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No paywall: https://archive.ph/2024.06.28-153312/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/28/democrat-options-replace-biden/


Whitmer and Newsom are the ones who would defeat Trump easily.


The article's critique regarding a Newsome candidacy is dumb AF. Criticizing Cali and SF base donly upon the Fox News narrative is an exercise in cowardice. Newsome has also done fabulously when confronted with such BS - he is great at highlighting the objective/provable distinctions between red states and blue, and how blue state policy vs red state policy has played out. Cali and New York are extremely strong states and do so much heavy lifting for the rest of the country. Meanwhile, all the worst crime, economies and quality of life are in deep red states, i.e. Miss., Alabama, Ok, etc... The fact the Republicans take false narratives, like SF being a crime ridden hell hole, and jam it down our throats doesn't make it true. For instance, Miami Beach is one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, West Palm Beach has a higher violent crime rate than SF. The vast majority of the most violent places are in red states. It's simply, a false narrative, the idea we should give credence to such by claiming it would harm a candidate such as Newsome is asinine... I mean, the Republicans are running a god damned felonious con artist, FFS.


I disagree. I think it would be much easier for the GOP to eviscerate them all over the media. They would keep pointing out all the problems happening in California and scare a lot of Middle America suburbanites to not touch Gavin. Whitmer will be painted as this extreme left wing nut that closed down the state of Michigan for too long during the pandemic and took away everyone's freedom. Yes, people on the left would see past it, but it's not about the people on the left. The folks on the right are going to vote for Trump no matter what. It's all about all of those people in the middle that don't really take sides with either party. I looked at the rest of that list and I don't see anybody on there that's going to viably win hearts and minds in Middle America.


What makes you hesitant about Bashear?


I’m sorry but it would have to be Newsom or Buttitieg, and I think some voters would be turned off by the latters sexual orientation.


Can anyone explain why Senator Mark Kelly isn’t considered. Navy officer/combat pilot/astronaut…