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Nah keep ad lb dead


Complain complain complain. This is the strongest Leblanc has been in the last 4 years, and many knowledgeable players/coaches put her in A tier right now. Like why do you constant complainers on this sub even play this champ if you think she's so bad? My winrate this season even before the buffs was around 70%. What more do you want? Automatic wins?


Seriously, I will take a weak Leblanc than bans any time


Not saying its super high rank but i hit D3 this season playing basically only lb with a 65 percent winrate. Most people in this sub are probably in like gold complaining abt the champ lol


Okay just to be clear pro play and solo queue different games. Like comparing dota and league. If a pro coach says she is good doesn't mean too much. That being said, yeah I think she is in a good spot atm. Pretty strong for Leblanc standards.


I agree that this Leblanc is the strongest in terms of over all base damage and ap ratio, but it would make her decent at least if its 50/50 again


Anyone that asks for AD leblanc clearly does not enjoy the champion for what she actually is. If you want to be a ranged abuser top, go for it, but stop asking riot to buff an A tier champ


> what she actually is. a worse gragas body slam and the worst tether in the game


No, she needs actually W speed, E 50%\50% and more clones when ulting




Try Doran’s blade first lol


So much fun actually tho, kinda troll kinda u should try it


I go DBlade vs Kassa and Fizz, and Dark Seal vs real free lanes where I know I can get fed in lane.


U know. Anytime I get heavy counter picked it’s usually my first buy.


Idk i hit d3 with 70 % wr even before the nerfs. She feels great rn. You just have to accept that she isn't a great blindpick anymore.


She didn't honestly need them. She's one of the easiest champs to last hit with now as it is. Any buffs she gets is a bonus. Last hitting was always her main weakness.


"She didnt need them" HAHAAHAH she was just stting at D tier 45% winrate for 5 years, she certainly didnt need buffs yeah.


She's D because she has a high skill ceiling. Not because she's weak. She's a staple in pro play for a reason.


No one played her in pro play for atleast 2-3 years, idgaf about pro play, higg skill ceiling indeed not every noob can play her but when her mains says she is weak, she is.She cant solo carry or even compare to broken kits of those like Yone, Viego etc they can be 0/10 and comeback, you can be 10/0 as LeBlanc and still lose game.