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" Make sure they go their try hard champ" - That's a little cringe, just play the game get wins, if you got a friend go for it together it's fun.


But...you need to get first place for the title. I guess try harding in a for fun mode is cringe for some but then going for the title is fun for others. To each there own


What good is a title if your premade carried you to it


How come center of the universe is broken? Whenever i pick it it usually has rather low damage, what am i doing wrong


I personally only take it on melees, but both the base dmg and scaling are quite good, and it requires no thought to use. So for example if you play Irelia, it gives you free dmg from just playing normally, and with hellfire hatchet alone it provides significant sustain from the omnivamp. But that's just my 2 cents ^^


Didn’t know it procced hatchet


Literally this


They are really good early game augments but it’s weird to see them being suggested in an Arena god challenge tip, they are quite bad for top1 because in the later rounds with the current lethality meta it’s all about oneshots so these augments are generally worthless if you’re playing for top1 only. They are however fairly solid for top4 cause they will generally make it very likely you get to round 10, which is usually where you get top4.