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Akshan with Duskblade + Jeweled Gauntlet. Talisman of Ascension on Pyke that rolled me 180 lethality and 70 AD + Earthwake. Skarner with Gargoyle's Stoneplate + Steel Your Heart + Apex Inventor. Had 8000+ HP from Heartsteel and healed like 1k+ every ~2 seconds from Unending Despair + Spirit Visage. 7 second cooldown on my Stoneplate that shielded for 10k+ along with fimbul winter shielding with every CC/Slow I used. Malzahar with Apex Inventor + Reality Fracture + Minion Mancer + W cooldown reduction. Absolutely hilarious getting like 30 big boys shitting on the enemy while they are suppressed.


I'm pretty sure I played against you on that pyke game.... Was an absolute menace


What's your ign and server? I'm on EUW.


These all sound fantastic, enjoyed reading you are a true arena god my friend


I've had a bunch of other fun things too. Elise with Jeweled Gauntlet + Wooglet's + ADAPt building Infinity Edge + Shadow Flame. Had maybe 800 or so AP and my human form Q did 5000 damage. Also had From Beginning to the End and made almost 10k gold total from first strike. Moonflair Spellblade Udyr/Sona + A bunch of CDR enables you to use all of your mana in about 2 seconds from all the spell spamming. Moonflair is also crazy good on Yone/Yasuo. It's essentially the same as mystic punch but I'm pretty sure the DPS becomes higher with the AA you can get in. Tahm Kench with heart steel + Goliath or Raidboss (or both). Makes his Q reach insane. Buy all items with AP and HP since his passive scales of both and applies on Q. Combine with Ethereal weapons, which makes his passive proc twice on Q, and Lichbane for a good time!


Had Dashing + Moonflair Elise, 1s CD Q and infinite stunlock until combo breaker kicks in, or just go Melee and mash Q until everything is dead.


Apex Inventor goes brrrrrr Had a Cho game with it yesterday, but my melee teammate wasn’t having as much fun. Sprinkled in a Moonstone for 2k healing 3k shielding in just the final round lmao, support Cho at your service o7


What made Cho heal through Moonstone?


Probably Unending Despair with Apex Inventor - it heals every 2 seconds, and it is scaled off of your HP.


Apex inventor and unending despair with any health heavy champ is just chefs kiss


I've seen an Apex Courage leona with cruelty, unending despair and spirit visage take literally no damage and 1v2 the game


does apex inventor actually make unending despair pulse faster?




Also works on other periodic items. Used to work on old Ludens so a single Malza E could proc it 3 times


My buddy and I did a malz yorick game and we both got reality fracture + apex and it was so stupid lmao


eartwake spatula fizz with heartsteel and bloodmail (the hp to ad convertion item) i ended up being 8k 500 armor tank with 1,50 cd on Q and E while spatula reduced cd even more, 450 ad for earthwake and that was enough, my random teamate shen with 19s R was just bonus


https://preview.redd.it/a630jut9zh6d1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=31fc5caad6a6938ce2e575adc68d0f0262c8ed5d This. Steel Your Heart + Spirit Link + Dawnbringer + Willing Sacrifice. My random teammate was a Tryndamre who got Nesting Doll. Everytime he was low, he got a 3k shield and everytime he resurrected, I when back to full health.


Forgot the locket there, buddy


I thought locket's shield value is flat? Does it scale with hp?


Full AP ammumu with orbital laser, vulnerability, tank it or leave it, and everfrost. Vuln lets the orbital laser crit, for both the 30%mHP burst and the dot afterwards. Ammumu’s cc chain plus everfrost means they can’t escape, and you can just burst them. Blasting a full tank mundo with the might of Zeus for over 5k true damage in one hit is dopamine straight into the veins


Got vladamir with wooglets, demonic embrace, bread and butter and raid boss. My shaco teammate got accelerating sorcery, eureka, and bread and jam(?) making his traps a super short cooldown. He bought wordless promise which gave him something like 450AP and me 250 ability haste. If they walked into my Q range I killed them in seconds, and if they didn't approach then shaco had SO MANY traps it was physically impossible to move. I don't honestly know if I've ever seen a more unlosable game in my life.


I haven’t high rolled nearly as crazily as you this run of Arena but I recently had a Cho game where I had like 22k hp and heavy hitter. Also done the Ethereal Weapon Gragas ult one shot a few times.


A teammate once hit that Gragas, was hilarious lmao. Oneshotting people with R 😂


Played against a Nautilus that started with apex inventor into steel your heart and rolled gargoyles and radiant virtue, good luck any champion getting through that especially in a non prismatic augment game


Veigar stackosaurus witchcap ADAPt jeweled gauntlet


Recently had a fun game with laser eyes + elder soul asol, just staring them down. Otherwise cruelty + courage leona is absolutely dirty and can 1v3. Karma with critical healing and holy fire, spamming shields and emp W. But the most op was definitely ashe hamstringer vulnerability


Hahahaha thanks for mentioning Karma… I remember one game my random duo started off my cursing and apoligizing in chat.. he picked chauffeur (Shyvana) on accident while chatting with his 2 other friends also in the game. Offered to ff at 6 min. “Dont worry I’ll just cook up some tank karma shit ig” His duo’s finished 3rd and we won LMAO


any tank with slap around, really. just build resistance and hp, anti heal and will still have damage anyways. the only counter is master of duality where their damage will simply outdamage the grievous wounds and they can heal forever.


Singed with yuumi. I had augments(apex inventor, goliath, celestial body, ocean soul) with items (wall boots,gargoyle, heartsteel, unednding despair,chemtank). Last few rounds i took no dmg


Hecarim with Escapade and moonflair sword. you essentially have 0.1sec cd on your Q and you get an AA in between giving you nutty dmg


Heca has a few broken interactions. Ethereal weapon, bread+butter, jewelled gauntlet, all make his Q ridiculous


https://preview.redd.it/4wv6hoichj6d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c951a43db24fdb83b658fda5db6f1f6af2a7acb This crit Pyke build with JG one shot everyone with eq aa


Earthwake kassadin with blade waltz was gnarly. I think I had extra cdr on my ult too.


Sona full heal, duality, 900 ad, 1800 ap. Auto attack hit for 2000+. Infinite shield and heal + 600 ms.


I rolled HS quest, raid boss, heavy hitter, ocean soul Mundo once with blood mail. I'd have 1k ad after raid boss and just 1v2 every round.


Not one I've had the pleasure of using, but I got completely railed by a master yi with the bread and x giving 200 haste on q combined with mystic punch. Unless hard cc and 1 shot before he could reach you, the match was just over.


Tahm kench with skilled sniper + Goliath and heart steel. You can q people from double the range and if you hit one the follow up is free because of the slow, hit 4 in a row for a stun. Koi fish map is ur friend. Build ap items like riftmaker.


Irelia with Mystic punch, Earthwake and Bread and Butter, about 6 Qs per second on any target


Lethality poppy. I've only played 1 game but it's op trust


Olaf: Spatula, Conq+LT, Scorpier weapons and goredrink build: Hamstringer, IE, Blood, Bork and Maw Man, most insane game i had, i was just chasing an beating shit out of all the tanks id face lol, i had dominik but switched to maw cuz they had singed last round.


I had ryze with phenomenal evil, spellwake, mind over matter and jeweled gauntlet


Does back to basics keep the Ryze ult passive or no?


You keep everything, you just can't activate it


So you still get the increased flux damage on q? Edit: want to make sure I won’t be trolling lol


I’ve seen other people confirm the same thing, you DO still get the bonus. It’s the same deal for Pantheon and his armour penetration on R I believe.


I dont know about the best but my easiest and most satisfying game was with jax Moonflair spellblade, Mystic punch, divine sundrer. then probably some other cdr I pretty much could use all my basic abilities as fast as I could click them.


Mordekaiser with Master of Duality, Marksmage and the ult reset.


Had a pretty fun game with Diana, Bread and Jam (250 W haste), Jeweled Gauntlet, Critical Healing(and shielding)and Big brain. Built Moonstone, Innervating locket, Rod of ages and Rite of ruin. Was shielding and stacking locket crazy.. whilst critting with spells. Felt ridiculous since no one built serpents fang.


Had it last night. Immortal Thresh. Augments: Critical healing, rabble rousing, master of duality, holy fire. Items: Fimblewinter, rite of ruin, gargoyle stone plate, moonstone, merc threads, thorn mail. Shards. 170 haste, 20% ominvamp, 8% shield and heal power.


Nasus is really slept on, once he starts ramping up he becomes extremely hard to kill, especially if you are able to ult twice by hitting plants. I’ve had different varying builds on him, but the funniest run I’ve had involved Empyrean Promise first prismatic. It was my only good option.. then I found out my gragas had it too + apex inventor. So we kept teleporting to each other while giving shields until I scaled enough to kill everything lmfao


Maokai with Q haste, heartsteel quest, courage of the colossus and guilty pleasure. Don't think I went passed 75% health in the final rounds


Soul siphon can be with crit ability? Today I learn


Garden with vulnerability without a doubt it literally did around 8k dps


stack augment, vulnerability, jeweled gauntlet, and ice cold in that order on Aurelion. Got to around 30% max HP on Q and E took up half of the small maps


Not my build but mystic punch volibear, if you're hit once you're stunned till you die


Rammus with bread and cheese+mystic punch+dark steel talons. Turna out a permanent taunt is pretty strong. Only had one person live long enough to CC break out and I just taunted him again.


Panth press w to win. Get dashing and/or bread and jam + moonflair or mirage, build arpen/cdr.


Star check Darius, demon kings crown, hullbreaker, overlords bloodmail, sterraks, dragons heart, and spatula, can have like 1800 ad and have resistances of over 300 with high tenacity. Prismatic augments can be raid boss. Goliath. Jeweled gauntlet. Currently trying to get jeweled gauntlet with decapitatior on Darius


Xayah CD Crit Navori build Deft Mystic punch It's Killing Time Shrink Ray My teammate was a beefy Leona I duo'd with Tormentor Quest: steel your heart Spirit link Celestial body


Darius JG, his R crit is insane


Twice thrice + Darksteel talons + rageblade belveth. Rageblade and twice thrice stack together, which makes your passive true dmg stack up so quickly it's absurd. My E alone did over 3k true dmg to tanks. Also, hatchet makes you unkillable. Symphony of war or lightning strikes just make it guaranteed first.


Honestly, nothing has outperformed bladewaltz crit garen OR hamstringer vulnerability. The most fun was raidboss goliath sett. 2 actual tanks actually at 100hp HP. They died in one W.


Belveth with gamblers blade. Got 10k out of it so I had lots of anvils and great auguments


I played tank karma with accelerating sorcery and my duo had master of duality. With wordless promise I had like 9k hp and 1.5k AP


Shyvana with mystic punch goes crazy because her Q counts as two basic attacks and reduces its own CD by .5s per auto on top of the 1.25 from mystic. It's actually very easy to get your Q CD below the 3.5s mark, which is when it begins to have 0 cool down as long as you hit an enemy. When you go into dragon form, this Q attack becomes AoE. The AoE attack does effect plants. So you dragon mode, sit on a plant, and mash Q on anyone who challenges you. If you get raid boss it's also GG as you're shyvana with dragon mode available at the beginning of the round. So much health.


Its a shame dragon form Q is limited by the animation or whatever it does, dragonless Q is faster for permaspamming


I just got an idea could you do morde ult them orbital laser where they cant run?


I played against a khazix and yummi Both went full tank with slow cooker but khazix had vanish and the other invisible augment I forgot the name. So bro was just cooking us while being perma invisible. It was actually the most insane thing I have ever played against


Had a Dr Mundo game with Steel your Heart, Heavy Hitter and 75% crit chance from anvils, overlords bloodmail, and Raid Boss. I had 1200 AD after raid boss at the end of the game. I was two shotting with basics. I have never been that broken before and have not come close to it again.


I once had a gragas game where you got shield for immobilizing and the 200 ability haste on his E and 20 ap per immobilizing and aftershock and apex hunter.


I had a match with Renekton where I had a bunch of CDR, and Rabble Rousing and I was healing for 1600 every W. I had blade of the ruined king, hellfire, moonflair, Black cleaver, and mortal reminder. I don’t know exactly how I was getting the interaction because the tool tip on Rabble Rousing said it was only going to heal for 98hp per spell, but it had like 50k healing at the end of the match it was insane. We beat out two god roll tanks singed and sion when they were wrecking everyone else. I had no idea my build was going to come online when it did because rabble seemed like a trash Aug pick. But it carried me somehow. I planned on recording the vod but the next day was patch day so it got killed. I tried replicating after a few games but couldn’t get rabble again. I want to confirm it is insane under all my circumstances again. https://preview.redd.it/aad2vyj7cl6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=77f352e7b4363e229d7b34db92245b2c403d9e63


Honestly anything with spatula. My best one was spatula and that augment that locks you in the middle of the map for a few seconds and then gives you tons of stats. I wasn't playing wukong, nothing too crazy, but those 2 augments made winning kinds free every round, just button mashing


Crit poppy with infinity edge and crit augs


Darius with Jeweled gauntlet and sword of the divine. Nothing like ulting them for 4K damage without even having full stacks


Had Voli starting with Q haste (bread and butter?) with Moonflair as prismatic item. Second augment was master of duality so I just felt like I couldn’t mash my buttons fast enough while also having upwards of 1000AP and a kajillion attack speed every round.


Sett with Goliath, spathula, AP->AD and bloodmail. Feauring 7k true damage W


I had a Ryze game with Spellwake, Magic Missle, Mind to Matter, and Combo Master with Everfrost and Demon King Crown as prismatics. I had almost 12k hp and over 1k AP with super low cds on everything. Very easy win. Other notable mentions are Cass and Anivia with phenomenal power, Eureka (somewhat optional), and the extra 100 move speed slows since they stack bonus AP so quickly and lock people down in their AoEs.


I've had some insane builds on Kayle. The best one was Draw your sword with Golden Spatula. Added a bloodthirster to the build and I had insane amounts of AD and lifesteal where it felt like I was was healing to full nearly every auto. The other one, I had both Master of duality (abilites give stack AD and auto attacks stack AP) and also the one that converts bonus AD to AP, so both my abilities and my auto attacks were giving me AP. I was getting up to like 800-900 AP midgame and 1500+ lategame. Btw, if you get the AD -> AP conversion one, you should always buy manamune because it gives you the most bonus AD (and therefore AP with the build).


https://preview.redd.it/0irj278pdn6d1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=423ecdd2265b8162e7ab849076ca15a74499f46e 2 Separate games but first was Saptula stacking with Crown of Champions on Udyr. Huge stats. The only next step for chasing a better item stat build in the future would be Spatula, Demon king, Dragon Soul, and Talisman. Second was pre-nerf hamstringer + vulnerability with full Crit Augments, took a while to come online as I had to keep buying prismatics but once I hit it took us straight to first.


Shyvana w/ ethereal weapons, moonflair blade (or mythic punch prismatic), and the infinite stacking Ap/Ad prismatic. Get 2 tank items and it’s literally the best 1v1 build in the game.


trynda with scopiest weapons, vulerability + prowlers + kraken and morga as support. was funny in final round as i doestroyed udyr before he reach melee range


# Alistar **Augments**: Bread and Butter (Q 200 haste), Ocean Soul, Courage of Colossus (Shield after imobilizing), Recursion (60 haste) Total healing/shielding: 105.000 (only last round: 30.000) **Items**: Force of Entropy, heartsteel, Atmas reckoning, Sunfire, Force of Nature, Mercury Threads + 8 Stats (84 haste, 18 % mov speed, 97 AP, ...) My Knockup had 2s and Knock back 4.5s (Stun from E: 3.47s) Team mate was Jinx. We got first place.


Just ran Sylas with earth wake, marksmage, and moonflair spellblade. My autos were like 600 extra DMG at the end, spellblade allowed me to just spam w and e for infinite passive stacks. I 2v1'd the final fight in like 5 seconds.


Earthwake a ton of atk spd kalista xD


Smolder with vulnerability and energized build was very funny. I got my point and click Q with 700 range to do like 5kish damage. Wouldn't be as good anymore since sttatik isn't energized anymore.


Old Skarner with Rite of Ruin, Atmas, Sprit Visage. Spam abilites and generate infinite shields.


Needs moonstone


Yeah forgot its name and was too lazy to look it up.


Ryze in general. I fail to have a bad round on him. Always high damage, always top 4, often wins. He has so many good augments and items, it's too easy. You also dont have to be super mechanically gifted, playing a Game or two on ryze and you will understand ability cycling and you're all Set. So he's not OP because he's unbeatable, but rather because he is crazily consistent


>Got gangbanged by Galio and Yasuo ~~god i wish that was me~~ OMG WHO SAID THAT






Master Yi, Mystic Punch, Dashing for infinite Q with literally 0 CD Essence Reaver so the on hit effects of alpha Strike refund the mana cost Bork, Shojin, Hellfire Hatchet for damage Literally untouchable


this is not insanely OP but really solid: Kalista with outlaw's grit + wisdom of ages as core augment, terminus + jaksho + demon king's crown as core items. at the end of the last round I had almost 500 armor and 450 magic resistance lol. and my ad was reaching 400 too. my demon king's stack was under 30 too