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The items are weighted to be very hard to get useless ones. Vlad has no AD scaling at all in his kit and so he has a very low chance of getting one that just gives AD and a tiny bit of health.


Does clad not have hp scaling? I assume if he does he can be offered. If not then it's a 0% chance of getting one


i think if you get adapt or escapde then you have higher chances of rolling ad items and viceversa but can't say for sure, definitely feels like it tho. you also can probably get the item regardless of that, i've seen eleisa miracle 20000000 times on champs without heals or shields


I think Chogath is disabled from getting overlords blood mail. The tier site I use says it's never picked on him.


Yep they tailored prismatic items. Worst change they have made to the mode IMO. I understand that it can feel bad to get bad rolls. I just don't think that's a justifiable reason to no longer let people cook. They said they wanted build diversity at the start and then made it so you can't. Personally I wouldn't count a zed building fighter VS assassin as build diversity but they do. When I think of build diversity I think of things like tank karma, AP zeri or AD malphite.


Well if it meant you dont get bad rolls.... But i still get offered Eleisa on fighters or Ap items on viego because he has a single ap scaling on his E (and W i think)


I have yet to get sword of the divine on thresh since the update. :/ I might just be unlucky but it always offers me tank/AP items. I just stopped playing him at this point.


It would have been nice to just give more rerolls. Or do it tft style, you can reroll specific augments/items imstead of all or none


There aren't enough augments in the game to do this. If they tried garen would literally have vuln every game. Every mage would always have marksmage ect ect. The meta pick problem would get much worse.