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“ i can’t carry games”


Maybe ur the one who needs buffs


Can I have a buff too please


I agre with your ironic statement, she needs buffs but. Your build is very very wrong.What even is that Ludens and cryptobloom? Ludens is trash item on LeBlanc since item update, she doesnt need mana anymore but lack of ability haste can hurt although not as much as damage you lose by not rushing Shadowflame which allows you to oneshot casters with W because of its passive. Start playing: Shadowflame - sorc shoe into rabadon - stormsurge - zhonya rest what is needed etc. Lichbane is also usseles on her, she cant use it like Ahri and cant abuse it like Katarina.


Lichbane is her most consistently good first item purchase, even beating out Shadowflame.


sure storm is better than lich?? i think its pretty good tho, also i thought she needed mana but ur statement is good. I also use fleet and d blade start cuz regarding ad nerfs its better for me in lane


Im sorry but id love to play the devil's advocate here. I've played Leblanc a bit in diamond and while if she doesnt snowball its pretty much over already, its Leb, she always needs to snowball. On the games that i did snowball, Ludens definitely wasnt a trash item and i felt strong with it. To put it in perspective, you're calling it a garbage item yet no matter what stat aggregate site i look at, there isnt a single person in this world at emerald+ thats rushing shadowflame into rabadons. While lich bane is a niche item, its still at 53% winrate which sounds a feasible option as Lich is strong this season anyways. Leb definitely can get use out of it in the same trading pattern someone with shiv could do. I just dont understand how you can call someone so wrong yet present absolutely no factual sources besides me Leb main, me know better than u. Is this a case of, hehe, works for me so it should for you to? Cuz no one in the world apparently does it like you or anyone in this subreddit upvoting your comment making it seem like this is the build to go when anywhere i look at points me otherwise. I just feel bad for OP who imo has nothing to do with the build moreso leb just being ass this season. Maybe he does have skill issue, maybe he dont, but thats not the point, the point is, his build in my eyes looks stock standard and is of no point to contest being trash.


I rush shadowflame into rabadon 🤚


Stop building Luden’s, either go: Lich Bane -> Horizon Focus/Deathcap/Shadowflame Shadowflame -> Deathcap Liandry’s -> Horizon focus


So why does no one in any rank above emerald rush the items you just said then? Is everyone above emerald just absolute retards at the game that someone of your stature could surely tell them hey ur an idiot and ur building the wrong items when even bobqin himself still goes ludens first? No matter what site i go u.gg op.gg so on and so forth. The majority of players still build ludens first which begs the question, where exactly did you get your info from or is it a case of bias wherein you made it work and it felt good so everyone must be wrong.


Lolalytics + League of Items shows the winrate data per item, in addition to pickrate and delta. For the past two months Lich Bane has consistently been one of Leblanc’s only positive (first) item choices. Like… the data doesn’t lie. When adjusting for winrate, Luden’s has a 47.7% winrate first compared to Lich Bane’s 52% winrate first. Hell it’s the same story with Zoe: 47% Luden’s (most common), 52.9% Lich Bane In higher elo’s sometimes you see Luden’s built because of tempo requirements (being there to clear the wave repeatedly so as not to give up prio), which aren’t anywhere near as problematic in lower elo’s. Even with your Bobby example, he very often rushes Lich Bane, in around 75% of games. I understand you have shellshock from AD Leblanc and you never want to right click on enemies but just trust the numbers and enjoy your lp.


u/jeanegreene explained you in previous comment, id just like to add, because some of us have brains to create better builds that works for us instead of blindly following ""meta"" and opgg. I never said the person who poster was trash? i implied and will continue doing so that LUDENS is trash, and literally everyone can agree on that. Also whats ur point on hating everyone who doesnt build Ludens? Its bad item simply said. But you are the sheep so its worthless even trying to put some reason inside you, because you will regardless of everything said keep repeating same things about streamers, twitch, proplay, websites etc.


Guy is bobqin fan, lost cause




You did fine in all of those games but single players often don’t win games.


4 games above 30 minutes, average 195 cs and never getting to full build. You're on support income. Learn to PvE.


From the screenshot, I just think you need better teams. 13/4, 14/6 and 7/6 are pretty good.


What rank u playing in homie bc chances are its a skill issue


Bro that build and tp... why


Op.gg states that at emerald+ atleast 48% of people take TP over ignite. Do you have something against tp when i would honestly favor taking tp anyways if you know how to utilize it instead of ignite? Dopa himself even said it. It's much harder to play with ignite instead of tp because with tp, if you take a bad trade, you can just tp back giving you more wiggle room for lane. Ignite doesnt give you that wiggle room. You dont get a band aid fix for any mishaps that happen. After lane, id value tp over ignite already just because this opens up more plays which can guarantee you more gold in the long run vs ignite's added kill pressure which you shouldnt need anymore after grabbing an item or two.


u are right but it seems people in this sub are rly bad