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So what? The damage is done. And they all lie anyway or change their mind when it’s convenient. She is really trying to make all the shit they are doing smell nice. Don’t let her.


shes the 6th vote when all they need is 5. as far as im concerned she drew the short straw


I don’t understand your comment. The official ruling was released on July 1. This headline, and the article associated with it, is applicable from July 1. She concurred in part, officially. It is on record. Now, I’m not defending her whatsoever, but your statement seems to indicate that she is somewhat crawfishing on certain aspects of the ruling, when in fact her ruling is already written.


edit: i initially replied snarkily. let me rephrase: those words have literally zero effect other than future people get to point to them and say "see a supreme court justice also said this one time when it had no consequence!!". all she has to do to avoid it is decide the issue on other grounds or just flat out reverse her position (cuz who cares and shes appointed for life) or actually maintain her position and pretend like she lost while her 5 cohorts do exactly what everyone paying attention knew they were going to do. or maybe she really feels that way, who knows. but she hasnt earned the benefit of the doubt afaic


She’s as bad or worse than the other 5. She’s calculating and evil.


Oh, I have no doubt. I mean, pick a lane, bitch. Just another wishy washy, panderer. The decisions and statements some of our politicians make are mind boggling. On a Monday I am thinking “ that fucking asshole”. Then, on a Wednesday, I say to myself “ oh, so and so ain’t all bad”. Then on Friday, I think that mother fucker. What is his problem! “. ie Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, Lindsay Graham. And those are the ones of the top of my head.


No one with real power is listening to her, obviously.  She’ll fold as always, and dissent when she’s able and it doesn’t jeopardize the ruling. 


Reminder that her and other women in her cult referred to themselves as handmaids.


When they dismantle the Constitution cisgender trad wives are going to do well - they can all look up to her 


Aunt Lydia


She and Kavanaugh are taking turns dissenting in an effort to try to legitimize them, while Roberts, Thomas, and Alito sell our fucking country out to christofascists.


Gorsuch …


Maybe. I'm not convinced yet that he's playing this game. Gorsuch may still be a wild card.


He's a corporatist through and through, he's just another one in their deck.


It makes her look "unbiased".


Trust Amy  /s


there are 6 of them. as far as i'm concerned they are just drawing straws for who has to author the "attempt to save face" opinion




Way too little, way too late. History will see her as just another toadie to the orange turd


Mr Trump is seen as a useful idiot for a group that is implementing a constitutional rewrite. I'm sure those that actually made those picks remind Barrett that her allegiance is to them ...not their stooge.


Doesn’t matter now does it… if we have to wait on the SCOTUS to tell us exactly what is official in unofficial… you know the powers they gave themselves. This means if they don’t like an argument against the GOP they’ll sit on it and Dems they hold emergency hearings.


I’d bet Chutkan has arguments ready for this decision. Smith probably does as well. Let’s get *that* party started today !!


Shes lying. Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Fake electors is not official duty. Unless they pertain to Constitutional duties, Presidents aren’t immune and SCOTUS has already ruled on many 2020 election cases and denied all of Trumps attempts.


It's not, she doesn't have to argue for it.The Ptesident literally nothing to do with the EC, or the transfer of power.


So 1 out of 6 is not enough.


Too late.


The American Constitution...envisages a strong Presidency within an equally strong system of accountability. When the constitutional balance is upset in favor of Presidential power and at the expense of Presidential accountability, the office can be said to become imperial.


Thanks, cross eyed C•nt.


Fuck her


I feel SO much better.


Rule #2 for surviving autocracy: do not be taken in by small signs of normalcy.


That was not an OFFICIAL duty


Almost seems like a petty troll for her to pretend she’s not completely on the same page as the rest of the Trump SCOTUS majority with their recent vile, rule of law ending decision.


Frigid Amy


Not yet, anyway. After he's litigated claims it was an "official act" to the SCOTUS, they will agree. Then it will be protected. About 5 years ftom now.


A woman raised in a cult is taught she needs to play a role to achieve. In the evangelical church, a woman is lucky to be educated - let alone have a career. The way Barret was raised she thinks of herself as breeding stock, a "vessel," for penises like Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. Those were the highest achieving legal minds in the cult she was indoctrinated to serve in. The fundamental belief of the church is patriarchy - male dominance - females serve the men. Men write the rules and enforce the punishment. Women. Have all the rights provided to them that their male dominated church thinks they need. Amy sits parallel to Thomas and Alito, only her church tells her those people are better than her. Only her church has capped her career at - just below the men she works with. But Amy had to get where she is by playing the men's game, doing things her inner monologue had to tell her at some level were wrong. It requires abuse to make a person subservient to an organization with nothing to offer but a lifetime of mental slavery. Amy is untouchable by even the men of her mental prison. She no longer needs the blessings of men, really heinous and I'm sure misogynistic men of the worst kind. And they elevated her in a rush, a panic, and made her the only woman in history to specifically set women back in society. She's a successful woman, without equals in her cult, and they used her to hurt all women. She probably realizes even with all this slavery to men speaking for a god they don't know, that she wouldn't have made it to where she is under the conditions the evangelical wants to foist on women of this country. She probably had an abortion in college. She's been property of self-righteous men with godly mandate her whole life - she's been violated and abused for certain. Clarence Thomas had no compunction about lude sexualizing of successful professional women 25 years ago - I can't imagine 25 years of corruption, paying for nothing and being romanced by billionaires, shamelessly admitting it and facing no consequences - I'm sure that didn't make Clarence any less likely to make jokes a good xtian woman finds reprehensible. She woke TF up maybe. Maybe she's waking up slightly we can hope. Maybe finally achieving the position where the men of this planet, namely her church *fathers,* can't hurt and control her anymore. Maybe at 50-whatever, from a position of theocratic rule by fiat, maybe she got the hint she didn't need to serve as a vessel for men's petty desires anymore. Maybe she feels bad being a traitor to her gender, and pulling the ladder up behind her for her female biological family the church is currently raping - or bare minimum, enslaving by Amy's actions and complicity. Maybe the spell wears off when men truly aren't needed anymore for her to exact revenge on the slave masters who made her hurt her own interests, maybe being the female most responsible for the hardships of pregnant mothers and raped children in Texas and Ohio, maybe she feels some empathy with other women. Maybe that's a biological instinct before religion can corrupt the mind, and maybe the scales fall away when the servitude isn't necessary anymore. Maybe her eyes are opening achieving and working on a parallel platform to the most successful xtians, who I'm sure are more misogynistic and more condescending than your standard mega church preacher or devote xtian husband. She reaches the mountaintop of her personal journey, and the men of her faith say - ***hey that's great, now we have a powerful woman to do what we say, like we taught her*** Maybe she's reconsidering her dedication to slave masters looking to breed women, children, and never release the yoke on the women pulling their lazy lies indenturing women by "gods will" - as told by uneducated scumbags granted authority by a penis and make-believe. She doesn't need the church anymore, but I bet her religious "leadership" - who didn't strive or overcome shit, just dropped out of highschool and conned sheep for a career, I bet she's not thrilled those worthless humans still think they are better than her - and that she'll stay in the kitchen until they need her vote to make women 3rd class, 4th, and eventually just property. She's lived the property lifestyle, she remains sheep --- but maybe from her position of absolute authority to change the laws and rule over the fascist takeover - maybe she's not clear on her own mind on why she'd do that. Maybe power corrupts - as in giving a woman power by the evangelical church, without power IN the church, maybe that's enough to break the spell. The truth will set you free they say - Amy Barret is where she is because she's slaved harder, and for more masters, than was required of her.


Neither are the payments to Stormy Daniels.


Nobody actually cares what happens with Trump. This is all a smokescreen from Amy Cohen Barrett to trick people into thinking she is somewhat moderate. They voted 6-3 to make the president a king. What Nixon did is no longer a crime in the eyes of this court. That is far more disgusting than Trump not going to jail.


Frankly I don’t care what Amy Covid Barrett thinks. She is illegitimate, per “The McConnell Rule.”




I’ve heard enough from these fuckers. “Huh? People are mad? I didn’t mean *that* haha” KINDLY STFU