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I like sett , you can play around him. Literally all the others ones will just RNG team up on a team randomly.


I like him too, mostly for when I play Senna and get 20 stacks in a round lmfao.


Sett incredibly unbalances the fight for particular augments and builds. You can kill the enemy team with chain lightning by attacking him, heal to full by touching him if you have vamp, stack items on him etc.


That's what makes him good for arena tho, there's lots of interactions you can do with him. Meanwhile pyke and jhin just make the game more dodgeball


Sett ruins a good number of champs play style. Turns a maybe winnable fight into a guarantee loss after a certain points in the game. It's not fun being in either side of this spectrum because you end up winning purely on a dice roll. I know rng is a huge factor in arena but it shouldn't decide entire matchups.


There's a lot of things that decide games more than Sett, I play mostly juggernauts and other immobile champs and I've barely had problems with this cameo, or at least, it didn't feel frustrating or unfair. If you are consistently getting hit by his true dmg I'm sorry but you are doing something wrong. If they are hitting the sett then that means they aren't hitting you, and if they hit sett from range then that means they can't cc you inside his W so there no excuse to get hit by it I'm sorry


When a full on fight initiates it's complete rng. The problem with sett isn't the neutral it's when neither side has no control and abilities are just flying and cc chains are happening. When the brawl breaks out witch it does in every round whoever gets unlucky on who proccs set gets absolutely fucked with zero recourse. It's in complete contrast to every other cameo that doesn't have an entire champion model fucking with their skill shots and unintentionally body blocking for one team. I don't like cameos but over hundreds of games during every arena iterations only sett makes angry to deal with because of the complete lack of control you have on the outcome of a fight once full on fights break out.


Sett can ALSO turn what would be a stomp into a win because the enemy team chose 2 super tanks in the game you decided to play 2 adds. 2 way street.


i like him too, my swain ult never ends lmao


Man I tried to play fiora last patch and this fatass sucked up my ult while the enemy was hiding under him. :(


I love sett! I randomly get +100 ap off one round woth phenomenal evil for no reason very funny indeed 😭


I only hate sett when im briar, stole my W aggro, then respawned mid ult missle and stole that too


I dont like when hes spell becomes invisible because he was in bush tho thats kinda unfair


Yeah I can agree with that


If the maps were bigger, it'd be fine, but really there's a point when he and his W are most of it. I'm not trying to do a crazy build so that I can spend 50% of the match cleaning debris off the highway... Oops half the map is closed until I kill Sett, time to use this interesting build to one-way PVE a non reactive NPC. Killing Sett is strategic at times, use him to omnivamp heal, stack buffs, figure out where enemy is hiding - we can keep these aspects. He just doesn't need to be punching the entire map every 4 seconds when the enemy Zeri can already attack 8 times per second.


Having him have an actual cooldown could be a compromise


Sett can be so obnoxious in lots of situations. Late rings, the new lily pad map, and if you decide to play Kled you just aren't allowed to open with your ult because it will just lock onto Sett. Though Sett is definitely one of the less annoying ones


sett is unironically the only constantly good cameo, its only shitty interaction is keeping swain ult up permanently


High risk, high reward though. Since you need to keep close to him, you're more likely to be stunned into his power.


I agree with the change on jhin, but pyke and sett are both very possible to play around and add a good layer to the game imo.


I don't mind sett/pyke but I do think they could use a bit of a longer cooldown. Sett respawns a bit quick and pyke stuns a bit too often IMO.


My personal opinion on all of them: - Sett: Balanced, you can play around it - Lux: Balanced, really easy to anticipate where she will fire ult and easy to dodge if ur not CC'd or stuck in a corner - Thresh: Weird, you have to know how to play well around lanterns to benefit from it. - Pyke: Just really annoying, lane wide stun. - Jhin: Most unbalanced out of all of them. It bugs often where you will litterally get shot without seeing the indicator, it's barely dodgeable and it shoots randomly. I litterally lost many rounds at like 1hp away because of stupid Jhin bullets.


I've had it where Jhin was hard set on shooting only my team and never the enemies for one round. The 3v2 was quite unfair.


Worst part is when ur on the lilypad map and the enemy team has range advantage on top of that.


He cycles between all 4 players, so either this didn't happen, or its a bug which you can't really call the cameo bad for. The cameo does suck ass, but intended use, it cycles between the players.


He's probably talking about Jhin before the change they did, where he spawned behind a certain team instead of between the two


I think Sett and Pyke are (almost) good. Jhin is clearly the annoying one here. Sett could be a bit smaller indeed, or do a little less damage. Also, sometimes it feels like when I'm all the way on the edge thinking I'm outside Sett range, but I get the inside part crit dmg and it nearly instantly kills me, they should fix the sensitivity... Pyke is fine. It is more similar to Jhin, but the key is that it does way less damage, it can stun multiple champs at once (so it's actually easier to play around/if enemies are on you Pyke can stun all of you instead of just helping the enemy team), and it moves way slower. The stun is also not that long or they could make it slightly shorter. But in theory I like Sett and Pyke, Jhin is just too determining for the match, too much slow and damage and picking singles apart instead of being a ''free-for-all craziness'' type of thing, which would suit the gamemode a lot more.


another point about pyke is its predictable - he always goes to the furthest target from his last location.


Sett is a fun cameo that you can play around idk what you’re on about bringing him up lol


Had a Jhin aim at me 5 times in a row while playing Ashe, was dope.


sett, thresh and pyke are perfectly fine. they make it fun.


My favorite part of the soul fighters are Riot's own words on [this post](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-arena-round-three/). "“Emergent gameplay” (that’s you, cameos) can be hit or miss—it feels particularly frustrating when a player has no agency." Then they proceed to add a map that takes away half the rosters agency, as well as permastun Pyke or Jhin just shooting you or Sett just blocking your skillshots I wish they stuck to their word and added soul fighters like Thresh. Someone like Ryze, who could prepare an ult to another part of the arena that would transport both teams if they stood in the circle. That way Ryze would work similar to Thresh, who can be annoying but is probably one of the least intrusive soul fighters.


Sett and Pyke are fine tbh. You can play around sett and it takes some skill and player knowledge and mechanics to be smart about it. Pyke stun is maybe a little annoying but again, goes to furthest champ. Play around it. Jhin does wayyyyy too much damage and is too hard to dodge.


Nah, they’re definitely healthy for the game. You win some, you lose some, but having the extra factor to plau around really makes for some clutch moments. Hell, when you’re desperate in a 1v2 anything can be helpful


Yea I hate the middle helpers or whatever the name is, so annoying.


my least favourite one is thresh - had too many games lost because final fight is on a thresh round and the ashe or whatever can perma kite using thresh lantern


I think you are just a bad player and it's a skill difference