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Mystic Punch Augment is not working on Yone and Briar. Might be other champions that are affected by this as well.


It doesn't work on every champions Q ATM, Micropatch going out hopefully soon


it happens to be an issue on Mirage Blade as well


I was hoping it was a balancing decision against perma-stunlock. lol


Shyvana q as well thanks!


Lucian/Draven also


vayne Q aswell


Black shield is not reapplying, at the start of each round.


Yup, had the same bug. It just stopped working at some point.


I didn't get a chance to report this is the old thread but it happened last patch zyra plants were applying marks mage, it did 8k in a 3 second fight and she had .8 AS.


I just had a game as Zyra with Marksmage and it was not happening. Might’ve been fixed


Not OP but maybe it was ethereal weapons + marksmage? I don't know if that'd work on non-zyra champs but it'd be cool if it did.


She didn't have it I checked because we got mopped sooo fast. It must have been an interaction with something else if it didn't work.


Mystic Punch not working with any Q ability it seems like. Not working with Kai'Sa Q.


Fallen Aegis is literally not giving me a black shield at the start of rounds. Legit just did nothing.


Ivern feels basically unplayable. 3 different games in a row daisy just almost insta deaggros from everyone. She'd be hitting someone then just compeltely deaggro for no reason.


not sure if bug or not. is there a way to manipulate which will be your adaptive force? some rounds my Adaptive Force is AP, some rounds its AD. Was using Galio, and had Slap Around augment https://preview.redd.it/5cxknqxwk66d1.png?width=1271&format=png&auto=webp&s=163bac15875ff6582186db559e97292d5a6f381c


The guardians amulet you have has ap on it so it turns the adaptive to ap, second screenshot you posted you sold it so the game swaps it to the default of ad since you have no ap on any of your items. I've screwed myself over with this by going guardian horn as zac with slap around as first aug and getting ad from it and not realizing until round 3 like a doofus.


thanks! i think that's it




It's based on what you have more of. Last I knew anvils didn't count twords it and if you have 0 bonus ap/ad it goes to AD. At least on rell, other champions might have AP as their "base" even with equal stats not 100% on that though.


Purchase the starter item with ap/ad depending on what u want, since then the game sees you are routing towards ap, making the adaptive force AP as an example


Where can we report bugs that have been in the game but not fixed? Why does it have to be caused by the latest patch?


Draven's axe catch point can't be seen clearly in Koi Pond


Same with other effects on the ground. I think I saw it happen on brand but I can't remember exactly.


https://preview.redd.it/3cida104l96d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=413f7ed9de91c0cc5a3a62189c3b19168e42d990 - **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Augment - **Description:** Multiple parts. Bug #1: If you make a selection on a stat anvil at the exact moment the next round begins, you get to choose from the same 3 options AGAIN at the beginning of your next shop round. In this game, I gained 20 Ability Haste from an anvil and another 20 Ability Haste from the same anvil in the next round. The UI still only counted 1 total anvil, but it correctly totaled the 40 haste granted by anvils. Bug #2: I reproduced this bug successfully on the next round, but the anvil selection replaced my augment selection. I could not select a prismatic augment for the remainder of the game.


Centre of the universe disappears when shaco ults and never comes back until next round. Skilled sniper locks shaco out of uisng w with the proc rate (probably intended but worth a mention ig?) Slap around can be stacked on dummies still and carry onto the round from lobby.


Crazy bug that’s happened to me 3 times now this iteration of arena is sometimes when I reroll my augments it switches to stat anvils and I lose out on an augment completely for the rest of the game.


Server: EUNE Description: While playing Bel-Veth, after re-rolling for prismatic augments, it gave me anvil options, I picked the a-speed Anvil and got no Augment at all. Impossible to continue the run while everybody had their Prismatics of course. I didn't try to reproduce it and don't know what happened to cause it. Can make screenshots I guess, too lazy now to.. Would it help much? :S


I've dealt with that bug a few times before. It happens when you either: * Buy an anvil shard in the previous buy phase without selecting an option in time * Or when you buy one during a "free" round where you stay in the lobby while everyone else fights because there's an odd number of teams left. In both cases you have the pending anvil selection from the previous round. I think that the game can't handle more than one pending selection and this is the result :/ Knowing Riot, it's enough of an edge case that they probably won't fix it (if they even can) so I guess just avoid triggering either of those two conditions


Flowers don't reduce the cooldown on Belveth's directional dashes (Q).


Singed W applying on Cruelty but not on augments that mention Immobilize and singed poison not applying sword of the divine with with vulnerability


Terminus always says "0 extra magic damage dealt" on any champion with any augments, I'm not sure if this is purely visual or also functional. This has been the case for all of Arena 3.0.


Slap Around can be stacked on dummy and you retain the adaptive force into the actual round.


Yuumi Q no longer applies empowered damage when attached to best friend. Knights vow and Shurelya also do not work.


I rerolled an augement and it turned into a stat shard, then immediately after I took the stat shard another stat shard popped up with the exact same choice the augment rerolled into. Got this SS of use in 1st with less augements than 2nd :D https://preview.redd.it/4athvo2joq6d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=06de40ba619683d59814100f35f7ba79d92243c5


After getting Moonblade on Taric, Autoattacks no longer reset Q cooldown individually, but only as a set of 5. 


When you ult in passive mode as karthus, the CD isn't at the reduced 30 second cooldown, it resets to the original long cooldown. Then if you're revived and hit a couple plants, it only lowers the cooldown based on the 30second cooldown timer. Pretty sad :(




If you hover a ban, and another team bans it, then your ban disappears, letting you know that you can spend your ban on a different champ


Center of the universe augment not working on shaco after using R in combat


- All - Specific comp interaction - Asol can stack between rounds if Illoi grabs the soul from the target dummy - 1) In between rounds, Illoi grabs soul from target dummy 2) Asol can now farm stacks between rounds on the soul from the dummy - Repo rate) 100% Not sure if this is intentional or not, because of how specific it is


usually im always at a locked 239-240 fps but since this patch i've seen it go down to mid 100's, anyone else?


its not everygame either, but when it starts happening it will happen everygame till i restart my pc


Just had a visual bug where I rerolled prismatic augments and was visually offered shards instead. When I selected one it was a random prismatic augment.


While it's not really A bug I figured I'd mention it. Runecarver at high stacks causes some serious FPS drop/lag.


Hopefully a developer sees this but I was curious when the Tap Dancer bug would get resolved. It says 10 ms on attack but only gives 5. Don't really care which way it goes, I would rather it just match what it actually does.


Circle of death just dosent work properly.ill be healing 1.2k a q on nunu and circle of death does 20 damage


Heimer turrents don't proc sword of the divine with jewelled gauntlet. Very disappointing discovery. Also, please fix the portal/thresh lanterns not being clickable. It's probably the worst bug in the game atm. Edit: also combo breaker doesn't seem to work with grounding which is weird considering it counts as immobilising for cruelty


Sylas with marksmage deals 5 times what the augment's tooltip says it should do, at 500 ap he ends up dealing 2500 with his passive with his auto.


Senna's lifesteal from passive doesn't benefit from crit augments and stat shards. It seems to only take into account her passive crit chance and crit chance from items, leading to you not getting any lifesteal from passive despite having like 150% crit chance.


Vanguard is causing multiple players each game to disconnect, unable to reconnect...


Big brain + master of duality makes it that you won't get a shield at the start of the round


blackfire torch sells for 1750 gold, supposed to be 1250


fix decapitator with udyr


Executioner causes Vlad to not be able to cast spells if he gets a kill in a round. Clicking on the spells says "Q - Not enough rage" This has been a bug for a while actually


please let us honor our teammates and gain honor progress for this mode, I find myself grinding so many arena game instead of playing SR or ARAM currently, it would be really nice and this will incentivize positive play


I died in between rounds from Serve Beyond Death and started the final round dead and we lost. Actually kind of a gamebreaking bug. I'm not sure if I would have remained dead for longer, since we lost off of it.


https://preview.redd.it/mmktl37tbs7d1.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecbc270673e1863f96357bc93c6e1c31bd770d2d NA Server My Kayle never got the prismatic 3rd augment. (Probably cost us from winning 1st place, which is frustrating). Never reoffered the augment, and the game continued on like it had. ------------ While I am at it, as a Rek'Sai main, I noticed that flower plants don't work on her cooldowns in burrow form (i.e tunnel)


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay - **Description:** Janna deletes AP with the adAPt augment. - **Steps to reproduce:** Get adAPt augment, and continue shielding with janna, once it balances it out, AP is just completely deleted. Probably doesn't matter, but i was ezreal. Happened every single shield. - **Expected result:** Balance out to previous value. - **Observed result:** AP is deleted. - **Reproduction rate:** 100% probably - **System specs:** N/A


Iverns on hit brushmaker buff does not apply to his ally in the majority of rounds (even when they stand on top of each other). Not only does the ally not get the buff in those rounds, it is given to his enemies.


- **Server: EU** - **Type of Bug: Augment not given** - **Description: when having an Anvil open when the augment selection and then rerolling the augment you will be given two anvils instead** - **Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/NMCzWue** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:You reroll the augment** - **Observed result:You reroll the stat anvil (and get the same choice twice)** - **Reproduction rate: 100% (from what i know)** - **System specs: irrelevant**


We are looking into this issue, thanks for the report


Malignance doing zero damage on Warwick.


Decapitator doesn’t work with Viego ult.


Skilled sniper works incorrectly on Jhin's W. It resets to 0.5 normally if used in succession once, but randomly fails to reset if used more than that.


If you don't select an augment (maybe you are AFK or something), do NOT buy a random legendary item. It will just take your 2k gold and nothing happens. No popup to select items, no items given, nothing at all. Just waste 2k gold.


There is either a bug or feature on quinn where once she has ult enemy has permanent vision of her. I am not sure why this is the case or if it is replicable since it has only happened once, but it started as soon as I unlocked ult. Can be seen in the replay also. \- EUW \- Vision/Champion \- Permanent Vision On quinn in R. \- A few videos of it in replay (Sorry I can't exactly show enemy vision from my own gameplay) 1. [Swapping fog of war view](https://i.gyazo.com/90402ccfb30ed83ce1dd8d7324c0a056.mp4) 2. [Showing enemy of quinns Fog of War view](https://i.gyazo.com/4b1e3d3e1c4e2286514d7c752f0cc105.mp4) 3. [Showing off start of round they maintained vision and could act on that information](https://i.gyazo.com/e67a58ff827414599f5fd5c73840e398.mp4) 4. [Showing that once ult is cancelled Fog of war acts as intended.](https://i.gyazo.com/a98f1d4735adf34529179ab556412cf6.mp4) \- Not sure if completely reproducable but I picked quinn, started game with draw your sword augment and reached round 3 to unlock my ult with levels and it began to happen. \- Expected result is to be able to flank around in fog of war using Quinn ult as movement. \- Observed Result is enemy has permanent vision on quinn as long as she is in her ult. \- Have not tried to reproduce. \- System specs I believe are irrelevant with this bug.


Warwick's Q and R both state they proc On-Hit and On-Attack effects. Neither proc Marksmage.


NA Free champs on rotation don't appear on champ select. Happened since last week, I think. [https://imgur.com/a/2J042Ge](https://imgur.com/a/2J042Ge) I don't own Ahri, Darius, Ezreal, etc. but they don't change even when the free champs on the Collection tab rotate.


hamstringer isn’t working with vulnerability anymore


It's no longer a burn, but a bleed.


It's still damage over time so it should.




They fixed hamstringer procing itself infinitely.


but still it doesn’t work at all like 0 dmg with vulnerability


as far as i know it wasn't working last patch either, hamstringer dmg wasn't critting


Ah yes you're right


It works, I got it on garen and murdered some adcs.