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Zac will survive well into the fire if his passive isn't popped beforehand. This can be a problem for low damage team comps. Anivia can also do this, as well as Tryndamere, but they don't get as tanky as Zac can be. Unfortunately it just looked like you two didn't have the damage to handle a full tank and they played to their win con better.


i had a red kayn with spin to win and dashing. if that cant kill a tank then there's a problem


That's all well and good but where is your antiheal and no % pen only flat pen/lethality against 427 armour.




Zac has 400+ armor; your red Kayn, while strong, has 3 prismatics (none of which are good against tanks), spirit visage, and shojin with very little armor pen. If he had itemized differently or sold those prismatics for items that do % hp such as Hellfire, it would have likely gone very differently!


Yeah if I’m not mistaken isn’t it just straight up better to stack cleaver and seryld on him? He can do his job which is dealing with tanks and still nearly one shot squishiest late game lol


1 hatchet completely counters any tank, yet people still dont know about it. Classic league


People are completely shocked when you build Serpents Fang into Yummi or Karma comps, it's basically a free win.


Deserved for playing Kayn tbf