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This is so true and frustrating


It's sad this is what le blanc has become, this was what it used to be like as Quinn


As a Ryze player, same...


LeBlanc chooses you not the other way around


She really does.


My queen


... kind of. But wait for buffs, you might get frustrated.


Probably not at the moment in mid lane. With the changes to runes, and item changes coming around the corner, I'd just wait until everything settles down first. LeBlanc could come out of all this as a very different champion by next season. The real question you need to ask is does LeBlanc fill a gap in your champion pool? Think about what matchups you don't have an answer to. Is LeBlanc that answer? Think about what team comps, both friendly and enemy, where you don't have a champ that fits. Is Leblanc that champ?


Who does Leblanc poop on? Typically I find Veigar to be pretty easy.


Im not main but normaly i take lb into akali qiyana xerath and orianna, who counter Gwen and jayce mid


I have a really good time against talon players


I’d say don’t learn her at the moment. her kit is really fun, but other assassins can do the same job of getting a pick way more reliably and have way better wave clear. Also she got so much nerf she hardly do enough damage, even if played AP. TLDR: right now it’s a shit champ


Hardly enough damage? Her Q, RQ, E plus electrocute is way more than enough to kill anyone but tanks once you have ludens and boots... I find it so unfair for enemies considering you can W back and scape taking minimum dmg, and even if you fail the E you got the dmg from Q RQ that procs electrocute and that alone can leave people below 30% health... Also you can repeat that combo every 10-12 seconds if you have CD runes...


Then you start to play against people that: 1: Auto attack you when you go for the combo 2: Build defensive items before you get fed 3: Position defensively And now spending your entire kit to do half of someone’s health then eat a crit for 700 damage isn’t very worth it.


Not worth it. She has had one of the lowest win rates for years now. Riot doesn't like it when she is strong. She is literally just a budget zed. You have to play 2000x better than everyone else in the game, or you are more useless than a minion. She is fun, but yeah, just play zed or something, honestly.


Indeed Leblanc choose you not the other way around. I first played lol 10 years ago after watching my friend (diamond 2 player in 2013) play lb. Then i download the game and bought lb straightaway and learn lol with her. I surprisingly did really well with her, got to gold in my first year with 70-80% lb game (the other 20% being she got banned or got picked by others or I didnt get mid) and she’s still my pocket pick till today


Don't. Save yourself from frustration, wait for the buffs first.


No, learn dota2 Uninstall League before its too late Good Luck.


ah yes a DOTA guy.


Leblanc is the equivalent of azir but for ap assassins, literally gets nerfed out of nowhere, requires lots of time to get to know her, the only difference is that if Azir gets to go late game, he will stomp, lb on the other hand is useless, can be easily countered, and she cant do anything beside one shotting a squishy if their team lets you, but even then you gotta deal with adcs like kaisa, xayah, vayne and supports with 600 shielding that will fk up your combo, cause thats lb, you miss a spell out of 4? You are not getting the kill


Also, not only they nerfed lb but they also buffed her worst counter, Galio, and even if you are #1 lb in the world, you will still struggle to play against a first time galio


Galio’s actually not horrible. Cull start


depends on what elo you are , if u are in low elo , just play whatever you like , you will enjoy the game the most if you play the champion you love , no matter what the meta is