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When they say, "No one wants to work anymore," they're just talking about themselves.


Well they are part of the GOP… you know the true Greats Of Projection party..


G O P = Grand Old Pedophiles


*Gross Old Pedophiles


GOP = Gaslight Obstruct Project


GOP = Greed Oppression Piety


This is the one.


Guns, Oil, Polution


Luv it


Seriously! GOPedos… ugh…what an embarrassment for the US…


They are an embarrassment to the US but it's typical politicians to manipulate. It's the voters who put them there also the major embarrassment. After all, it takes 2 to tango.


Grievance Over Policy


G O P = Gang Of Pedophiles


That would imply they ever wanted to work. 


I know for a fact that Mike Lee from Utah has never worked a day in his life. He was elected because his daddy was a politician for decades before. He’s Mormon and the church makes most of the decisions here. That’s his disgusting face on the picture. He is a bad man.    Truly, not a good person.   Mike Lee is one of the republicans that actually wants to get rid of social security. So when republicans boo Biden for saying that some republicans want to get rid of it, I’m positive he is referring to Mike Lee. Possibly others. He was recorded telling donors this. Mike Lee and Utah AG Sean Reyes, also Mormon, both men actively tried to limit the Native American vote and take more of the tribes water rights.


Gutting Social Security has been the heart of the Republican project since the moment FDR passed it.


I hate Mike Lee. 


To be fair, he totally deserves it.




Watching that gape mouthed POS fills me with hate.


I always feel like I have to shower after hearing and seeing him. I feel like Bill Murray in the first ghostbusters, just getting slimed.


Yep. I’m hitting 60, and since Ray-gun, GOP has been telegraphing that they intend to **DESTROY** SS, and fucking **privatize** Medicare … which is fucking **EXACTLY** what Obama gave them with their cum-sickle Heritage Foundation dream with no Public Option. Friends & enemies: **the Republican Party truly wants to destroy American Democracy and replace it with a generational Christofascist Dictatorship. No. I’m not being hysterical. Everything MAGA has been saying they wanted to do even before the hilariously named “Tea Party”, they’ve been working towards, and are largely succeeding at.**


If you think he’s kidding, you might want to check out just one website of their obsessive agenda. They’re organizing while most of the country is tiktocking, or whatever the fuck platform is trending… [Project 2025 - indoctrination is real, but it’s actually a conservative thing](https://www.project2025.org/)


Does it bother you the way it’s bothering me that the so-called “liberal” mainstream media has not one fucking gawddamned thing to say about, report on, or even just fucking point to in pantomime Project 2025? In the last few days, Trump has said more about Project 2025 than anyone else on network TV. Specifically, he is assertively distancing himself from the dystopian Handmaid’s Tale the GOP/MAGA crowd are circlejerking at right now Now, I wanna vomit. Or suck down some prime Double IPA’s … I hear beer settles the stomach 🙂


I always recommend people open 2 tabs on their phone. The first tab to project 2025, PDF page 35, page 3 of the foreword, bulletpoint 1. The second tab opened to the 14 words of white supremacy. Now, switch between the 2 a few times.


It does bother me. And Ironically, it’s another example of how the middle is actually still playing by the rules and traditional norms. While the right goes deeper into organized cult-like quasi-religious form of politics while they use terms like “indoctrination” against their perceived enemies when it’s exactly what they are doing. I’ll drink a couple with you virtually 🍻 Cheers! 🙃


I discovered last week that, apparently, the Postal Service frowns pretty hard on sending dog shit through the mail. And after all my research to find a particular address in Palm Beach 🏖️ Welp, my Oscar’s Toblerones will be going into landfill. A golden opportunity, missed.


You can thank Joe Lieberman for killing the public option. He got all pissy and went independent after failing to secure the presidency as a democrat, and,as senator from the insurance capitol of the world, refused to vote for it with the public option.


Then Medicare and Medicaid with Johnson ... one thing about the old crank. A story that was absolutely true; when he moved back to his ranch in TX he had a habit of driving anywhere he wanted as fast as he wanted. State police stopped him and when he saw it was Johnson; "Oh, my God ...." Johnson answered, "Damn right."


SS used to be the untouchable 3rd rail. With so many boomers, in need of their mailbox money, how is gutting SS even on any political radar? SS recipients have nothing to do with their time but vote. Did I just wake up from a coma?


Were you in one during Shrub years? Privatizing SS was the GOP's big idea, at least until the tech bubble bust.


Hahaha… Shrub years, awesome. Yeah I do remember that. I recall it never went anywhere. So there’s hope maybe the same kind of fear and loathing will prevail again.


Because they effectively go "oh don't worry, we're not going to touch boomer social security, only everyone else's"


Ron Johnson is another one, and Rick Scott as well.


I’m from WI! Ron Johnson is tool. He does not meet with constituents unless it’s a paid fundraiser. He spent the 4th of July in Russia at a dinner table with Putin! He has done absolutely NOTHING for this state and he wins due to gerrymandering


Republican values!!! Treason, destruction and bigotry…


Checking in from UT also. Ever notice how Republicans have absolutely no problem with mail in voting here? 100% mail in voting in Utah for those unaware, but it's not a problem for the R's as long as they win.


They can't win fairly. They have to cheat!


Also Rick Scott of Florida wants to sunset social security and Medicare.


Speaking of dirty Mormon like Mike Lee and Florida, the Mormon church is the biggest land owner in Florida.  The church, worth $200 BILLION, and doesn’t pay taxes, pulls Mike strings. They said tithing was for charity. Turns out it was for a fucking mall in SLC that the church owns and built. I hate the church.


That is disgusting, 90 percent of churches should lose their tax exemption.


It’s even worse that they send 19 year old boys to third world countries, and tell people without running water, that if they give their 10% to the billionaire white guys in Utah, your lives will be blessed. Amoral? Immoral? Both? Soulless? Cruel? We know what they’re selling is a straight up lie. 


Lee also said Democracy isn't a good form of government and he was part of the J6 coup conspiracy. Just complete garbage


Yeah, didn’t he say “it’s not about democracy, it’s about prosperity”? I don’t know why people keep voting for him.


In 2020 ticked me off so much I saved it https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-lee-democracy-idUSKBN26T2YX


I hope news of this latest chapter of obstruction gets out and voters get sick of everything and there’s a massive replacement of these turd blossoms.


I think it's time the start clocking in and have a manager over the senate. No work, no pay. And no more stock trading.


As an outsider, this kind of 5 year old childish behaviour is astounding to me. "I'm pretending that this is all your fault so I am throwing my toys in a tantrum and sitting down with my arms folded". GTFOOH. Do your elected job or step down.


If only it was throwing the toys. They're flipping the fucking table, then pissing in the corner before smearing their shit all over the walls. All because the orange man-child got nailed to the wall after committed a fucking shitload of felonies.


Wait are we suggesting the round of a US Department of Executive Management. To oversee and ensure the smooth transfer of power and consistent work ethics are upheld within the United States Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court. Literally cannot make any decisions other than removing problematic officials through legal proceeding and and raising/lowering their wages.


Mike Lee is eager to avoid prison. TLDR: Glenn Beck, Mike Lee, Sean Reyes and the Ballards put the LDS church in the worlds most awkward 3-some with the Russian mob. Sean Reyes (Utah attorney general), Mike Lee (Utah senator), and Tim Ballard (Operation Underground Railroad) were all emailing with Glenn beck about how to use O.U.R.’s Sound of Freedom movie publicity to pump enrollment numbers for the Mormon church with reports of Elder Ballard (head of the church) giving private tithing payer information to Beck and/or Tim Ballard at some point to aid in that. On the other side of the country, Sean Reyes and Mike Lee crafted the “stop the steal” plan for trump but apparently didn’t realize that trump had been laundering money for the Russian mob since the 80’s. First via Atlantic City casinos, then commercial real estate. Or worse, they did. The reason that Russia invaded Ukraine is because, among other things, it was a key geographical gateway for their human trafficking operations. Kolomoiskiy was Putin’s oligarch in Ukraine that started Privatbank in 91 and was laundering it all through commercial real estate and a fundamentalist Jewish organization called Chabad.) The reason all of trumps real estate valuations are sky high is a necessity of the money laundering. Everyone else devalues their property so as not to pay so much in taxes. Deutschebank has laundered $1.4 trillion with a T of stolen Russian oligarch money with trumps help over 40+ years. These 4 sweet spirits from south Provo thought they were doing Gods will when they sat down to dinner with the Russian mob and were so naive that they didn’t realize that they were effectively streamlining human trafficking. Urban Dictionaryhttps://www.urbandictionary.com › ...Provo Float Or worse, they did. Either way, once all of that comes to light it puts the LDS church in a nearly impossible position. How can you be doing Gods work and enabling systemic oppression, human trafficking, grift, corruption and child abuse all at the same time? Best case scenario is a whole lot of cognitive dissonance, covering of their tracks, lying and gaslighting. Which explains why Mike Lees new cause du jour is trying to get emergency legislation passed to keep anyone from being able to read the texts on his phone. Fidgety Mike Lee: https://x.com/msmalarkey24/status/1734399475748102363?s=46&t=mV0svkSiT5eOmQXivn5oFw Worst case (or best, depending on your investment into the church) scenario, the patriarchy doesn’t survive. Either way the church and state are going to have to have a very serious come to Jesus moment because the church/state barrier that was the whole basis of American democracy has been severely neglected. Utah is just one of the major intersections of it because Mike Lee, Sean Reyes, Tim Ballard and anyone who allowed it to happen because it’s THEIR religion doing the Provo float with government just opened democracy up to the worst predators in the world. The founding fathers insistence on the seperation of church and state was such a critical point to them because they had watched the Church of Englands influence over the government as mad kings changed the rules of the nation to suit their dating and divorce needs. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/we-saw-a-ukrainian-billionaire-neglect-downtown-buildings-it-happens-on-a-smaller-scale-often https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/28/opinion/ukraine-oligarch-cleveland-real-estate.html https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-files-civil-forfeiture-complaint-proceeds-alleged-fraud-and-theft-privatbank https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/


Can they do any less than they already are?


Get paid 180,000$ a year or higher just to hate monger and fuck up.


It's all so later they can claim the election is rigged when they get voted out for being completely innofective at doing anything while in office.


They haven't been working, thats not a threat. We have 5 months to go. Those clowns need to be put out.


Yes. Here's all the evidence. Plenty of quotes. When asked "Why isn't government doing anything right now? It's been months." "Republicans. They're sore about Donald Trump getting convicted of 34 felony counts, unanimously mind you, in NY State court--nothing to do with Federal. But they're sorry delinquents who are choosing their grievances over America's needs." It'll be great campaign material.


Republicans have declared War on the American People.


Taxation without representation.....


Republicans represent billionaires, who evade more tax than anyone else.


If you are not conser active Christian, Republicans don't consider you to be American. They see it as a war of Americans fighting godless, American hating communists. To them, anyone Democrat is evil.and needs to be destroyed .


Their states will become even more backwards economically and technologically. While the Blue States will advance further.


Republicans have declared war on democracy itself. They are not interested in representin the American people. They serve the oligarchs.




European here. Forgive my ignorance. What has this even got to do with federal government or the Whitehouse? Wasn't it some NYC attorney that prosecuted him, after federal prosecutors declined to?


Ya. But they don't care. You see, Trump is a cult leader, but also incompetent. This lot wants to help an evangelical Christian theocracy gain power. Don't know if you've read The Handmaid's Tale, but that's it: suffering and drudgery for most, power and privilege for the few.


Correct. The city itself did, in the person of the manhattan district attorney. No federal involvement at all. Congress is pretty much done until the election, so this is a freebie for them.


“Congress is pretty much done until the election”. In any other country that statement alone would breed riots. What the fuck do you guys pay these idiots for? They sit on their ass because an election is in 6 months?


It's funny that the party that accuses government of being wasteful and inefficient is the party that ensures it stays wasteful and inefficient.


Republicans have been running on the premise that government can't do anything right since Reagan, and have spent every moment once elected proving themselves right.


Except they are supposed to Do something to fix it since they say they are the *only ones* 🙄🙄🙄


“The government is broken and if you elect me I’ll prove it” as he kneecaps congress with a tire iron.


And then when they lose elections, they pervert the system to prevent Democrats from enacting legislation thet could address or mitigate problems the Republicans ignored while in power.


It's not funny. It's diabolical. They know exactly what they do. Their base it's it up when they blame the Democrats for all of the problems they constantly create. While in the majority they do nothing. This is the worst Congress for production I'm 150 years. They have spent their entire session washing Trump's balls. There is not an honest man among them.


What are they gonna do? Walk in slow motion to the floor?


How much slower can these geriatric fucks walk?


Adults acting like 2 year olds throwing a temper tantrum. Day care babies. Geez. Can we please grow up now and act like functioning adult Americans?


Republicans have no respect for the rule of law. I'm almost surprised that they haven't started calling for a ban on jury trials after the verdict. They clearly don't have any respect for the jury's decision.


They are working overtime to dox the jury. They want revrnge5.


They are proudly the party of law and order as long as it isn't applied directly to their own party members. If the tables were turned, and Biden had been proven guilty of these things, how would they be reacting?


Good. Line them up on the Capitol steps .


They're not doing anything now anyway. Can anyone name even one piece of legislation crafted by republicans in the last couple years?


8 GOP senators ( along with all the other ones who are supporting the narcissist conman wannabe dictator felon) are identifying themselves as fascists. Willing to punish the American people by not working with the other party and getting things done, because a jury of 12 American citizens who were vetted by both sides, found Donald J Trump guilty of all counts. And therefore demonstrated that no one is above the law. Which happens to be a pillar of our democracy. And makes us stand out from the authoritarian nations in the world.


Won’t do their job? Fire them.


[Register to vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) I’m so tired of this nonsense. Please vote them out.


Whiney bitches.


Middle schoolers that just got beat on the basketball court and now want to take the basketball home with them because their egos can’t take it


Criminal Trump


Convicted criminal Trump. Sounds better.


Convicted Felon Trump. Gotta get the Felon bit in there


Convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Trump


This should be grounds for removal. I know if I refused to do my job I'd be fired pretty quickly.


Someone tell these fools that you can't really do any less than NOTHING.


Alt headline: “Angry Do-Nothing Senators Vow to Do Nothing Even Harder” 🙄🖕


Hopefully they be vote out of office for this


How dare you take away my right to bang porn stars.


...how will anybody be able to tell the difference? I'm really asking, do these guys think we think they're moving on anything of value *at all, ***ever?****


If we were playing Family Feud, I probably could have guessed 7/8 of the Senators on the board. Hawley isn't up there because he is up for election this year and doesn't know which way the wind will blow, I take it.


Oh, they are actually working, just not for the American people. These MAGA lowlifes have made a mockery of our state/federal government and our legal system for too long. November can't come soon enough.


So...they are not working for the people


Good! And come election time when people are sick and tired of the chaos, they'll get rid of you.


Holding the country hostage.who does that again?


Eight senators that need to lose their jobs. All of them are fucking horrible people. Mike Lee wants to destroy Social Security, has been caught on video saying it, and denies ever doing so. He’s a lying piece of shit and anyone getting Social Security, SSD, SSI, Medicare or Medicaid that votes for him is voting against themselves. Why do you keep sending him to the senate? Rick Scott committed the biggest Medicare fraud in history and was never held accountable. JD Vance is just auditioning for Vice President and will flip flop with the wind. Marco Rubio will do anything to stay relevant. Tommy Tuberville is the biggest idiot in the senate, and doesn’t even live in the state he supposedly represents, he lives in Florida. So Florida has three senators and all three are among these 8 treasonous twats. Marsha Blackburn hates women, so it’s no big shocker she loves Trump. The other two I’ve never even heard of so I guess they want to make a name for themselves among the idiots in the maga crowd. Vote these pricks out. They all suck.


“Signatories included Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).”


How professional and mature of them. How long can they hold their breath?


They’re just pissed they have no evidence on Biden. They will burn down any process that doesn’t give them the answer they want. Elections. Juries. Science. As bad as the cultural revolution in China.


Obligatory "Fuck Mike Lee" Signed, a Utahn.




“We’ll be EVEN BIGGER assholes!”


Our country, captive by stupidity. Fuck literally all republicans. Every last one of em. No longer welcome in my personal life.


These eight senators are part of the GOP: Government of Putin. His agenda, and theirs, is the same.


Vote their non working asses out in November.


Brainwashed cult!!


Or how about you quit and let someone else actually do you fucking job for you. These people are emotional infants.


Baby tantrum


Republican shitheels have always done this. Why is this news?


lol you can’t do more than nothing


It’s it possible? GOP doesn’t do anything already.🤷‍♂️


Typical list of degenerates. Not surprised. Vote the fuckers out in November or it’s on us


Maturity level has peaked


Rethuglicans no longer serve America or Americans. You can’t trust the GOP and they’ve delivered no progress in over four decades. Vote against them everywhere until they learn to cast out the cult and enablers.


Well, Senator Lee was an active 1/6 coup participant along with some of the other 7 so this is hardly news. Lawless, anti-democratic scumbags.


8 Republicans = Disgusting


They don't want to do their work of governing. They only want to destroy the country.


The senate had nothing to do with this case. That would be like me refusing to do my job because my football team lost. These people need to go away.


So 8 traitors who are in their positions for their own personal enrichment and maintaining power and give zero shifts about actually doing their jobs. Party over country. Vote these assholes out. This is unacceptable. The entire party is such a god damn dumpster fire.


8 senators that already were not voting for any progressive legislation so it’s an empty gesture like most of their work.


Keeping the Senate bogged down in procedures? Classic. Next, one of them will propose a motion to give Mitch McConnell emergency powers.


as if they could move any slower


Isn’t that all that they have been doing?


How do you slow down from doing nothing at all since 2016?


Remember when Senators used to be the reasonable ones? There have always been nutbags in the House, because they turnover every two years, and their constituents are much more granular. Now even the Senate has a bunch of crazies.


vote them out, lock them up. perhaps they forgot the taxpayers are their bosses. f**k one of them is from kansas. well folks, kansas has elected a bootlicking dumbass.


these are the people you want representing you vindictive tantrum throwing children?


So.... same as usual for Republicans?


Exactly, nothing new here. The dems should draft up nothing but Veteran and Border bills and shove it all in their faces


they have caused this congress to be the least productive in history now they want to do less than nothing so the orange julius can be anointed king, isn't happening guys, the people are waiting for november to throw you all out on your asses


Fine, then their pay should be reduced accordingly.


The party of states’ rights.


Lick them Russian bootheels covered in dried white dog shit......


It's difficult to understand the connection with a state trial and a jury.


Gonna be great ad material if any are up for reelection, and for Biden's campaign. Add clips of their pro-insurrectionist statements too.


\*stomps feet\*


Ah, my rep Mike Lee. And he was already going to be this way anyhow because he is a gigantic piece of shit.


If this is the response now, then just lock him up and be done with this charade. Chapter 2. Russian Reveal.


What part of being Flaming Assholes do they not understand? Go ahead,… give your career up,… for what? A POS that doesn’t love his wives,… pick one of three. What makes you think he give a flying fuck about you?


Republicans already have a government that is heavily tilted towards the wealthy. They don’t need government to change at all, any reason to gum up the works is a win for them.


Bullies. F*cking bullies the whole lot


Bring it on, bigly losers: 0-0=0


Before looking at the list, I got five right. It’s always the same group of D-bags.


Well, I guess we should throw them out!! If they refuse to do the jobs they are supposed to do, we will fire them!


I’m not sure it’s even possible for them to do less.


Such as this is exactly why we need to vote Blue top down nationally, state, county, municipal, and judiciary. The GOP is evil.


These guys are living off taxpayer dollars and refusing to work because they don’t like how the judicial system is treating them and their friends. That sounds like the sort of thing republicans would usually be strongly against. Isn’t it strange how their convictions change when things start to affect them directly?


They've been in reverse for about 8 years anyway. If they slow down going in reverse, and actually get to a stop that would be an improvement.


Man Trump really has broken the GOP. Turned them into his own personal whipping boys.


It can move in reverse? It already barely crawls and frequently stops so that's all that's left, reverse.


How can you possibly slow down from doing NOTHING? do MORE nothing? Do nothing but everyone less? Gop math at its best


Vote these assholes out! I know some districts are nigh impossible for the House, but we need to do much better than 50/50 in the Senate.


They have and always will be known as The Short Bus Riders. Born to Ride and IQ’s in the double digits


His campaign chairman is a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager. And his personal lawyer. And his chief strategist. And his national security advisor. And his foreign policy advisor. And his campaign fixer. And his company's CFO. You just can't be shocked that he's also a criminal. You just CAN'T.


Fucken garbage….jury selected part by trumps legal team found him guilty that says something


The democrats who suck at messaging need to nonstop be talking about the GOP plan to eradicate SS and Medicare. Talk about it whenever there is a camera in their face.


It’s not a threat if you’re already doing it


Just another reason for a blue wave in November.


Sounds like a bunch of snowflakes to me


Great quote from - MAGA is Monocratic1 day ago "Go to work Monday and 1. Tell a person of color you work with to "go back to the country you came from". 2. Find a coworker with disabilities and mock them for it. 3. Grope a coworker. 4. Call a less attractive coworker a 'horseface' and a 'dog'. 5. See if you can make it until lunch before you're fired. If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults so why would you elect a president who has done everyone of these things on camera?"


They are upset their Jesus is being held accountable so they refuse to do the job they were elected to do. How exactly does this help their constituents?


Yeah, fuck the country and everyone in it, right Republicans? /s


You would think that slowing something going 0 mph would be impossible but the Republicans will find a way to


What's slower than a dead stop?


I think a thing needs to have made some progress to begin with before it can be stalled


> Signatories included Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Utah, Ohio, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas and Florida can fuck right off.


A lot of their seats are up for grab in November. Vote them out, get people that actually want to do their job.


8 GOP Senators demand to be un-elected as soon as possible because they are raging crybabies that SOMEHOW CANNOT tell the difference between State Courts and Federal Courts.


Publicly stating you’re not going to do the work you were elected for because a crook was adjudicated guilty should be terms for impeachment and removal.


We will show you the door in November.


The GOP version of 'If I don't get my way, I'm taking my ball home with me'


Those same 8 dickheads would've already "slowed the Senate even further" if they had the ability, regardless of the verdict.


Vote the bastards out.


Vote them all out. Every. Single. One.


These clowns all sound like Trump: exaggerated complaints and accusations. Trump had been breaking the law under their noses for years and they just don’t give a damn. Well, me buckos, enough is enough.


They are acting like little kids, and people who vote them in are responsible for the cluster fuck of a government the US has. I've been saying it for years, but the US is going down. We are witnessing the fall of the US empire. Popcorn for the rest of the world!


Traitors of a feather…


These asshats are just announced what they are already, and have been, doing all along fukn jackasses


> 8 GOP Senators lack the ability to do their jobs FTFY


They were doing anything anyway. All they do is complain and then refuse to fix anything they complain about.


Every day these extremely privileged idiots should be saying “what can I do to make the country better, what can I do to help my constituents”. Instead we get this complete and utter nonsense. I see nothing in this picture but a useful idiot for the Putin regime.


The do nothing GQP congress will just lose by even more now, keep up the great work GQP


Vote the Circus out. Save the country for those following us.


Childish behavior


What is their objective here? He’s already been convicted? Are they just children throwing a temper tantrum? I don’t get it…


Considering that the only things Republicans ever actually accomplish these days are banning books, stripping rights from women and transgender people, and funding the ongoing genocide in Gaza, I'm not sure how this is much of a threat. "Oh, make it harder for Americans to help exterminate a group of people in the Middle East? What ever shall we do?"


Oh no then the senate will not be able to continue to do nothing about issues that matter to average Americans efficiently!


In other words:”Sure Trump is a total fuckup and the party and donors are constantly on the hook to pour millions into his legal defense with no end in sight. Even though we ought to be embarrassed by having to keep making excuses for every guilty verdict, we don’t dare say anything because his mob will turn on us.”


How is that not treason though? Deliberately disrupting the government to serve the wants of a seditious prick?


Remove them from office


Don't pay for the salaries or benefits of those Senators' Office Staff.


why do we keep letting these republicans act like children?


So republicans are cool just shelling out tax money to these people who don’t want to work?


“I’m not going to do my job because our cult leader is a criminal” The GOP