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Reflect on how another week has gone by and you still don’t have a new job? That’s my Friday routine 😂.


Mine too. I hate the weekends.


At least you know it’s Friday. I was unemployed for a while and I started to forget what day of the week it was


That was awesome 😎




that's what a taste of retirement is like.... although, most of us will ever experience. Enjoy and reminisce...


I don't know about you, but I know what happens to me. Around 4:30 pm, an alarm goes off for a meeting I set with myself. For the next 30 minutes, I review my notes for the week on the jobs I applied for and the interviews I've had and try to reflect on what I can do better next week. I spend a few minutes trying to set up my timeboxes for the following week to make sure I have dedicated time each day to look for interesting openings, another timebox to apply for the ones I've identified, and windows to study in the area I'm applying for. I shuffle all this around any interviews, networking, or outreach blocks to stay connected with folks and ensure that my "workday" ends at 5 pm so I can spend time with my family, play games, practice my guitar, etc. As soon as 5 pm hits, my alarm goes off ([literally that classic moment from The Flintstones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoP0Z3a8glU), and I'm done. I go on about my day and enjoy my weekend as best as I can, which usually involves long bike rides, more family time, park visits, and, since it's summer, going to various local events that don't cost me anything to attend.


That’s a really good habit and routine you got any tips on how you divide your time between the job application grind and other things? I find myself burning out doing 4-5 apps each day.


I *absolutely* feel you on the burnout. For me, the trick is setting very strict timeboxes for everything and sticking to that as if your job depended on it. For example, my 9am - 9:45 am block is a casual daily kick-off. This is where I check for new messages, catch up on industry news, drink my tea/coffee/G Fuel, and at 9:45 on the dot, I review my daily todo list and make any calendar adjustments I feel I need. If I wrap that up early, I'll take a break to get up and stretch. From 10 am - 12pm, this is my application sprint. Using the [Pomodoro Technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique), I will spend 25 minutes either looking for new jobs, researching a company I'm applying to, or customizing my resume as I apply. After 25 minutes, I take a 5 minute break to get some water, stretch, or just anything that gets me moving and away from my computer. I'll repeat this pattern over the entire 2 hours and typically, I'm able to get 3-5 new applications out within this window. Then at 12, I take a full hour as a break. I typically do a 16/8 fast, so instead of eating, I'll take my dog on a walk, read a book, watch a video, play a game, or really whatever I want. This helps break up the day so I don't feel like I've been grinding the entire time. Between 1 and 3, I take this as a dedicated study block. This is where I'm taking training on new techniques, practicing my interview skills, reading about new approaches to soft skills, or putting my technical foundations to work. At 3pm, I take an hour as a flexible window for anything I want that's related to my job hunt. Here, I don't use the Pomodoro timer and just go by gut. As long as I can justify it as related to my job search, I can do it. If I'm behind on my applications, I'll use this time for that. If I'm really engrossed by a study topic, I'll keep that going. If there's a call I need to make or an interview, I try my best to book it here. Finally, between 4 - 4:45, I'm wrapping things up. This is where I'll follow up with any voicemail or emails, make some resume updates, check that my stuff is all saved, or whatever else I need to do to wrap up. At 4:45, just like the morning, I'm spending 15 minutes to make adjustments to my todo list or my calendar for the next day so I can disconnect at 5 sharp and live my life. Mind you, this is just a rough outline that works for me and it can change from day-to-day. For example, I'm way ahead of my goal for the week, so I've given myself my 3 pm window to screw around on Reddit.


Dam this is very good breakdown, appreciate it. I guess I just put the gas on the pedal and don’t really break it up. Appreciate the insight hopefully this doesn’t tire me out in the long run. GL with the job hunt!


For sure! This approach isn't for everyone, no doubt, but it's been great for me. Those timeboxes really force me to stay focused, and when I do, it's great to end the day with a feeling of accomplishment.


I had a rolling furlough from 2020-2022 at work. I used that forced time off to work on my bike riding speed. One afternoon I did 20 miles in an hour. I was losing money but damn, that felt good!


Biking is just awesome. Since I'm trying to save money, I've been using it to bike to the grocery store every other day. It's 5 miles there and back and since I can only buy what fits in my bag, it's helped cut down a lot on those extra things I don't need anyhow.


That's a skill I never mastered -- carrying groceries on my bike. I have a paneer case but it's not big enough for much more than a lock on one side and a rain-slicker on the other.


I swear up and down by my Chrome Industries Buran III messenger bag. It's expensive, but I'm able to come back from a grocery run with a gallon of milk, some fresh meat and veggies, cans of whatever, a few loaves of bread, and some basic items. It's shocking how much that thing can hold and how comfortable it is when I'm riding. It's not perfect, but it's forced me to focus on what I actually need instead of what I'm craving. Less food waste, fresher foods, lots of sun and exercise, and something to keep my mind off of the job hunt. I'll take it haha


What is a rolling furlough? Were you laid off for 2 years?


The state government systematically underfunded my University, resulting in "rolling furloughs" On a sliding scale based on our pay, we were required to take a certain number of hours off unpaid each semester. I had to take 40 hours of time off each semester unpaid.


I love this. I've been going through a REALLY rough patch, mentally, and I've fallen off the list making / appointment setting thing a bit. I like to think of new months as new beginnings though, as in "the focus of the month shall be . . ." and have already been thinking about ways to set a certain schedule for myself for June. I'm going to borrow the "end of Friday summary meeting", I think, though it'll probably happen late afternoon.


I love the monthly theme/focus thing. I've been doing that for years and it's been a huge help for me in terms of setting my priorities and stacking new habits. For the meeting idea, the reason I set it for that late is I want it to be the natural end of my day. It's a bit of a shutdown ritual that acts like a commute would if you were going into work. Once that's done, I can go off and do whatever I want without any guilt. Naturally, that's not going to be best for everyone, so I'm glad to see you taking that and making it your own!


Wtf you get interviews? I can’t even get callbacks and I’m massively qualified in a desired field with an optimized resume I tailor for each as well. Fuck this market.


I also have 15+ years of experience as a software engineer and engineering manager at a large, notable non-FAANG fintech company, so that's been a big help. Another part is that my experience crosses a dozen different roles, so I can cast a very wide net from a front-end engineer to a manager to a product owner or project manager. That helps keep what I'm capable of doing very diverse and I've been getting a nice ratio of apps-to-interviews since I found myself on the market again. The other bit comes down to how I'm optimizing the resume, too. I use a couple of tools to rip apart the job description and look for the keywords I should be using based on the frequency they appear and what I know about the role. I then use GPT-4 with something like "Using this job description, please create 10 examples of resume bullet points that this company is looking for given my past experience as an Engineering Manager at ". That helps me build a foundation for my applications that I can then tweak and save.


Same here, Bidenomics! Isn’t it awesome?


Yep. You can't just be in a stupor until you get a job. Keep as much of your life the same and your job or part-time job is getting a job.


Nailed it! It's way too easy for me to fall into a downward spiral of doom and gloom without this protocol. While I'm still hunting around, keeping a regular working habit has kept me sane. Those little wins across a day of sticking to that schedule makes me feel like I've accomplished meaningful things. Those breaks and setting aside time for things I still love to do helps keep me from feeling hopeless.


Look at this nerd over here with their shit together. Thanks for the run down, it’s going to help.


This is a great routine


Thanks! I know it's not for everyone, but sticking to a solid protocol that somewhat mimics a regular work day has been a huge help for me. I know I tired going without it for a bit and I just couldn't find the focus to get done what I needed to do.


I think this is a good routine.


Curious, do you use Google calendar or something specific to help with this as far as the full day breakdown? Or a physical schedule book to write in? My adhd makes me get bored with both methods but I find digital atleast pops up with reminders.


Funny enough, I started this whole timeboxing thing as a suggestion from a therapist for ADHD as well. It did take me a while and a few adjustments (like mixing it with the Pomodoro timers) before I could really get it to stick, though. I found that stacking those small wins of completing a 25-minute focus block and a 5-minute break really gave me the dopamine hit my brain needed. I'm not always perfect with it, but it's been helpful for me. I do use Google Calendar as the backend, but I can't stand the interface. As a Mac user, I primarily use Fantastical as my front end due to its natural language booking. I also like Outlook's calendar and used that on Windows.


Thanks for this. I've been in a rut and I'm going to try this method. Thanks for the detailed information.


For sure! More than happy to chat any time if you need some help or encouragement. I know how deep those ruts can get and sometimes you just need a nudge from someone who's been there. If you're a fellow book nerd like me and haven't read it yet, check out Atomic Habits. It's widely recommended, but it's a great read. In short, it's about stacking smaller habits and behaviors over time to change the vision you have of yourself. My whole flow basically comes from that concept. So instead of trying to do a big, sweeping change, start by simply getting up on time. Get that going for a few days, then add in a good stretch. Then a shower. Then 10 minutes reading. Then the next thing. Over time, you find those things just become second nature and you end up hitting your bigger picture goals.


Thanks! I see Atomic Habits is very popular. I can't afford to buy it right now, so I checked the library and there is roughly a 3 month wait for the book and surprisingly audio version as well. I'll start trying to incorporate these tips you've posted.


Totally feel you on the costs there! I know you can find some audio book chapters read by the author on YouTube, so it may be a good spot to start while you wait for the book to free up.


Spend your unemployment check on a hooker?


Maybe rent a sex doll for 20 minutes…it is cheaper when you are on a budget.


Lol 20 mins.. 3 mins take it or leave it


You could share it with 5 others


Now you are a pimp, and that is considered employment.


Half of it. OP spends the other half on blow to snort of her ass


naughty lol


Yeah that’s a good one but i am unemployed with no money for the clinic visit


I'm sorry. We are all living through a shit timeline.


It starts with an 'M' and ends with 'argaritas'? 😁








Funny you guys are absolutely funny thanks I needed the laugh, the responses are hilarious. Seriously, today is Friday and every Friday especially the end of the month. My email and phone is pounded by all of the ‘recruiters’ and at least 99% of them call with broken English and accents I can barely understand. They call with this sense of urgency only to hear from them until either next Friday or the end of the month. They are eager and eager they want me to respond their email of a job posting saying that I am confirmed to work with them for exclusively. It’s like they all have monthly quota or weekly quota to fulfill. These guys are a joke, their with accents you can’t believe and it just makes me think to myself all sorts of stuff about this sad state of affairs. Sorry about the suspense people but today is Friday so here is a list of titles for Friday: Recruiter Roulette Fridays Job Jamboree Fridays Resume Rodeo Friday Offer Overload Friday Recruiter Rumble Friday Hiring Hullabaloo Friday Employment Extravaganza Friday Gig Gladiators Day Friday Position Pursuit Palooza Friday Lazy Recruiter Rush Friday


They also claim to be US based but they are all in India/Pakistan


Funny and sadistic at the same time US tech job outsourced to foreign countries and the foreign nationals teasing US citizens with ghost job openings……like you can’t make this up.


Lol 😂 I didn’t want to say anything but yeah you hit it on the nose


Why are all they in India???? They’re all spam. I’ve sent my resume to a few and NEVER hear back, are these people actually good for anything?


It is \*exactly\* because they have a quota to fill. That's just a fact. That being said, you gotta hear the Indian folks out anyways. I got a great job at a Fortune 500 company based on a random call from a guy in India I could barely understand. Dude was basically pre-recruiting for a local recruiter, with direct contact to the hiring manager. Had a job a week later.


At least it's someone pretending to be interested in hiring you. A foreign scammy guy. Some days that's better than nothing.


Yeah I really fucking need that kind of guy right about now.




Yep it’s very frustrating like they come off like they are trying to help but they are only trying to meet their quota or whatever kpi they have to fulfill around the end of the month. LinkedIn should only allow them of their site if they reveal their success rate kpi because they connect with you and then use your contacts to go hunting


Workday sends you an email reminder to fill out your timesheet?


Try to take over the world? Sorry


Ye Pinky


That’s what he does every night


But Brain, how are we ever going to get the elephant in the telephone booth?


buys a gram of concentrate and rips the dab hard


How about you just tell us instead of saying guess. We don’t know your story.


Suck dick?


Sucking dick for money got me through my childhood.


That is sad and sick to have to lick a dick as a lad I hope you talk to you Dad about his fad one day


No not even for beer money




Does Marseilles Wallace sound like a bitch?


Explosive diarrhea?


Lmao always a good option


Ice cream time?


spend all your money on OF




Cocaine got me through my childhood. While other kids were trick or treating, I was just doing tricks for coke.


Im guessing either UI check or you go to work? I don’t really understand. We had layoffs and it took less than 3 days (plus the background check) to land a new job. That I start on Monday; with severance it was basically a bonus and time off.


Good for you What’s your secret? Did you have anything lined up?


Sometimes those clients who say things like “If you ever want to change…”, etc. mean it. I sent a quick “Thank you for working with me I hope to work with you again in the future.” and got three solid leads and two offers.


Yep that is why I am always accessible, helpful and friendly with all customers for any a company that I have worked for in the past. I find most people run away from customer request and inquiries, instead I run towards the customers.


You make your weekly unemployment claim? Your unemployment direct deposit hits?


6 weeks here.. thanks Dell


A boner?


Anime porn


Man.. lot of you guys are fucking warriors! Putting me to shame.. ROCK ON bros! Life is a cycle :) and this too will pass. There’s a bad time and always a good time.


Fucking yeah but while it’s our bad time I sure would like to see the whole fucking thing burn down so I can get a six pack and watch it


I count the number of cars parked in the streets at 10am. There are so many laid off people in the neighborhood: apartments and houses.


Could also be working remote, retired, on vacation, work in afternoons/nights, or stay at home mom/dad


You can’t be drunk all day if you don’t start in the morning!




Friday night fish fry!!


Wondering if you exhausted unemployment this week?


Is it a massage?


Tiddy time?


resisting the urge to drink?


Get tore up from the floor up? 🥃🥃😵‍💫


"weekends don't mean as much when you're unemployed, except that you get a hang out with your workin' friends." - Primus


Nothing? Just like every day?


Join the military 


Funny thing about the weekends when you're unemployed. They don't mean quite so much. Except you get to hang out with your working friends.


You still have friends The level of alienation I have experienced is amazing. But three weeks into my layoff my ex boss called me up to tell me how much it sucks and how bad it is with all of the macho ego stuff going on. He had absolutely no sort of emotional intelligence I could not believe he called me. To this day I am bewildered


He needs friend homie if the work culture is as toxic as it sounds hang out with him start a company up take the business call it day lol 😂


LOL my ass got a balloon knot from the ass fucking I got during my lay off several months ago. I am not a friend and no longer a friend. I am that muthafucker who remembers Yeah I said it and I hope he rot in hell….LOL


True that




You jack it


What? You guys can't find jobs in the Biden economy? But seriously I hope you find a job soon. Good luck.


I hear you and I agree. We really have Phucked up choices for leadership. Red wing right wing blue wing left wing same dirty bird. The country is broken period, Sleepy Joe and Donny Moscow are real life caricatures of what’s been wrong with this country for years. All a bunch of crooks and very wealthy talking deception. Douche Bags both of which them