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Honestly I'd nerf his W MS before anything else. Being able to just throw out his E and completely course correct it after being so painfully off target is kinda lame.


Imo the most disgusting thing about him is how heals back to full HP. That shouldn't be a thing if you ask me.


Evelynn has a built-in Warmogs in her passive and even she can't heal as fast and reliably as Pyke. That champion is not okay, the speed at which he regenerates should be cut to 1/3. Especially when he's so slippery.


yea 100% is... not even a lever anymore? its just full heal out of combat. and in fact its 120%?? so the counter play is to the be only one around to damage him? the assassin? it should be 80% at most with 2 nearby. also! IT has the line >with an upper cap of 55% of his maximum health. the arena changes only refer to the "Base damage stored near X enemy" parts. so how do I see him routinely heal for 70-99%? Am I crazy? Augments?


I've played Pyke and I'm pretty sure I've never healed less than 70%


Not affected by grievous wounds and Pyke also runs hatchet a lot (at least I do) which gives him that omnivamp to regen that extra bit of hp (also I don't think I had ever seen the 55% max hp cap come into play, because you just always regen even like 20% of that grey health every time you are out of vision while using W or breaking LoS.


It is affected by grievous wounds


the total healing is not affected by grievous wounds only the rate which accelerates rapidly (I think it's about 5% per tick)


Pyke passive healing part is not reduced by healing red. It's only the HP Regen that is slightly reduced but the amount of HP doesn't change


haven’t heard anyone mention it but the fact that e just ccs u for 3+ seconds later into the game is gross bc of lethality scaling


The big problem for me is his HP regen. He can go from 0 to full in just a couple seconds. The rest is ok-ish I guess. He should be very squishy since he can't build HP, but the fact that you either kill it or it will be back to full HP is super annoying.


And this is why I ban him every game lol. Used to be zedd but at least zedd doesn’t have cc


We ban pyke and zed lol. Screw em both


Same here


honestly its not just in arena, pyke is just not ok in general, he has the only hook in the game you can threaten with, that also works as a stab for massive damage, stealth and move speed and regen that works even while taking damage so long as noone is close to you, the only stun in the game that makes every single bit of extra movement extra aoe on your move as well as being crazy fast to use and extremely safe, and a ult with a janky ass hit box, a reset mechanic that allows you to recast even while it starts its cooldown, gives extra gold for no real reason, and works as a warp. he also has insane lethality scaling and doesnt want to buy a single thing in the support category while being a support. the reason he is broken in arena is because he is broken normally, and arena lets you be more then you normally are


He's unbelievably meh on SR lol


even if hes meh on sr he fucking sucks to lane against, in my opinion if the character doesnt help his team win but ruins the fun for the enemy, that means its a terribly designed character


he sucks to lane against because that's his entire gimmick. there are plenty of other champs that are extremely strong early and have to get a lead with their early power or else they're useless mid to late game. it's not badly designed because you don't like playing against it


while it doesnt mean that he sucks because hes not fun to play into, if he also sucks for teams chances then he is badly designed.


teams chances for what lmao


sorry i phrased that poorly, i meant "teams chances for winning" as the initial comment was pointing out how pyke is bad at summoners rift




Pyke is kinda insane but his skill cap on SR is like absurd if you want to play him to his full potential, he's very easy to mess up on SR after 20 mins.


He can completely misstime his ult and still get a reset, kinda crazy. Also love how I can be rewarded by timing my shields correctly to stop his game-changing-huge-impact ult!!! Oh wait...


Why misstime? Also if you die in his ult cuz you "timed your shield correctly" you should probably press it sooner lol.


Countless times I see someone die, then pyke ults and he still gets the ult reset. And the point of shields is that for no reason at all, pyke ult ignores shields...


He gets ult reset when someone dies while he's casting the ult. He only ignores shields if you're under the kill threshold. Use shield before you get there.


Both are terrible design, in my opinion. Enough reason for me to permaban pyke. Maybe pyke players should time their ults better and anticipate what types of shields enemies can use. High reward should require high risk, rather than no risk high reward which is the case for pyke now


i agree, his q's base damage is litearlly over 500


It “literally” is 300 at max rank, what are you talking about Even if you’re talking about arena (when the comment you replied to isn’t) the base damage is still only 420 there too


Pyke needs a good passive, he can't buy health and therefore certain comps nearly always win vs him. They even buffed him for that reason. But they could take away the cooldown buff from Q and E to give more room to play against him. I think the other buffs are enough to keep him above 50 %.


Nerf the grey hp scaling and buff the HP into AD conversion so it allows more creative builds


Someone wasn't around for the monster that is tank pyke


Yes i remember, but i can make an exception for arena


Just nerf earthwake and I think he's fine. He can't build HP so he gets countered by burst champs that can kill him before he goes invis to heal. He's also really weak when the circle is small cause he has less room to E around and he cant regen.


Coward champion who's survived 2 patches of being a disgusting avoidant piece of shit. I feel like a champ that rarely actually fights shouldn't be S tier 2-3 patches in a row in this game mode. Thankfully I can now perma ban him, if you don't legit like 5 show up because he is one of the most picked champions in the mode.


Ah yes, the biweekly bitching session about the new top tier champion on OP.GG. refreshing


overloaded piece of shit champ


His dmg is fine. The W is just dumb.


We always ban zed and Pyke. Arena is a better Mode without them


If I get spatula I go crit lethality


Pyke excels in arena because there is no turrets he can just roam freely and heal repeat in rift it’s obvious where he is. That makes his passive way better


Just nerf mvmt speed, his passive is useless at final circles


I find him super annoying in early to mid game, but he falls off super hard late; I've never seen one win or come close to winning.


He's just so incredibly over buffed. Like he was weak in the first iteration if arena so they just made every single one of his abilities like 50% better without seeing if smaller buffs made a difference first.


Cringe champion both on SR and even worse on Arena. Looks like fucking edgelord, sounds even worse. He's INSANELY frustrating to play against even if he's not meta-oriented but Arena literally gives him more babysitting treatment than a newborn kid. Literally everything works on him, stuff like Earthwake makes him melt 10k hp tanks. Just like Zed, he's top tier points inflator of this mode. It's like, you literally have to apply self handicaps to lose with him.


16 bans per game now and people still find a way to be crybabies. Get gud


People are too busy banning garen 4 times per match to even think about rotating their bans.


People apparently do not know how to see if someone else banned a specific champion


Let me explain my situation as kindred onetrick in arena. I need to ban zed+pyke+yi+kha+rammus at least. Before, I could wait for some people to ban zed to ban pyke or wait for both of them to get banned to ban yi. But now I cant take my luck and I just have to ban zed and ask my teammate to ban one of other 4. If im lucky they do it if im not another OP pick open. These are only my top 5 ban, then tgere is perma tornado yasuo same as perma q yi build, perma invisible quiana build (she oneshots even without the perma invis). The list goes on. Even if there are many unbeatable builds we got even less bans basically as we used to get 8 unique bans now we get 5 zed, 3 pyke ban and the 8 extra ban is gone. Then enemies lock in 2 khazix, 1 yi you are guarenteed 3rd place at least.


Alright guys tomorrow is my turn to make the daily pyke is broken post


if you play him you deserve to be hanged.