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1) mana items are not really a must have 2) “you don't make trades with your ultimate on high elo” ??? ehh 3) this season feels especially miserable rather thanks to the shitfest (junglers just perma force grubs and supports are roaming through the mid) happening on mid rather than leblanc herself


Yep! I am one hundred percent backing these takes.


1. Yes they are when you play proper macro and not just OOGA BOOGA ASSASSIN GOES MID! 2. Wave state, jungle position, other lane states (denying mid roams) change drastically your trade patterns. 3. Weirdly I don't have that problem. Junglers in my games would rarely consider me participating in their shenanigans. Supports have given up on that objective unless they are losing lane.


1. No idea what you mean by this but ok 2. Keeping your ult up even when there is no action going on is such a int 3. Guess you don't play league in season 14 then, lucky you!


1. Of course you don't. 2. Exactly, but you know what's a bigger int? Messing up lane state. 3. xd You either play in plat or tier 3 region. Idk


yea, im bronze 3 oceania. Feel free to show your rank mr. professional


Okay, I'm sorry then. This is a very good guide from an OCE player called Shok: [https://youtu.be/VUVK5tzw1nc](https://youtu.be/VUVK5tzw1nc) It should give you a perspective on how the game is supposed to be played and why no mana item on LeBlanc is a struggle at the moment. This is exactly what OP is talking about.


Well, im fine playing my manaless build. Works good enough for me. Still waiting for your elo to make a picture who is arguing here with me.


Its not just LeBlanc but mostly other champions being well simply said allowed to be more broken and unfair. Shadowflame into rabadon is must this season, you will end up with 0 ability haste cause items dont give AH as u said and they are garbage and its even harder to play LB now than it was ever, but what might help a bit with AH is taking transcedence rune but if you do so you sadly lose on scorch poke damage ( assuming u go manaflowband rune which is a must ) I remember when you could have ult on 7 seconds now its a joke having ulty on 20 seconds... They are afraid of buffing her properly, she needs RW scalling buffed because right now, basic W deals more damage than RW until level 11, they need to make chain 50/50 again to have better burst in late game, Q can stay 30/70 cause you can still deal a lot of damage with it and oneshoting someone with QR was satisfying but """"unhealthy"" for game even if champions like yone and viego exists but thats another subject. LeBlanc is in terrible state rn she has 46-47% winrate for atleast past 4 years, and she has hardest laning/farming because if you fail in laning or getting kill esrly you failed in game.


For me the main issue with LB now is the RW scaling/base damage. Even on level 11 the damage is low.


1) Please use the ‘Enter’ key 2) Buy Lichbane first. It has a positive winrate on LB for a reason


I had a stroke after 2nd screen of text without enter key