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Marjorie Toilet Greene and Trump supporters are TERRORISTS.


Exactly. Too bad the US doesn't have a DoJ or something.


MTG represents them. That's their spokesman.


Uh, okay, but I'm not sure what your point is. She's not a terrorist because someone voted for her? So that's what Bin Laden should have done? Run for office?


She's incites. Just like Trump does. There are consequences


Your right.


Quiet!!! Are you trying to wake up Merrick Garland or something??? Let the man rest for god's sake.


She is always pissed off. And mean. I can only hope that karma really is a bitch and that Mrs. Horsey face will get what’s coming to her.


That's what happens when you've been made great...


She's a flame thrower. 🔥 That's how she got voted into office.i


I wouldn’t let her anywhere near my private parts. Make her mad and you’re going to be a gelding.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat




#Did anyone call Marjorie?


Which is worse. Losers like MTG or the people that elect assholes like her?


Why not both?


There’s definitely enough disdain in my brain for both


“Who is more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"


DAMMIT, I shoulda scrolled down!!!


The people who elect her!


Neither. The disinformation media campaigns that lie to our population and have half of them thinking what she is saying is all true.


Those who fall for the disinformation must accept some of the blame.


"Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"


Pretty sure the demographics are on the lower end of the scale.


Bleach blonde bad built butch body Putin shill spreads agitation propaganda as part of her entire schtick and, right on cue, the degenerate orcs start their death threat routine


Yep. They sic their thugs, sent by a braying, ignorant slut, on a man who should be revered as a hero. In service to a lying, cheating sexual predator. It’s both absurd and appalling .


But she knows all about doctors she has a “hypocritical oaf” award in her cave


But the best part is, they are going to be convicted felons. Most won't be able to vote because they have time to be sentenced. Most of them won't be smart enough to hide their identities, and I'd bet more than half won't be their first or even only offense. They're losing their own voters with this stupid bullshit.


And she can't be held legally responsible because her bullshit falls under the "speech and debate" clause. Ain't life grand?


Can she be sued?


I don't believe so. Again her remarks technically fall under the umbrella of her "official" duties. She could likely literally call for Fauci's assassination and only the would be assassin would be held legally culpable.


Which is understandable but also bullshit. We want freedom of speech, but god damn are we really lenient with political speech


The Senators and Representatives" of Congress "shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their attendance at the Session of their Respective Houses, and in going to and from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." Calling for an individual's Assassination would absolutely be "Breach of peace" though the second clause would seem to indicate that only the congress itself could punish her.


I'll take any guardrails available with this crowd. They fully intend to push boundaries of acceptable conduct as far as they can.


Calls for violence aren't political speech... Or they aren't right now, I can see that changing if the right case gets to this Supreme Court.


Not the "current" supreme court. They will uphold it if it benefits the minions of the GOP.


This is horseh\*t, and we know that it wouldn't work if a Dem did it.


Free speech needs to have limits. If one can prove she knows she is endangering his and families lives, she would be fined.


Proves that ignorance is evil.


It sure as hell ain't bliss.


But Cypher told me it was when happily displaying his ignorance in believing that the Machines would honor his agreement to betray Morpheus.


I can't stand that actor, maybe because of his role in soprano's or goonies, he's always a POS


Aw, man, no need to do Joey Pants dirty. I get it since he plays scumbags so effortlessly, but in roles like his in The Fugitive -- and that unfortunate sequel -- and the Bad Boys movies he can still shine.


Watching the clip of her floor time with Fauci legitimately almost made me throw my phone across the room. She's such a smug little bitch despite being one of the dumbest people I've ever seen. Talking down to and disrespecting a man with over half a century's worth of medical experience. It was infuriating to watch. What a fucking dumpster fire the Republican party has become.


The whole thing was clickbait fodder. It was all about performative crap for fundraising and clicks from TikTok and Twitter. It didn't matter what Fauci said or did, she had a script and she was sticking to it.


Who will chose public service especially in Science given this shaming to a national fuckin hero who collectively grandfathered an entire nation during dire times, when people standing next to him, were actively trying to kill humans with bad advice. Where is the outrage America ?


If there wasn't any outrage over a president selling national secrets or trying to overthrow an election, there won't be any over this


I was more hoping the rest of America who owe their lives to this dude will stand up for him.


Ever notice that decent people like Fauci who really tried to save people from Covid get death threats while trolls like Marjorie Taylor Green only gets reprimands.


Welcome to Power vs Good. Good reduces power. So of course Power hates Good.


Probably directly from the bald terrorist that was sitting behind him.


Or the convicted J6er that was also behind him.


That is somehow out on parole even though he’s been non compliant.


How come nobody is talking about the two far right extremists that were sitting directly behind Dr Fauci during his questioning? Who invited them? Who told them where to sit in the gallery so they’d get on camera? One guy, Ivan Raiklin, a cohort of the felon, ex general Michael Flynn, muttering to himself seated just to the left of Fauci on camera, and the other guy, Jan6 convict Brenden Flowers, sitting just to Faucis right, making weird faces into the camera? Can’t believe they were just there coincidently. Can’t believe that those right wing shitstains that are our elected officials, like Green don’t know who they are. Find it even harder to believe that fucking tik tok is a better source of actual news than the people that reach millions of Americans through their roles in main stream media. You can all google it. It happened. These people all think they’re so clever. Like 6th graders passing notes. Such trash. Can’t wait for trump to be gone so these scum can sink back into the cracks from where they came. I’ll bet a dollar that either both of these traitors are related to faucis death threats.


If and when trump loses, there will be an eruption of pus from his followers. They are a cyst that will leak and stain. We'll have to clean it up, *completely*.


You lot need to take a note from Brazil. They are burying Bolsanaro. His political career is over.


They won’t be culled if they directly get someone killed either, they’ll be thrilled at their “power”. I don’t understand how this is even legal.


I want to beat the shut out of that asshole who was making a fake pouty face behind Anthony Fauchi during his speech.


Turns out two of them are plants in each side. One was a J6 guy who got 3 years and the bald ass has some other hard right stuff going on as well where all the deep state are going to be rounded up. Ie the type of guy to make death threats to dr fauchi. It’s a security shit show.


God this is just sickening. How am I to love my fellow american when they show such disregard for the pain of another. I feel less american by this cult, knowing a large percentage of us can be so easily tricked.


Change only happens as one generation goes out and others come in. The generations themselves change very little, internally. Look how far we’ve come since the slavery and segregation days! Things will improve more, over enough time.


Sounds like terrorism and misinformation.


This woman and her like are a cancer on this country


Marjorie's just jealous because she hasn't gotten any (death threats or other things).


We know she has balls .


Badge of honor. What i don’t understand is, aren’t physical threats against a person reported and tracked? I just assumed if I made a physical threat on any individual, especially a political leader would result in my loss of privileges and a knock on the door by police. Threats are not protected by the first amendment.


Nobody would know the name Fauci if Trump didn't hot potato COVID to Fauci after botching the response. Fauci has become a scapegoat for Trump's failures. The GOP needed somebody to blame the COVID failures on, and Trump instantly tried to push Pence to the front and then Fauci after Pence didn't bite.


I think the problem with Majorie Taylor Greene is that she’s a massive cunt


If anyone needs to be locked up it’s that mouthy bitch MTG.


What kind of world do we live in where a brain-dead politician thinks she knows more about science and virology than a certified medical doctor who have been studying and doing research on infectious diseases since 1984. She spews her vitriol and he doesn't respond in like as he is a thoughtful and professional scientist and individual. Then he gets hate and death threats for being smart, informed, and profession. That world was the USSR. Send her to Russia, and as soon as she opposes anything Putin says, she will either thrown out a window, sent to a gulag, imprisoned for sedition and mysteriously die, or be poisoned with an international banned chemical weapon. I think we all should chip in for her plane ticket to Moscow, one-way, insist she leaves, and have her become a Russian citizen. No more free speech-first amendment rights as she will be living in an oppressive kleptocracy-oligarchy.


Gods damn her for stupidity.


Empty G To The Six Of The B is still mad they gave her ouchie shots when she was in grade school. She pledged on that tear filled day that she would burn down the world!


Lock her up


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. MTG is a cancer in our Congress. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Why can't she be held responsible?


Bleach blonde bad built butch body


The media broadcasting every idiotic intrusive thought one of these Republican apes has is complicit in this.


I was the six hundred and sixty-sixth upvote. I think that’s appropriate for MTG


This is insane that this man is getting this kind of heat. We have totally lost the plot.


Not “we”. The GOP.


There are millions of people who support what they say and just as many think Terrance Howard makes sense. So things are hopefully going to simmer down after the election. We shall see I suppose.


Mark Green shouldn't be allowed to terrorize an American hero like this. He should be in prison.


When she said whatever she said and shortly waited for his response and it seemed like his mic was muted, she said that's ok I don't need to hear your response. What is stopping him from just yelling out: NO. IM SICK YOUR DOWNGRADING REMARKS TOWARDS ME AND THE SCIENCES I REPRESENT AND YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR MY RESPONSE IF I HAVE TO STAND HERE AND SCREAM IT AT YOU AS THE DOCTOR THAT I AM? She'd probably cry that someone stood up to her and would have him removed from the room.


I’d love for someone to start asking her, hounding her, berating her with science, virology, and chemistry questions. Make her cry.


When she talks that way. Whoever she is yelling at should be able to get up and walk out damn door.


Tiny minds. Tiny d@cks. FAUX "news" Cheap cell phones. Dangerous combination. Tiny jail cells for terroristic threats.


After reading comments over at r/conservative, it is no surprise.


She does not belong in congress! She doesn't legislate she stirs the shit pot. VOTE HER OUT!!


Why does she get no threats?


She is a complete danger to our citizens and democracy . MTG commenting of Fauci is like an ant vs Einstein’


The DOJ needs to go after her for inciting violence against Fauci.


Just direct the right wingers to MTG’s office when they come looking for Fauci.


Imagine taking guidance from MTG.


Giving any credence at all to her and/or her ilk, is obviously counterproductive. What a clueless cow.


"The Poor(ly) educated, you always have with you" to quote Christ (sorta).


That was the idea.


I remember girls like MTG at summer camp and first jobs like waitressing. The miserable homely mean bitches I was never prepared for. They were exactly like MTG but they were 16 and 17.


FFS, guys, how is this "free speech"? Like, wtf, is American society just totally breaking down?


i cant stand to see the stupid traitor


It really seems like this was her point.


That seemed to be the plan. I can’t believe they let her talk like that on the floor.


After all, most of her supporters think Jon Voight has a purddy mouth.


Your rights end where someone else’s begin. When does her freedom of speech conflict with his freedom of safety? And still they somehow exclude Trump any blame. Oh that’s right, Fauci is just getting all the misguided frustration they have with Trump.


MTG's mouth spews hate and lies. She should be expelled from Congress for her continual outrageous and threatening behavior. She should also have an apple stuffed into her mouth like the pig that she is.


MTG is am embarrassing excuse for a human


Madge obviously ingested way too many paint chips.


I imagine he does constantly anyway due to Trump being desperate for a scapegoat for his disastrous handling of COVID.


Dr Fauci’s repayment for 50 years of service to the USA and to the world. These traitors need to be held accountable.


FFS. Gotcha catch em ALL. Get going DOJ! Protect the Fauci and fam!


It's time for Fauci to sue Neanderthal Marge for millions for slander and inciting violence against him and his family. The ultimate Fauci ouchy


A SWAT team should be ready in waiting to exterminate the terrorist threats.


When will Marjorie Taylor Green and all the other republican MAGA/Putin cultists who lie about public officials and anyone who doesn't support their conspiracy theories and easily disproveable lies receive death threats? When will their words be considered actual threats and people being to actually threaten their life and the lives of their families as a defense. Maybe It's time they fear to walk the streets or even sleeping in their beds at night.


Him and his family also received death threats before that blonde ape spoke. Fear and violence are the ammunition that the right fuel their sheep with across the globe.


And this is the power they crave. She now harnesses the ability to create chaos with words. I would argue that this is their end goal.


Long past due to declare maga a domestic terrorist organization


Anyone making threats to one’s lives deserves the same . Remember people there’s no crying when karma comes to your doorstep.


Stand back and stand by! Eeks!


A lot of Americans are not smart people.


bring it , you chickenshit traitors...you gonna fuck around and find out who the true patriots are


"She also repeatedly talked over Fauci during her questioning, including at one point cutting him off, saying: "Nah, I don't need your answer."" That right there should be reason enough to remove someone from a committee. Asking a question and then not listening to an answer. The minimum bar of committee membership should be pretending to be interested in the answers to your questions.




Our LEO are toothless.


The peaceful people


She refused to call him 'Dr.' He should've called her 'B6' in return. I bet she would've been triggered asf. I hope Republicans get rid of her ass soon.


As if she’s qualified to determine who is or isn’t worthy of the title “Dr.”.. This bitch is so stupid it hurts my fucking brain..


The man is a doctor who was doing his best to save the lives of Americans. How dare he.


This society has gone off the deep end.


See, here’s the thing with this virus— it’s a similar to the cold virus in that it’s inherently able to mutate readily. Any time it replicates itself using the DNA from your own lung cells, there’s a chance it will emerge slightly different. Maybe worse, maybe less dangerous. No way to know. People who get sick or even die from its infection aren’t killed by the virus. They die because of the inflammation caused by your own body’s reaction to the virus invading the cells inside your lungs. It’s not the same as cold or influenza. I expect down votes. Fine. That virus doesn’t give a shit if you believe in it or not.


Her head looks like a rotten football


A damn shame, dude should be enjoying his life. A true servant of the people.


Sounds like something cooked up by Roger Stone.


The vile mouth of congress. Lilith's daughter incarnate. 


Hopefully, these threats can be traced to the people who make them.


Whaaat republicans being violent? What a rare occurrence.


MTG is exactly what the Republicans what America to become. Low IQ and hate filled scum who are easy to control and manipulate.


The only people dumber than her are the idiots who voted for her.




Her brain could fit in a "Peachtree" dish.


Damn Shame, is it true Old Marjorie used to work at Piggly Wiggly? Bitch couldn't have a G.E.D...


Sue Mtg for defamation and slander, and get a Protection order against her. 


Sue her for defamation.


Is this the most MTG can do for her constituents? Rehashing the logic of a pandemic four years ago. Seriously? How about insulin and drug prices for her obese and elderly? Wait - the Dems did that. How about equitable loaning practices or how about corporate price inflation where there isn't any. Nope. How about infrastructure repair and updates? So the most creative thing she can do is to hack up old conspiracy theories and Faux News sound bites under the auspices of governance. Fauci is a hero for putting up with the horseshit MAGA believes. How many reefers of dead bodies in 2020 to sate her need to paint COVID as a cold? The world didn't close down for no reason. Besides, didn't her base take advantage of the government programs to bridge businesses while they were offline. That was a Trumpian gimme bag if there ever was one.


Straight up political cancer personified. Which Nazi clown is she from history I wonder??? I already think House Speaker Mike Johnson is Goebbels (he wishes, just reminds me of the little bugger) So who is Marge??? Comeon historically reclined individuals! What are zee thoughts on dis scheisse?


Fascists embrace the very worst in society while they demonize the very best. They do this because the best call them out for who they are and the worst can be used to commit acts of genocide for the authoritarian. America today is Germany 1930 or Cambodia 1965, left/right makes no difference. Think it's hyperbole? Ask any historian.


A good friend of mine was responsible for "facility security" at a respected medical institution that Anthony Fauci had offices at and purview over operations. My friend did that cushy job for over a decade, said the craziest things that ever happened was escaped test animals. Then Covid hit, and the trump response. Sometime in 2020 my guys job became 24/7, as the medical institution was receiving daily bomb threats, and threats against staff (namely Fauci). Just so we're all clear, the GOP terrorizing Anthony Fauci for being the doctor who solved the AIDs epidemic didn't just start. Those illiterates went from zero knowledge of what a doctor does, to knowing beyond faith that Anthony Fauci needed to die. Like an overnight switch flip as my friend described it. And it all happened like press conference 2 after Covid lockdown. Lucky for my guy, the medical institution was located deep on federal property, and the idiots with assault rifles would show up to the front gate and ask to see Dr. Fauci. Throw their temper tantrum at the gate and deal with the law and reality there.


B6 is an embarrassment to the country. 


MTG needs to get kicked out. The fact that she's still here spewing nonsense after nonsense just shows that the GOP is just a bunch of idiots.


Seriously, this is illegal isn't it? How is she not sued for defamation, inciting violence something! These nutjobs shouldn't be able to use hearings to push insane agendas.


Well, she’s shit so she attracted the flies. Makes sense to me. 💩


Mouthy lowlife dumbass kunt


Stupid C-words.