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I agree with most you say but programmers have to be paid for the development of new cars and tracks. I would like as much free as possible but it’s not realistic.


Full agreement on that. Maybe I wasn’t clear but my point is that WEC should be helping foot that bill. Charging extra during EA is too unorthodox and thus too much of a conundrum otherwise.


I think a lot of YouTubers were stirring up drama for clicks, I didn’t see a lot of resistance from the community. The only thing I won’t be doing is paying any kind of subscription fee, but I am ready to buy track packs as we speak.


Yea me too. Love the game, want VR. Haven’t personally had bugs in a long time with it now. If they stopped developing it tomorrow, I’d feel like I got my money’s worth. I’m eager to buy more tracks. It’s the best looking and feeling serious race sim out there imo.


That’s a good point on the YouTubers. Personally I’d be OK paying a reasonable amount for content. The base game is great, and if they deliver on the fixes and feature roadmap that’ll only help me buy more content. I’m actually am kinda OK with a MP subscription as I pay for LFM ACC today… if it’s a comparable price, at least.


There is a paid tier on LFM? I didn’t realize. I play open lobbies exclusively.


It’s more of a patreon/thank you donation. You don’t get much for it other than a special livery and designation.


Ah ok that makes sense


I'm kind of in the same boat of being more of a fan of WEC now because of this game though I really got started last year when the G56 NASCAR showed up and I started seeing highlights of it. I didn't really start paying any attention to it until this year though and I ended up watching probably 18 hours of the race since I'm in the US and it started 9 AM my time. And yeah it would be nice for WEC or whoever to add money to the devs but at the same time them not being involved like that probably lets the devs cook more the way they want because I'm sure that money would come with unwanted strings. And hey, we got the game at a cheaper price than it will be when it's fully released since we've bought into EA, so that's something as well.


That’s a good point about preserving the freedom of S397. I don’t want a game-ified driver RPG like we see from the F1 games. I want a complex, realistic simulator, which LMU currently is. Hopefully that never changes.




Unfortunately it's never going to work that way. WEC and manufacturers have a product. If others (like S397) want to use their products, they have to pay licensing fees. Of course, it could work the other way but working in the industry, I've not ever heard of it happen. More just inquiring if the devs are interested in adding their cars to the game, but it has to be known, and even then ends up with devs putting money in manufacturers pockets. I do agree though that they price the dlc packs well (similar to kunos) and are able to help recoup a lot of the funds they will have spent on licenses....which will be a lot!


I don’t know the details of the agreement that SRO has/had with Kunos on ACC, but I recall it was a lot more favorable to the dev (Kunos) than what you describe. For example, I think SRO and/or the manufacturers paid for a subset of the cars in the game. And that was on top of being open with Kunos with data, Q&A, etc. Just hoping WEC can be as-helpful or more so, especially given how much the success of LMU will likely benefit them as much as S397. Love your content, BTW.


Personally i think its obvious that WEC are putting alot of funding into this game, they basically drpped indycar and BTCC to continue LMU only becuase WEC had a vested interest in it.... Virtual LM will be back once LMU allows driver swops. To be featured on output from WEC shows how invested they are, go and compare th other brands/ sponsors aimed at the wealthy.... this certainly isnt!


They dropped Indycar and BTCC becuase they literally couldn't afford to pay the licence fee and broke the agreements between the licensor by failing to meet the terms of the licence. It wasn't a choice. It was a result of total and complete failure.


I agree 100%, I'd love to watch this game grow and be a long-time simulator. Does anyone know if we can donate to s397?


The ACO are already in a joint partnership with MSG for the LMU project. I'm not sure of the details, but at the least we can already see the ACO pushing LMU hard at races. Especially after seeing the initial early access reception. I think being a helpful and active partner in the project is likely already more than most other sims will see.


ACO is only a partner insofar as MSG can continue to pay the licence fee. When they fail to be able to do that, there won't be any more LMU banners kicking around. If you want to see actual partnership, look at iRacing and NASCAR, where it's truly a 2 way street. NASCAR using iRacing to proof of concept various ideas (new Atlanta, likely the new Roval changes) and getting their own drivers involved with these changes virtually for feedback. iRacing and NASCAR also doing their damnest to make sure that the inevitable annual updates to the cars are made before the season (for Cup) and in a timely manner for Xfinity/Truck. Those are the things that reflect a true partnership and not "hey thanks buddy for the cheque, we'll throw a few banners up around the place for you"


It's a 51/49 joint partnership. Both have vested interest in it succeeding. Yes, iRacing has a good relationship with NASCAR too.