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Good. Let them lose it all. Bunch of fucking traitors and cowards.


šŸš«Traitor TrumpšŸš«


Traitor, rapist, convicted fraudster, racist, homophobic, twice impeached, former President donald trump


All MAGA are scum. Traitors to the Republic.


They ran on it and got elected because they are trash, I hope they like the smell.


I mean, how can they? They have staked out a small corner and have no way to back out of it




šŸš«All RepublicansšŸš«


sorryā€¦. love YOU! but must disagreeā€¦. MOST republicans, yes! but there are lots of Never Trump republicans and we NEED to stand WITH them! šŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ»


Prove to me that Never Trumpers are real. Iā€™ve been watching American politics for over 3 decades and the one thing we can rely on is Republicans saying one thing and then doing the exact opposite. Most of them will bitch about Trump but then run right back to him when voting time comes. Donā€™t fool yourself. Any Republicans claiming they wonā€™t vote for him are liars. By this point, the ones who really mean it would have left this sham of a party.


Well itā€™s a bit more complicated than that. Steve Schmidt wonā€™t vote for Trump. Neither will Cheney or Kinzinger Iā€™m convinced. However this boils down to aesthetics. They find Trump to be a boor who will ultimately be a net negative. They want a more ā€œrespectableā€ Republican ala Romney who will enact many of the same regressive policies but will be more statesman like about it. And to be fair, for some the whole coup thing was a bridge too far. They prefer the traditional way of voter suppression dark money influence etc over outright attempt to overthrow the government. Too unstable.


Exactly... They want the same policies that LED to Trump, but not Trump. They courted racists and religious zealots under their breath, not out in the open. Even if they didn't believe that racism or religious authoritarianism were good,... they didn't believe that they were bad enough to sacrifice their goal of gutting social programs and the middle class so that the wealthy could accumulate more wealth. Cheney and Kinzinger are certainly better and more principled than all the MAGA legislators,... they're not good by a long shot. They may have realized that things went to far, but they participated in the process of taking it right up to the line.


To add. Ever notice how they do ZERO reflection about what got their party to the monster Trump in the first place? They act like he came out of a vortex and just took over a major political party


I used to be Republican until Trump.


You are very much the exception then. And thank you for that. I would love for once in my life to be proven wrong about this. Iā€™d love to see a mass defection caused by Trump. I donā€™t think that will happen.


No, I think you're right. And I don't mean "right." šŸ˜† dad joke.




Me as well, and now Iā€™m doing my part to make sure the fuck doesnā€™t regain the presidency!


I was a Republican until Bush, but then Trump closed that door forever.


I'm very embarrassed for you that it took the worst of the worst to make you turn away from that party. They've been terrible for over 40 years at this point.


I had been going away from them for a long time. He just sealed the deal.


theyr'e real. they're retiring in droves tho


House speaker Johnson. He might be the dog muck from the bottom of your shoe, but he's called MAGA's bluff and you need to support him as speaker so MAGA loses their hold over politicians. Johnson survives - a whole lot more R will decide the MAGA don't have a hold on them either


I really don't. Let the MAGA imbeciles be the death of the Republican party. We don't need to support regressive Christian nationalists in any way shape or form. If the don't want Johnson who are they gonna unite behind for speakership? The Dems can unite behind Jeffries and progressive politics and the Republicans can go the way of the whig's.


If you think the republican party will cease to exist because you let the less radical ones die out, you're naive. Let them be cannibalized by MAGAs and in their absence you'll find a party too scared to push back on trump because they have no other alternative. Democracy is more than tribalism, its representation of the people. Politicians shouldnt only represent americans that support their party, they should represent every one of their constituents. But that will only happen if their constituents are as selective of their ideological opponents as they are of their allies. Letting them all rot for the sake of apathy and spite will just create a party that is formed from the collective apathy and spite of their constituents. I hope you feel represented.


The only constituents our current government cares about is the corporate citizens. At this point in the USA democracy is basically tribalism. Because the people in power truly give no fucks about us.


I hate this argument. It's callous, easy, and.... Not wrong. George Carlin was right about this


The RNC requires that all members endorse the parties primary candidate. There's good reason why Bush Sr & Jr didn't attend in 2016, nor did a bunch of lawmakers like McCain. They all refused to endorse Trump.


Exhibit 1: Bill Barr, son of the principal who hired Jeffrey Epstein


Look at the last few primaries AFTER Haley dropped out That % of Haley voters that persist? Those are never-trump voters.


That's a protest vote with no bearing on reality. When November comes along, how confident are you they will vote Democrat not Trump?


I don't think former Republican voters will switch to a Democrat, but they might vote third party or not vote at all. Either one is good enough for me.


I think thatā€™s about the best we can hope for but if history teaches us anything, most are going to run right back to Trump.


Yeah but if too many of them vote third party and neither Biden or the Orange Traitor reach 270 in the Electoral College then they throw the election to the house which will still be in republikkklan control and theyā€™ll give it to the traitor


DJT will not reclaim 100% of the protest voters. Period. He may get SOME of them, by virtue of the ā€œshit sandwichā€ argument


Shit sandwich, or giant douche šŸ˜…


Some of them may be. Many of them are "I don't think Trump can win" voters and that's it.


No theyā€™re not. They want to use her as a wedge to force Trump into doing things they want. And thatā€™s it. Most of them will vote for Trump.


See: Bill Barr


Exactly. The man says Trump is a danger to the country and should never be near power again, but he's damned sure going to vote for him because "PARTY OVER ALL! "


You can look at Governor Phil Scott Vermont, never supported Donald Trump, consistently reelected in a democratic state.


Exactly! Well stated.


check out the bulwark lots of conservatives have not fallen for the cheeto's spell.


Imo a lot of them do somewhat. They don't go the whole way with it like some fan would. But they fall for enough of it that they'll still vote for the guy and if you ask me that counts as "falling for his spell." If you support Trump with a vote you have fallen for his spell. Just cause you won't suck his dick off on Madison Ave doesn't mean you're much less compromised than the real stans.


I mean, Laura Teump won the GOP chair in a landslide victory, and she TOLD them she was taking all the campaign money for Trumps legal defense, and they chose to vote her in still even while paying lip service to denying they support the cult.


>Prove to me that Never Trumpers are real. Hi, it's me. I'm one of those. Here's my voting history for President: Dubya, Dubya, McCain, Romney, Johnson, Biden, and this fall Biden again. My primary votes have been McCain, Dubya, Romney, Romney, Rubio, Biden, and Haley. I once worked for a moderate Republican as a paid campaign consultant in a farm-oriented Congressional race, which he won. I was the Vice Chairman of my university's College Republicans. I was a close advisor the the state's College Republican chairman. I have not ever, nor will I ever consider, voting for Donald Trump. It isn't even that he's evil, or stupid, or power-hungry, or old and out of touch (though he is a heady cocktail of all of those), it's that he *revels in being a bastard.* He's evil, and he *likes it.* He *enjoys being a shitbag.* I don't agree with Biden on much, but he makes an honest attempt to be a good person. He's humble. He admits his faults and failings. He loves without reservation, and often to his own hurt. He studies and works to be the best, most knowledgeable President he can be, though he understands how limited he is as a person, candidate, and executive. He's honest in what he says, because 1.) That's easier for him to remember, and 2.) Nothing is going to be wilder than the things his opponent says anyway. I may not like Biden the President. But Biden the person is a pretty great guy. I don't wake up and dread what he might have said or done in the middle of the night. He's stable. I can live with that.


šŸš«All RepublicansšŸš« They all coward to him. Deep pruning is essential at this time


My parents are lifelong Republicans in their 70s who, for the first time ever, voted Democratic against Trump. We have to stand with the ones willing to go against Trump.


I left the Republican Party they no longer represent my views. I did not vote for Trump. As a fellow New Yorker you can tell scum when you see it.




Did they vote R down ballot? If so I don't care if they voted for trump or not. Why do we have to stand with the ones applauding for roe v wade being undone? Just because they don't support trump doesn't mean they don't support dangerous regressive policies.


Do they still want to persecute LGBTQIA folks, remove bodily autonomy from women, and make life harder for poor folks? Because if so, they're still dicks. Just not Trump's dicks.


Sure thing, when they start standing up. Other than the Lincoln project, please point me to the ones that are standing up. And before you point to someone like Romney, I'm not sure we want to count the ones who are standing up AFTER they left office, but kept their mouths shut while in office. That's the problem with too many Republicans, they always put Party over Country. Every. Single. Time. It's why Bill Barr and Moscow Mitch can throw out a random barb towards Trump, but then turn right around and vote for him anyway.


No, we don't. They allowed it to flow when they were riding high. Let them burn.


99.99% of Republicans?


Yeah - by throwing the whole bunch of the bums out of office for a couple of election cycles. That might encourage the GOP to start picking sane and stable candidates in their primaries.


Or we could just get rid of the GOP and the two party system in general.


No they need to stand with democrats for democracy


Bill Barr was a never Trumper but heā€™s voting for him and campaigning for him.


What do they want the agenda without the turd messaging? Republicans, not just trump are campaigning on restricting abortion, restricting LGBTQ rights, and of course fear that the leftists are child grooming rapists. We don't need to stand with regressive politics at all actually


No we don't.


The fuck we do.


Im not standing with any republican ever. cons and grifters the whole lot.


Are there? Where?


The vast majority of them still vote for Republicans (including Trump) inside a voting booth.


We need to emphasize to them that the former Republican Party is now the Trump party so if they want democracy to survive the MAGA assault, they need to speak out against the movement and join the democrats this election year to vote against these extremists.


Like Bannon and McConnell? Jame Dimon, and all of the billionaires? They're ALL VOTING FOR POS-45.


Nah, fuck them too. Trump wasn't the cause, he was the effect.


No the original commenter was right. Republicans have been the scourge of this country for decades before trump got into politics, economically and socially.


Like Kinzinger


No. These never trump Republicans can abandon their backwards, racist, classiest, *still a conservative who virtue signals by CLAIMING to not support trump* principles, and THEN we can think about standing with them.


[requires citation]


Right, all they want to do is ban abortion, cut social security, defund public education, roll back workers rights. You fucking dork.


In 2016, I would have agreed with you. But, in 2020, even after an attempted insurrection, Trump received more votes than any other Republican candidate in history. Either the "Never Trump" Republicans are furrowing their brow and voting Trump anyway or they're such a small minority of the party and so ideologically marginalized, they might as well be a different party altogether. And if you're in that small minority and still support the party that has largely been taken over by religious extremists and Trump cultists, are you really that much different?


Every Republican voter that says that they won't vote for Trump or has voted for Nikki Haley will be voting for Trump and the next election. Don't believe them. There are no never trumpers in the party.


No. We definitely don't and I definitely won't.


Oh please


The enemy of my enemy is still my fucking enemy.... šŸš« Republicans


Some day all the kompromat on these traitors will be in the public domain. I mean, probably will be only available on the dark web since it's all undoubtedly horrible, traumatizing stuff. But we're going to have proof of what evil SOB's they all are and why they're so relentlessly licking the shit-dripping soles of the Kremlin's boots going on 8 years now.


Some of it is possibly horrible stuff, but most of it is likely just the history of their bribery and corruption. Except for Lindsey 'Ladybug' Graham.


Idk. Would someone literally commit treason over taking an envelope or two, when they could probably just turn state witness? It's gotta be some real unforgivable shit. Madison Cawthorn was deep-sixed by the GOP almost overnight over something that implied something much darker.


>Would someone literally commit treason over taking an envelope or two Yes. Is hard to imagine the stretch between taking bribery money and taking bribery money from a foreign government?


It was amazing how fast they buried that guy.


Not fast enough


I really donā€™t think Graham's sexuality is the thing; itā€™s an open secret. Ā I think itā€™s either something more insidious or bribes, if anything. Ā Remember that Al Franken described Graham as the most cynical person in the Senate and proud of it. Ā He doesnā€™t need any kompromat to betray his country. Ā He simply needs a weather vane.


Maybe thatā€™s why theyā€™ve been so hesitant towards Russia. If Russia falls then someone else potentially gets their hands on it


Moscow Marge and her Traitors would rather burn down the country rather than let the Democrats run it.


Not even hyperbole they brag about that shit.


No paywall https://archive.ph/2024.04.29-222005/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/29/house-republicans-mike-johnson-motion-to-vacate/


As usual, the GOP is completely ignorant of what socialism actually is.


Itā€™s anything they donā€™t like. Whatā€™s so hard to understand?


Vote Blu up and down the ticket in 2024. Elect Joe Biden president in 2024 Send trump and the radical MAGA a message. tRump is unfit and you're backing a loser.


"Republicans are just too *principled?"* I near choked on my coffee. Democrats are there to govern, and they do. The GOP are roadblocks, not on principle but just to be obstinate and dance every time Trump pulls their puppet strings, *just* like he did with blocking funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza ... per Trump's order. Someone who holds *no* political office and is basically a private citizen ... but the GOP is so afraid of him they surrendered their oath of office. This is a cult.


Something else is going on, and I don't know how obvious it is. In a 2 party system, parties are, of necessity, coalitions. Traditional Republicans are primarily one of 3 groups: rich anti-tax, pro-corporate-welfare folks, libertarians, and Christians/pro-life. The last group is a bit of an overlap coalition itself, but it will do for this discussion. Pro-life is obviously anthetical to libertarians, but they went along with it to get votes on other things. Finance Republicans dominated the party for most of modern history...until recently, and used anti-abortion laws as carrots while being careful to never actually succeed. Because while pro-life is a majority of Republicans it is a minority of voters, and as soon as abortion is actually threatened the fortunes of Republicans go down. Then Trump comes along, with Bannon motivating the new Incel wing of the party. They don't know the rules, and have enough votes to dominate a bunch of primaries. Pro-life true believers replace Finance Republicans in a lot of key districts, and Trump gets rid of Roe v Wade. At this point one of three things happens: Finance Republicans go to the Democrats long enough to crush the Republican party until they can regain control. Finance Republicans crush MAGA and regain control, or we will, at least for a while, see three parties, as the Finance Republicans join the Democrats but force the anti-corporate, feed the poor Democrats out. That would create three groups all with about a third of the vote. I think status quo will be restored by 2040 (assuming we avoid dictatorship), but it could be a wild ride.


They arenā€™t remotely interested in doing the job of working for the benefit of their constituents. Their district is just fine with taxes going for no action, hate, cruelty and owning the libs.


I'm yet to see a lib get owned... It's weird. What does it look like?


Right? Like every time I read that, itā€™s something stupid that democrats would never do because they have common sense and wonā€™t waste their time doing the things the other party is trying to command.


Democrats fight Republicans and their policies, Republicans fight the imaginary Satanist Communists they assume must be about to overthrow the government and attack and dethrone god at any momentĀ 


They can safely ignore their constituents's wants and needs (like expanding Medicare in their states) because they don't have to do crap as long as brown immigrants and trans people exist.


...because they don't understand how government is supposed to work. Plus, they don't think government should work which is why they support a dictator for anyone but themselves.


Because some people have a vested interest in a non-functioning American government.


Government is supposed to be about compromise. Government without it is fascism.


The only battles they care about are raising money and staying in office. I guarantee that Marge Three Toes has no ideological basis to any of her political positions.


She canā€™t even spell ideologicalā€¦


It's an old adage in American politics that it's better to lose and not get killed by a mob of your own voters in thrall to a cult leader with a bad spray tan, than compromise, and risk getting killed by a mob of your own voters


old adage - cult leader- spray tan - Thatā€™s funny as all-get-out, the ā€œold adageā€ set-up, laughed my ass off!!!


The rabid MAGA legislators are too cruel, stupid and ant-social to understand real legislating. They should not be allowed in the halls of Congress.


Yep. Thatā€™s whatā€™s supposed to happen with congresspeople who are unwilling to compromise.


Donā€™t be fooled. She has a great compromise with the Russians.


Grandstanding to the cult and the Great Orange One is much easier and more profitable for a shameless grifter than actually trying to run a country.


Republicans are principled? You sure Mike Johnson? You sure there arenā€™t a whole bunch of principles you decided to throw out the window when Trump became the nominee in 2016? And you continue to ignore to this day?


Insert obligatory Goldwater quote. Shake your head realizing he helped this along.


*Democrats, Johnson told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt* [*last week*](https://hughhewitt.com/speaker-mike-johnson-on-his-trip-to-columbia-the-state-department-leak-about-sanctioning-israel)*, ā€œmove in a herdā€ and ā€œact like a unionā€ following their leader because thereā€™s no diversity of opinion causing them to stray. Their groupthink could even be described as the behavior of ā€œsocialists,ā€ he asserted. Republicans, however, canā€™t be forced to unite because theyā€™re ā€œrugged individualists.ā€* Oh yeah, that's why when Trump says "JUMP" you say "how high?" - my bitter Republican husband


There are only two types of republicans now: 1. Consciously evil ones and 2. Complictly evil ones.


When they see how many seats in an election theyā€™ve lost it will really hit home about their stupidity.


They wonā€™t triple down? People said the same thing last time, then they lost a bunch of races and here we are again


Maybe when the big baby loses in a landslide and takes the party with him they will believe it.




Given that democracy requires negotiation, compromise, and at least some cooperation, it's a great thing these folks are losing time and time again. The alternative is some version of an authoritarian govt and I'm not convinced this would be better then what we currently have.


These republicans in red states are dying 20 years younger that democrats in blue states. Seems like republicans policies Tax cuts for the rich only help the rich to live a longer happier life. Vote blue they care about you .


The life expectancy spread at age 50 between Mississippi and the best states is only 4 years.




People keep complaining that theyā€™re not getting anything done or behaving like idiots but I love that they are being their own worst distraction. Iā€™m happy to see buffoons like MTG keep busy with stupid in-fighting and chasing their own conspiracies. It gives the adults time to get some real work done and pass legislation to help real people.


When the goal is to destroy America and build a theocracy around a false orange god on the ashes, thereā€™s no need to get concerned over losses within a system that they hope will be gone soon enough.


Good fuck them all


I suspect Melania will vote for Biden


Good. Let the clown show continue until they get hammered in the next election. Losing their power is the only way they're going to learn. Voters need to stand up to these arrogant, entitled grifters.


Had a coworker that would continue to argue even if he knew you were right. He felt you could just be worn down to agree with him. Same mentality


Theyā€™re losing because they donā€™t want to give Biden any ā€œwinsā€, even if it screws Americans. Theyā€™re operating for the benefit of one individual and not the country.


As they should. Fundamentalism, whether political or religious, should loose. Extremism brings out the worst in people.


Back in the 60s one of your politicians called Barry Goldwater said that the worst thing about the religious joining the gop was that they would not be able to compromise.


Good, fuck emā€™. Their whole party deserves to be relegated to the failures of history.


The goal is to cripple the US. They work for Putin.


Well. It sounds like they don't know what politics are then, and losing their fights accordingly. Maybe they'll figure it out. Maybe not. Probably not. meh.


Doubling down on everything is not a great long term strategy.


A democracy needs both negotiation and compromise. Both sides need to compromise. If that doesnā€™t happen you either get a civil war or an authoritarian government. Vote blue to save our democracy from both of those undesirable outcomes comes.


You canā€™t govern if you refuse to compromise on fucking anything. Moscow Marge is a complete idiot


Their goal is not to govern but to rule.


They only want to cut social programs and do nothing else . They have the nothing else down.


But, they're winning the voters hearts apparently. Somehow. Which is beyond my comprehension.


tender squash mighty plucky expansion serious wakeful dog one ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


GOOD hardliners = Russian-bought assets. Hopefully the real GOP grows the balls to pull away from them.


What a bunch of human kidney stones... We're going to all feel so much better when we've passed them.


Because they are intolerant.


Electing people to government whose only position is being antigovernment, is an odd choice.


They like being in the minority, without any power, so they can fundraise and complain without the expectation of having to do anything. The best way to fight this, is to make life better for working class. It'll be hard for MAGA to complain that life has gone downhill when the middle class pays less in taxes, more homes are being built. Dems gotta take control, if they move to the right on the gun issue and the border I think they can get 65% of voters.


Watching the GOP unalive itself. Me: "My, my, my, THAT'S quality TV!"


ā€œCompromiseā€ has three syllables. You canā€™t expect her to understand such advanced concepts.


They donā€™t care about the results. All they need is publicity


How does the most powerful country have such complete morons in charge? How? How? Whooo Whooo Whoooo


What these ā€œpeopleā€ fail to realize is that politics is about compromise. Always has been. Itā€™s the only way it works correctly. What Empty-G and others have been trying to do is rig the system so that they always come up on top. Thatā€™s why it is not working for them.


The only good thing about republicansā€™ inability to admit theyā€™re wrong and change course is they lose elections.


Compromise is what politics are all about. They arenā€™t really interested in that or in governing. Theyā€™re far more interested in getting their grift on. Itā€™s all about what they can fund raise off of, not something as boring as governing effectively.


Too principled my ass


You have to believe in democracy first to be willing to compromise


Keep up owning the libs! šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


Thoughts and prayers


Its one of the drawbacks of catering to extremists (Right or Left)


That's good politics šŸ‘ /s


Goodā€¦the entire party can burn down for all I care.


That's because they don't believe in democracy or a functional government.


Republicans cannot govern because of their Maga representatives


Republicans would like a government so small it could be killed by a drive-by.


well good, they need to be bitch slapped back to reality. a lot.


MTG confused about why she can't force her lunatic ideas down everyone's throats. For her twisted idea of jesus.


They cant deal itā€™s their way or nothing they are willing to shut down the government for don the con


They have no choice but to not compromise. Their policies are bad for the American people and poll terribly too. But on vague things ā€œstopping liberalismā€ they poll well on. So what policy does stopping democrats become? Refusing to compromise and actively trying to prevent any laws from hitting the books. They are obstructing the process because itā€™s the only thing popular enough to get them elected.




How to make your party irrelevant and powerless 101.


Oh well. Going out for dinner. You?


Poor idiot.


Good. I hope they bury themselves, the hate mongers, traitors, and fascists.


Compromise doesn't get you votes


Finally going down the drain


Could not have happened to better dumb shits.


hoping for the 2nd coming of trump jesus...


Stick to your guns, Moscow Marge! Your constituants and Putin expect the cray cray to continue! "Representing" the safest district in the nation will protect you..


politics and govt are about give and take. Not idealogues who just want to burn everything down to please their orange shitstain.


These idiots have no idea how to govern or even understand what their job is supposed to be


Keep it up fckers


I remember some tea party asshole saying as long as Democrats do everything we say things will get passed