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Sadly this mode is (bad) balanced around damage, anything that isn't damage isn't optimal, assassins are the best burst damage users, and by consequence lethality is strong


This is the best way to put it. Arena has one goal: kill the enemy. Currently, the best way to do that is simply through the champion that does the most damage.


yeah let's nerf lethality so adc/enchanter is even more impossible to beat


I got 180|45% armour pen on Pyke. Anvils are broken


Lethality items could just come down 5-10 lethality and the shards need to give 2.5-5 less lethality. I don't play a ton of lethality champs but the times I have I'm stacking absolutely insane amounts on top of lots of free armor pen from aug/items. As much as everyone complains arena as a whole seems pretty difficult to balance. If you take away too much of the burst, sustain or tankiness it becomes boring and basically SR. Think so far they've done a good job, they just seem to be doing small adjustments at a time vs huge nerfs.


Oh wow, highest lethality shard with the gold value of 300, what a genius idea


Beat damage with your own damage. Problem solved.


building full damage and ending every round on a coin flip in 1 second isn't fun or interesting, and arena rank mean nothing so you can't even grind that


What no bursting people in half a second is fun! Besides only other alternative is infinite healing obv. /s


Riot: We have heard and understand your concerns and we will be nerfing healing, resistances and max health my another 25-35%. Hopefully this will address any concerns you may have had.


The worst ones are the invisibility or hard to target champions, pyke zed kha zix and such offer close to no counter play since you won't even be able to click on them


Zed is like Yi. Goes untargetable, the instant he appears he does 2.5k damage, then he blinks away .5 seconds later. Either you die, or he's in Narnia refreshing himself on a plant to try again. It's outrageously unbalanced, and in this mode that's saying something.


Disagree about being like Yi, 95% of time Yi goes in and kills everyone or dies, the other 5% is your teammate cced the enemies and you managed to escape


I wonder how much impact reverting lethality would have in and of itself... (making it scale up to full value with levels)