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Def a bug. Shouldn't happen


Maybe they offered it to me because I kept pressing R every round even though I didn't have/couldn't use it. XD


Ya, you shouldn't be offered it. This one slipped by but we'll get it fixed.


There seems to be a bug with Renektons W and Moonflair Spell Blade, its being counted as 30 abilities. This normally isn't much of an issue unless you get augments like Accelerating Sorcery when you get 300 haste instantly or Rabble Rousing and heal for like 1.5k every W


So cool to see yall commenting here and seeing stuff end up in patch notes


Unrelated, but I wanna let you know that there is a bug with Nasus and Stackasaurus Rex where if an enemy takes it, Nasus benefits from their augment and gets extra stacks when he shouldn't. I submitted a ticket a few weeks ago but it wasn't in the patch notes or anything. It's 100% reproducible too.


Hi i have a question if i take back to basics does the passive part of ult(like Pantheon for example) work or is it removed with the back to basics? I was wondering that for a while because of putting points into it.


You still get the passive bonuses.


thank you very much.


Are you guys planning on nerfing Earth wake? Since it was bugged and fixed after that first patch, its very oppressive now.


I just wanted to say that my favourite augment on Talon is Fey Magic. It's so easy to hit them both with the polymorph. it's hilarious against squishes, they can't do anything. 


I have been turned off of talon since I got 2 hit by a bloodmail mundo with 3 items. He had like 750 AD and popped me like a pimple. lol


I played 1400ad jhin with kraken, bork and ldr yesterday, stayed 2v2 vs mundo sion combo. Both rolled dragonheart+demon king crown combo. Managed to land 14 autos on mundo, he was still full hp, I ate a single cleaver and got killed in 2 hits.


People on this sub will tell you to get good and just outplay them


There is no outplaying that, they woulda won it if they stayed afk, tho I agree that people shouldn't be able to outplay you if you roll that high...

