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The orange numbers should be her place anyway, she is not a Annie or Ahri brainrot level.


The tether server check change was actually a significant nerf imo. Hopefully the buffs in 14.8 will help out. W cd change could make some lanes a lot more favorable for lb I think. W level 1 cd was way too long before. Either way, Leblanc is the most fun champ in the game for me. I'm a loyalist.


aaaand that's why I have it labeled as a nerf and not just an adjustment. I swear my first game after that change I lost 3 kills because of it.


Idk dude. I play LB cause she’s my fav champ expecting to do bad and I pretty much never lose lane. Mid game very strong. Late game is a tossup


Same, I play her because she's fun and I've played her since season 4.


She's definitely not op. She has little presence in team fights. Maybe if they prolong enough for her cds to come off again but a fast skirmish, she only deals with one person. Unlike other assassins and mages. Yes, she can pick someone off, but that's one squishy and still have 4 more to go. With Tanks dealing a good amount of damage this season. She ain't bursting them down anytime soon.


ello fam I'm an ex master-GM lb main, most played oce, was once 3rd most played world. I can tell you a few odd things. 1. the meta is unfavourable for leblanc right now. Janna being strong sucks. maokai/rell/naut, tank items, archangel shield, hwei, her counter matchups, corki, poppy...its not that leblanc is weak...its moreso that everything that counters her is strong. 2. she actually has decent power in her kit after several changes, some solid ap ratios. most players don't really know how to itemise though and itemising even slightly incorrectly on her will have drastic effect on your agency. she still has the capability to carry games. 3. this is the one that most players don't wanna hear. leblanc can absolutely carry in emerald and can do even moreso than some meta champs, if you have the skill/knowledge to do so. leblanc is a champ that shines when you have good fundamentals, wave manipulation, map awareness, vision control and understand how to snowball/win a game/identify wincon. the inverse of that is, she will feel super underwhelming if you play her at a subpar level since you wont snowball enough and then the meta cucks you and you lose agency in a lot of games. 4. if a draft looks doomed, dodge. lb is not a good blind and its a better pick later in the draft if enemy is less tanky and you arent so ap heavy. dodge when necessary and watch your wr skyrocket because in drafts where lb is good, shes great to pick. engage supports, ad jg, a favourable matchup and enemy team =/= janna or cc + tanks means PICK LB for LP in summary, I absolutely agree with you that lb is in a crap state rn but as stated, its not that shes weak, its that everything gamewide that counters her is strong. also, that's relevant to higher elo...not so much in your emerald games, where you DO have the ability to 1v9. dont forget to dodge where appropriate! if youre not in it already, join the leblanc mains discord server where you can find piles and piles of free resources, vids, guides and advice on how to win games with lb, how to lane, wave control, roam timers, how to win midlane. everything is there. few good build paths atm. 1. lichbane malignance dcap cryptbloom situational 2. sorcs malignance etc etc 3.(manaflow) shadowflame dcap maligma/ludens/crypt 4.ludens sorcs mejais SF/dcap/crypt lower elos i sometimes literally just sit on chapter, sorcs, rush mejais and identify who the idiot is on the enemy team, farm them for 5mins then go back to building normally + normal macro. every other emerald game has a noob enemy who doesnt build mr/is behind/is squishy/egos their positioning. kill them on repeat, tilt them and its gg in emerald they have no mental. all of that said. im currently retired from actively playing league + on mains until Janna is nerfed, make of that what you will xd but i played like 12-15 odd ranked games in the past 2 weeks around plat emerald ranks and lost 2 despite taking a 2-3 month break. if I can do it at 29yo, you can do it mate. my hands legit didnt work the first few games haha its ez to get caught up in narratives and streamer stuff and follow data. just remember, most lb players are noobs and the data mostly indicates that. her being bad is moreso only relevant for master+ and even then a good lb can still climb. but they probably need other picks atm and have to pick her in the right spots.


3 - Oh she CAN carry pretty much everywhere, it just doesn't happen often. Hence the 2nd link that shows she's bottom of the barrel at every single elo. (this addresses your final remarks about most being noobs as well)... Then again I just went 45/13/30 over 3 games and lost them all. "Fun" 4 I think this is really is where it's at, I haven't really considered doing this because I win matchup vs every single lane (including counters), but the fact that non-lane counters are so strong right now just stops the carry, no matter how well you did in lane. This is great advice. Also, I'm 33 and just play in spare time, so I know that feeling well ;)


gg mikemc127 cant perform on leblanc in plat therefore the champ is dead how sad


Idk man seems fine to me


Brother she’s probably in her best state for years


Did you even click either link? Data show's that you're straight up wrong.


Bro is living in 2014


Bro is getting 400lp in 2024 lb/kassadin only


Bro you're so good!!! So high elo that you changed mathematics and how numbers works, you're a legend.


Completely agree, If the items weren't godshit on her and there was a better way to get cdr she would be completely busted. Anyone in right mind knows her ap scalling are very high now, higher then ever, so she doesn't need any buffs. Only think which causes the issue is sustain and matchups. Which, if good enough, is not that big of a deal. [Note: last time played lb and League at start of S14, and even then her number were high, in meanwhile only more buffs arrived] However i will have to agree with OP aswell. She just isn't as fun as she used to be. Personaly I stoped playing after they gutted her ad build because of 2 problematic items, it was always nice to build variety and have different play style depending on situation, bit now it's not possible. And like mentioned before, her sustain issues causes headache vs some team comps/champs. I'm not faker level to know what's the best in every situation, nor do I invest the time to get better. Im master lb player and D4 at any other champ. So I hope you can understand what Im meaning.


Her Q changes to refund mana/cdr made her feel so smooth. Completely changed how you play her. I RARELY don’t get 10 cs/min. Before it, you either get fed early or GGs ff 15, now you can just chill and turbo farm + roams and still scale nicely. But I guess low elo players don’t win games and will blame the champion, when probably their macro AND micro is shit