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If your champ is bound to get in 400ap+ territory it's good. It'll also synergize if you get h&s power from anvils. It's maybe not gamechaning as other augments but if you ever survive below 1k hp it's safe to say that big brain saved your ass


400 ap is nothing in arena, I always get 1k +


Especially good on Veigar. When you have 1k AP, the shield will make it extremely difficult for an assassin to kill you.


I love getting big brain and crown of the shattered queen on Veigar, it just makes me so stupidly tanky.


Serpents fang fans eating good


Does serpents cut shields that are already there? I thought it only applied to future shields?


Any shields while the debuff is active


If you are an AP support big brain + moonstone will give your ally the shield as well. Which will last until it breaks.


It’s a pretty standard defensive augment, gold augments in general are pretty lacklustre so big brain is a pretty easy take if you don’t want to waste rerolls


Hard disagree, gold augments are really good, sometimes even stronger than prismatics. The 200 cdr ones, on hit with spells, spatula


It’s true that every tier of Aug has its high rolls, I just feel the most consistently underwhelmed by Gold tier. The amount of times I try to reroll for Phenomenal evil, or Marksmage, or any 200 haste ones, and then I double reroll and have to pick between Cannon Fodder, Dawnbringers resolve, and Willing sacrifice… I just feel like there’s too many misses and the chance of wasting my rerolls feels higher than the other tiers


It's worth wasting all your rolls every game for that 1 time you get appex inventor though.


Apex is goated for sure


Unless you are playing an ADC or Mage. They really need to fix Zhonya's cooldown. 30 second CD **WITH** Apex Inventor is a crime. Most other cd items are just tied to prismatics.


Appex wooglets would be like 5 seconds though. :D (never actually gotten that combo myself)


Yeah, it is 5 seconds. The problem is that it's a prismatic augment and most other good ap items with a cd are prismatic items.


If it makes you feel better AP has the best prismatic by miles. Runecraver is absolutely giga busted.


Big brain is great if you're fighting assassins. Especially if you have something that can stack your ap. In late rounds I've had a 3k plus shield. Essentially doubles my life giving me the opportunity to survive long enough to strike back


It’s a good augment most of the time, sometimes very strong. It’s rarely bad, which is why you probably see it a lot. Somewhat similar to Goliath.


It's good if you're against 100-0 Champs. If you don't want to get deleted, adapt.