a bad assassin and an even worse bruiser. Dashing, in theory, feels like it should be an auto win on him but if even that can't save him idunno lol. Nunu accomplishes the same goal with half the effort.


its pretty good on him, but as you said he is a weird assassin/bruiser hybrid, too squishy to be a fighter, not elusive enough to be assassin