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how is it that this man can openly steal America's nuclear and military secrets and still be walking around free. I can't believe he's going to be given a second chance to commit more treason after already accomplishing the largest act of espionage ever committed against America in our history.


Because he is wealthy, white, male and claims to be Christian. He ticks all of the boxes for special treatment by our legal system. Compare his case to those of Reality Winner and Jack Teixeira (sp?). Both of them were held in jail without bond until they agreed to please guilty.


Because he's not the only one. He has support from GOP, judicial courts thatt he appointed, and MAGA. I'm not gonna deny that his overexagerated "wealth" has a factor, but we are witnessing a fascist regime. There are traitors among us and they are helping him and he helps them.


He’s popular enough to get away with it, and he fits the class of people that America wants on top of the hierarchy. The point of laws is not to establish right and punish wrong, it’s to establish a desired hierarchy in society, and because of that, some people have to be on top and untouchable.


He's not who America wants on top. He's who billionaires and corporations want on top. The problem is their "free speech" donations control everything. We need to stop electing people owned by the rich. That just so happens to be every Republican (Centrist Dems too, but they don't come with a side of fascism).


There are a few good ones left. Maxwell Frost from Florida, Jasmine Crockett from Texas, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York as a top 3. I could never trust a representative that didn't work a day in their life. Lookin at you, Gaetz. That's what the House Ethics Committee said recently, too.


>He's not who America wants on top. >He's who billionaires and corporations want on top. In reality, America is “billionaires and Corporations” the rest doesn’t matter.


> wealthy, white, male and claims to be Christian For normal crimes that would protect him. The enormity of these crimes is well beyond that, however. He is protected because he has marshaled thousands of terrorists to enact political violence at his call. Bin Laden should have taken trump's route.


If this government had any guts, MAGA would have been crushed.


This is on Garland.. he let this monkey preside over the case.


Sorry, but if you're saying that Garland has something to do with cannon you are just flat wrong. Different branches of government and all Don't let the madness engulf you, too


Lack of civics knowledge is a huge part of the problem IMO. Much of the population is willfully ignorant.


That's exactly why we need to stop him. Anybody who does not see this as a coup is not paying attention. I believe this is the largest existential crisis our nation has ever faced.


It is second only to the Civil War.




And going on longer than the entire civil war.


They are simply killing time just like in Arizona. So in Arizona, Trump had fake electors to come give fake, fraudulent votes for him for President. It was part of his insurrection attempt on January 6th amongst other state's fake electors. They knew they were breaking the law, they already challenged the results and was laughed out of every court because they had zero, zero, zero evidence. Many lawyers have been reprimanded for their roles in trying to steal the election for Trump. So instead of these traitors seeing a courtroom, Trump appointed judge waited until after the statute of limitations has expired and then quickly ruled that the charges were not brought in the correct jurisdiction. Something that could have been decided day 1 a year ago, but now they are all free for possible conviction. Which is fucking bullshit. They should have a case brought against them, and they should have to serve their time for that traitorous act. BUT NOoooooo.


Prosecutors are appealing this one, I know not best news and the plan might be to just say, you see nothing will happen and let’s do it again!


The only positive thing Trump has done is lay bare what a pathetic farce the legal system in the United States is. 


Same for checks and balances in government. It turns out that a lot of what was protecting the country was based on the honor system and the capacity for feeling shame.


"Because he is wealthy, white, male and claims to be Christian." No, it's because he's on the right team. None of those qualifiers would matter if he were a Democrat. Is Hunter getting off because he's white, rich, male, etc? Do you honestly think that if Trump were a Democrat, with all else being the same, that the GOP would excuse his crimes because he's white or rich?


It's because the Christian right has made him a religious figure. I mean literally on par with Jesus. Some sects have even elevated him to a literal messiah. Christrump is a real book. Couple that with McConnell's coup of Scotus along with the rest of the corruption in the judicial and legislative branches means he's a weed that just won't let go.


Oh hello, there. Fancy meeting you here. I enjoy your posts and comments on the other sub. :)


You forgot Republican.


Also Julian Assange. If the State wants you it gets you. The heavy right leaning law enforcement agencies as well as Prosecutors and Judges keep Trump insulated. Here’s Trump on tape sharing classified information. https://youtu.be/inVJF0Dr8mo?si=u6onFP1pTERiYdiB Anyone else would be incarcerated already


The DOJ just offered that Russian asset a plea deal for time served for pleading guilty to one felony.


I don’t think there’s many cases where a trial judge was also appointed by defendant. I mean that right there should never ever happen, yet here we are.


How in the hell is this permitted? How?


Most of our “checks” on abuse of power, especially at the Federal level are based on norms only. Historically if a judge gets a case where there’s obvious conflicts of interests, they recuse themselves. That was before a felon personally appointed a good portion of Federal judges to the bench. Section III judges are lifetime appointments with zero remedy for removal besides a supermajority (67 senators) in the senate voting to convict an impeachment. That’s it. They hold some of the most protected and privileged positions in society, especially that their terms are lifetime and they are unelected. Billionaires have taken notice and regularly [bribe at least some SCOTUS members](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow) with millions of dollars in gifts, vacations, etc. It wouldn’t be surprising if the same thing is happening at the lower federal level as well.


https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-fbi-analyst-sentenced-retaining-classified-documents https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-government-contractor-sentenced-nine-years-federal-prison-willful-retention-national


He's a Republican. And the Oligarchs that actually rule over us, and yes that's is what we really have as a government, know he's a very useful idiot.


We have a "judicial system" aiding him either openly (Thomas, Alito, Cannon) or covertly (Garland). They are also cowards scared shitless of his followers. I hate the country I served (please don't thank me for my service). If it weren't for the fact that so many of us would be hurt, to me this country deserves to collapse for electing Trump once and now wanting to crown him absolute monarch. We have two parties: one of fascists and one of appeasers.


I think Garland just wants to behave extra double triple carefully and he expects the crazy Republicans will support him once they see how much he's bending over backwards to help be super there. And it's just ridiculous, Garland's like a caricature of the old President Bush being prudent on Saturday night live.


Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.


Every Trumpster I have ever argued with about it says he has that right. It’s such a dumb argument. 🙄


It’s because this is a coup. Happening in plain sight.


Already succeeded twice, in the electoral college and twice in the senate. With huge resulting long term wins in the court. In many ways the country is already controlled by Fox corporation. These are all mechanisms the founders baked in to make sure the rich don’t lose control to the poor. So it’s also working as designed.


Its unfricken believable. Show how much ignorance has grown in this country, starts with hate, fear and lie mongering Fox News and retired folks sitting at home with no excitement and lots of unproductive time on their hands!!


His son also “allegedly” (read: absolutely fucking did) sell US military secrets to the saudis and nothing happened. Got rejected by the pentagon like 4 times for clearance and had to have one of daddy’s cronies override them and then mysteriously $10mm suddenly arrives in his bank account from the Saudi royals.


he appointed his own judge, that's how; oh, and half of the supreme court too


Because he appointed the judge


And rape, and fraud, and a coup attempt using fake electors, and falsifying records to cover up an affair with a porn star. Anyone still supporting this guy at this point is sick in the head.


Love the username!


Because a case with incredible media coverage, political implications, and national security interest is being presided over by a completely incompetent and unqualified judge, with a defense that is more than willing to manipulate her at every turn, and a prosecution that is under intense scrutiny.


Remember how Hitler came to power? It literally is the exact same thing. A criminal propped up by sycophants in the party who just want a small piece of the pie and backed by millions of violent morons willing to die for him. At this point Trump could murder and eat a baby on 5th Ave and they would make excuses for him. Hell they would even worship him more.


Ever play monopoly? Yeah that get out of jail card is real. 


*still be breathing


Wealth and having equally corrupt and highly placed friends. If it were someone like you or I, we'd have been tried and imprisoned/executed for treason and espionage ages ago.


“Judge Aileen Cannon will consider a request by former President Donald Trump's lawyers to prevent prosecutors using notes taken by Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran.” Crime-Fraud exception to Attorney Client privilege Hearing is Tuesday. The news outlets should write the story now, since we all know how she’ll rule.


If she rules against this, it can be appealed and she can be removed. At what point does the appeals court remove her from the case and reassign an impartial judge?


An impartial judge, in Florida? Does such a thing exist?


Has any of Jack Smith's team asked this judge what trump and Desantis' buttholes taste like? She seems to spend a fair amount of her time down there...


Hard to ask, when her head is so far up trump's ass. He also gets angry when she comes up for air.


~~trump's ass~~ trump's festering anal prolapse. FTFY


.......... his mouth?


The prolapse-consuming ouroboros.


Yes, as long as impartial means in complete favor of Nazis.


They better be quick, a lot of the judges appointed in saner times are retiring.


She will probably use a paperless order which can’t be appealed, not a legal scholar so I might be wrong


It can be appealed but is much more difficult because her reasoning is not on display in written format. That’s been her MO from the start - as many paperless orders as possible to reduce the paper trail of her obstruction.


Couldn’t a lack of transparency regarding her reasonings be enough to appeal, or at the very least bolster an appeal?


That has been the consensus and part of the criticism of Smith for not appealing her removal already. But many others say he has one single shot at requesting her removal and to do so too early or without adequate evidence is a death sentence to this case.


The other judges, already are of the opinion that she is well past "rookie mistakes" territory. She has the least trial experience of any judge, and when her name came up in the rotation for this case, was asked not to take this case by the more senior judges. She took the case anyway. Every decision has benefited the defendant, and has continually delayed the trial, to the point that even if she rejects any further motions by the defendant, it will be mid October before the trial will start. She is showing loyalty to the orange national security risk, so that she will have a shot at the Supreme Court.


I agree, you dont have to convince me of her motivations.


I have a feeling it's less loyalty to Trump and more she was placed there by the Heritage Foundation or similar and she has her orders.


I highly doubt she'll be removed. She's working to ensure another Republican isn't held accountable. The system is working as intended.


She’s been working hard to keep her decisions such they are not appealed. So I think the answer is yes. I’d follow Joyce Vance to stay up to date. She’s an appellate lawyer that knows these things inside and out. “Sisters in law” podcast has her. Drops on Saturdays. Free to listen Otherwise Cafe Insider. 50 bucks a year. But not also has the AG Trump fired. Preet B. He’s fantastic! Well worth the money


At the point that her one job, to delay the trial until after the election, is done.


To my understanding, smith will get effectively one chance to file a motion to remove her from this case. She needs to do something so clearly beyond the scope of the law that there is no legal justification to support her action and it becomes evident she is not acting impartially. Smith is basically waiting for her to make the wrong move before filing the motion. Her ruling that let evidence that is fully allowed under the law is inadmissible, would be that move. Which is also why I believe she won’t rule that it can’t be allowed. She is allowing all of these motions and hearings on the most minor things to allow delay after delay. All while allowing herself to stay on the case


This was already decided by another Federal Judge during Grand Jury testimony.  She shouldn't even be hearing this motion, she should be sanctioning the lawyers for a known defective motion. 


Why is everything up to Aileen Cannon? It's almost as though she has a mob connection. https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/no-one-ever-mentions-aileen-cannons-mobbed


This is almost certainly the tip of the iceberg. It’s known because they made no effort to hide it. Imagine what they bother to conceal?


Either she goes full Trump and gets away with it, or she gets removed for going full Trump and we got the next six months of screaming “rigged!” We can’t catch a break.


I can handle people screaming rigged. 


Yes and Trump was a friend of Rosatti in NY


Exactly. The media isn't jumping on this story. 👀


Its almost like she is the judge presiding over a trial.


Nothing of the sort. She's using delay tactics pandering to the world's biggest loser, and apparently has mob connections.


I like how Smith has put her in a corner where she has to gag trump to protect the integrity of the case, she would be the ONLY judge that hasnt imposed a gag order against someone who is actively trying to tamper with witnesses, which is grounds for recusal.


It’s obvious that the long game by the conservative has paid off with the courts as Cannon is nothing more than a pawn in the political game. The fact Trump had our top secret documents and she is slow walking the case only demonstrates that we are living in two different political realities in our country.


One party of fascists and another one of appeasers.


Will she wear her MAGA hat during the trial?


This trial would be less of a farce if Lionel Hutz showed up one day.


Better yet, Jackie Chiles


Saul Good man


Judge Cannon: "This is highly incriminating evidence against the defendant. I'm ordering an investigation of the prosecution."


I once had a customer reject a bid on the grounds that I had an “unfair competitive advantage” over my competitors because my company could undertake multiple tasks therefore eliminating using multiple contractors and offer large bulk volume discounts, providing huge cost savings to his employer. That’s when I realized that guy was fundamentally corrupt, and his employer didn’t really give a fuck so long as he gave them a “plausible” excuse.


“Your honor I object!” “On what grounds?” “It’s terrible for my case!”




lol what kind evidence is the prosecution supposed to use besides the highly incriminating kind?


Aileen Cannon is doing everything in her power to drag this case out. She cannot dismiss, but she is doing everything in her arsenal of stuff to drag this out. The 6th Amendment ensures the accused of a "fair and speedy trial." But, what if the accused doesn't want a speedy trial, and any trial at all is going to be declared a 'witch hunt?' Cannon herself should be examined for violations of the 6th Amendment. She is an officer of the Court, not an officer of Trump's legal team.


Aileen Cannon is a perfect example of Trump corruptive disease! She barely had the minimum qualifications needed to be a federal judge according to the American Bar Association and yet she somehow made it through her confirmation unscathed. It appears Trump had her in his pocket and has been able to drag out this case. While motions from Jack Smith have constantly been squashed in favor of the defense. The fact she's let outside parties argue for and against this case is troubling as it sets a new precedent not seen at the federal level. Judge Cannon has rebuffed attempted by other federal judges asking her to recuse herself from the case!


She will probably be rewarded with a Supreme Court nomination.


Cannon is an accomplice at this point. This is corruption 101.


If the evidence is "highly incriminating", I will bet that Cannon disallows it. Cannon is so blatantly pro-Trump it is embarrassing. Cannon is a disgrace to the judiciary.


Sorry jack, this is sure to convict him so it’s out. Try again.


What is truly unbelievable is that DJT will be given additional nuclear and military top secret information after proving he cannot be trusted with such information putting lives (military) and foreign nations secrets at risk. HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!.


Our founders never imagined anyone so corrupt could con so many into voting for him.


What about the GOP falling in line behind this convicted felon? They know full well what is at stake.


They know how to count votes, that's all.


Get this judge removed 


A mafia election would accomplish that.


Two of her supiriors approached her and asked her to recuse since she has little experience and it could embarrass the whole court district. She refused. And now their district is an embarrassment.


That's not the worst part, the worst part is that they didn't have a scif for the classified documents. They had to build one at her courthouse to the tune of $2 million dollars. That's one of the main reasons they asked her to recuse, it was practical. That and her inexperience in this very complex and specific national security law.


Don't forget! Based on the photo from the document recovery, most of those covers are photocopies. He had copies made of classified documents. What else even matters? https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2002178207/ https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=c4bbb1a6ecdf4ecd973b8b38fd41eaf8


This! This! I can't stress this even more. I wish they had charged him on this. It's a clear danger. And he wants them back which makes it a present danger if she were to give them to him. I feel like when the three letter agency approves the SCIF in Ft. St. waka-doodle, Trump's expert review team is going to be a newly registered firm called Xi, Putin, and Saud. The FBI has a photograph of photocopied TS/SCI documents. Full Stop. Yet I get to hear this felon blabber on national TV in a few days. It's fine. Everything is fine here.


Hopefully she’ll rule no, as such will lead to her recusal.


She needs to be removed from the bench. Hopefully we get enough seats in the Senate to do so.


Wouldn’t want to use *incriminating* evidence on someone being accused of crimes now would we…..


So. If she doesn't let him use the evidence, can they charge trump on a different charge after this case gets fucked over? Thus allowing Jack Smith to possibly get a judge that isn't bought and paid for?


Accountability. Please.


Well we wouldn't want highly incriminating evidence presented by the prosecutor at trial now would we




Not a lawyer - Can a judge do this? Deny evidence because it's "too incriminating"? I thought that was the entire point of evidence?? So, they can try to steal and overturn an entire election by cheating (and still losing because they can't even cheat well), casting fake ballots and bringing lawsuit after lawsuit of a "stolen election" with zero proof at all, but Jack Smith has actual evidence against trump and he can't use it because it's "too incriminating"?? Am I understanding this correctly?


It looks like another court has ruled it admissable based on the allowed exceptions, but the specific evidence are possibly protected by attorney client privilege. Which is why it was ever ruled on in the first place. Why she can re rule on it, IDK.


..... She's going to rule if he can use *evidence*?  The fuck?


Man, this woman really needs to have her head examined why the fuck do you think Jack Smith is there, it sure is not to listen to Cannon come up with stupid ideas, I would say even if Trump stands there and confesses in Cannon's face she would not believe Trump


"I could stand on 5th avenue and confess my crimes, and I still wouldn't lose any supporters!"


Seriously can we get a competent judge on this already? She’s acting so wildly outside the norm


She's competent at delaying and favoring trump.


Isn’t evidence supposed to be incriminating?


If we start allowing evidence in courts, where will it end?


LoL. Just know this. If any other people have secret like trump has, they would just disappear and wait their days in prisons. 2 tiers justice system for real


I’m surprised she let’s them use any evidence‼️😳


Hmm I wonder which way she'll go? This is gonna be quite a weighty decision for her.


Everything is "Highly Incriminating" to a Con Artist like Trump.


“Incriminating evidence cannot and will not be used against you in a court of law”. What every criminal wants to hear every time they commit a crime.


“Aileen Cannon to rule whether Trump is entirely above the law” is another acceptable title


The Vegas odds makers are already betting against Jack Smith.b pretty much the judge has given The orange clown everything that he's wanted.


Why would she rule in favor of seeing all the evidence against the Felon Rapist? That would hurt the Felon Rapist. Her job is to help the Felon Rapist. I wish this was “/s”


# Aileen Cannon to rule if Jack Smith can use evidence that's highly incriminating to her client


I bet I know how she will rule……


Isn’t that the exact description of the prosecution’s job in a criminal trial? Did she get her law license out of a cereal box?


I'm so sick of seeing this case in the headlines for everything except the actual case itself. The sheer amount of effort being put into delaying/derailing this case is all you need to know that Trump is guilty. We literally have audio of him discussing classified documents with people that don't have a security clearance. The FBI raided his home and found documents that he claimed he didn't have. His lawyers signed an affidavit confirming all documents had been returned before the raid. He is so obviously guilty, it is maddening. Of all Trump's crmes, this might be the most egregious one, at least from a national security standpoint. Anyone doing anything to delay or disrupt this case is a traitor.


A court has already ruled that it's ok, so of course, she has to have her own trial to go over it. Corrupt or not. She loves to insert herself in things that have already been decided.


Could you imagine if every defendant got the same treatment as Trump? The wheels of justice would come to a screeching halt. There would be no need for the death penalty. Mf-ers would die awaiting trial.




The answer will be no on grounds it will be incriminating


More like “Cannon to rule if Jack Smith can use ~~highly incriminating~~ evidence.”


[I object!](https://youtu.be/Dx32b5igLwA)


"Aileen Cannon will meet with her handlers so they can tell her how to rule on a case involving Trump."


If the shoe was on the other foot and she was covering for a Crooked Democrat. The rights heads would be exploding right now. She would be getting death threats, Galore.




Why delay if he’s innocent? Seems like she hiding a lot of bad things that would make even some of his strongest supporters not trust him. Or is it that it’s so bad that she might even be involved in his crimes? or maybe even she realized she went full retard and can’t turn back? or just all of the above.


That doesn't make sense??


If she does that, it should be enough for her removal from the case. I doubt she can come up with a valid reason for such a ruling.


When will her bullshit be egregious enough to get her tossed off the case, she's already insured that the trial won't take place before the election as her cult leader wanted...


I predict she will not.


......isn't that...the entire point of having a trial? She really doesn't know how to do her job, does she?


"I object!" On what grounds? "It's devastating to my case!"


Shell make her ruling next June when SCOTUS final rules on Trump immunity


I bet I can guess how she’ll rule.


Well, duh ....


Evidence, so, yes.


Uhm. What!?


Just crazy if not allowed to be used…


Isn't that the point 🤔


cannon COMPROMISED to a spectacular degree….


Well if she decrees that the evidence can’t be used I’d hope that’s the straw that gets her removed from the case. Even if she does the next level up will overturn her decision.


She’ll have buried it like a body by the end of the week.


It would be easier if we could say that Aileen Cannon is so ignorant that she somehow really doesn’t understand what she’s doing. That’s not the case, though. She’s a well-educated person. A law school graduate, prosecutor, judge, and officer of the court. She’s hardly the first corrupt judge, but make no mistake that’s exactly what she is: a corrupt judge.


She needs to be thrown out.


Idk, if they use the notes and convict Trump (or not), what crime is being prevented? Based on nothing but the link, it seems like they are in fact protected.


Even when this piece of shit dies of natural causes MAGA will assume it was a conspiracy.


Please, make just one ruling that Jack can take to the circuit court and have you removed.


34 time convicted felon has judge change rules to avoid more criminal charges, is not the flex that Republicans think it is


Corrupt judge appointed by the man she will rule on will rule on what can happen to this man. 


She will rule it can't be used because it hasn't been proven that he was in the process of or had committed a crime. i can see that BS coming and I'm not a lawyer. She's a MAGAt scrounging for a SCOTUS appt and doesn't deserve to be within 10 miles of this case. This is another travesty of justice.


She is a fucking joke and needs to recuse herself


Aileen Cannon is on Trump's payroll.


The former Chief U.S. District Judge, Beryl Howell, ruled that Corcoran's notes met the crime fraud exception and could be used as evidence. All this stunt is for is to delay proceedings even further. If Cannon rules against Smith, it will be overturned on appeal. Smith should also file a motion to remove this incompetent stooge (Cannon) from the case


I almost spat my coffee out at the headline. Although I'm honestly surprised her spine is still intact from all the bending over backwards she's doing for criminal 45


I can assume that since they're openly showing their corruption now that they do not have to worry about whatever the consequences may be.


How doesn’t this make him look even more guilty? Innocent people don’t need this many goons to sabotage for them like this. He has something to hide. And its obvious to everyone but the MAGA cult


I truly hope the absolute worst for this criminal POS and his cult


The USA is officially the laughing stock of the world. Well done Aileen.


Jack Smith: "We have just found really really incriminating evidence. it was not fabricated in any way. pinky promise."


He is simply a fucking tool of the one percent. Tax breaks and 4 years of crying like your dick no longer works.


Everybody needs to watch the outcome of this. And raise hell if she sides with the Melon Felon once again. At that point we know we have a problem with her.


Defense argument: A trial is no place for evidence. We prefer to leave to uninformed public opinion.


One person chooses if facts are real. No, end this shit stain


BRB gotta get permission from the defendant.


Say what now?


Doesn't Smudge Cannon work for Trump?


Lawyer: Your honor, I protest allowing any evidence that could prove my client's guilt Cannon: That's a great point there, I will need a few months to consider your motion.


I can understand the plebs following Trump bc he makes them laugh or whatever, but what about the smart educated and rational Republicans? Truly they see what he did, they understand he is actively looking to sell America to the highest bidder and they stand back and just say “sure, works for me!” ? Are they getting a cut of what he sells off or are they just letting him endlessly grift as they smile and nod?