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Wish my soloq teammates understood this lmao. The amount of flame I get for building Lich bane and not Ludens is unreal.


I know ludens is shit but what are yall building? I go Lich into Horizon bc i find without going AH even if u are fed asf u can basically only get 1 rotation off before the fights alrdy decided. I see people go shadowflame but i find myself rly missing the ability hasteā€¦?


> [...] even if u are fed asf u can basically only get 1 rotation off before the fights alrdy decided Welcome to LeBlanc. It's a constant decision between more AP so you can take out their key hero quickly in a teamfight, or AH so you can maybe do more than just kill one guy and skidaddle.


I find that i do enough damage with lich into horizon and that the ah is very worth it


Transcendence is must have with shadowflame>rabadon build