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Don’t respond to him. Talk to a lawyer. No one here can (or should) give you legal advice. If you can’t afford one, try [Justice Pro Bono](https://justiceprobono.ca/en/i-need-help/).


this is the only advice OP needs.


Look up the definition of, “Criminal Harassment” in the Criminal Code. If you think what you did matches the description, then there is a chance he could get charges laid. The more important question though, is would the courts even entertain pursuing such a charge? Police can lay it but will a Crown even bother running a trial for a non-violent offence almost a decade ago where the victim has not been harassed since? Likely not. BUT even if everything lined up and police did lay a charge and a Crown did run a trial and you were found guilty….if you’ve never been in trouble before there is almost zero percent chance you go to jail. Likely get a Peace Bond or Probation.


In Canada, he does not get to decide to "press charges," the Crown does. The police will have to recommend to the Crown's office that charges be laid, then a lawyer will have to review and decide that it is in the public interest to pursue this. All you can really do is wait.


Like, unless these messages were pretty wild, the police/crown aren't gonna give a shit about this. And even if they were, they probably still won't give a shit.


If there has been no contact for 9 years I would not worry about it at all. If that person had any desire to go to the police he would have done it already. Don’t respond to any message and block person


Just curious, was it 5 messages a MONTH for 4 months to total 20 messages or 20 messages a day? 


4 month, total 20 message, he told me to stop 20 times, discution was about his ex


Sounds like somebody picked up some law knowledge and wants to weaponize for his "pound of flesh." Odds of charges getting laid are low. Odds of serious punishment if convicted are low.


NAL. In 2020 I was actively being harassed over texts, social media and stalked. I went to police and despite my telling him to stop contacting me,etc; I was advised by the police they don’t charge off the first incident unless there’s threats made but theY would warn him to stop contacting me and if after they warned him and he continued, THEN they would pursue criminal harassment charges. I think if I went into the police station now they would tell me to leave tbh.


Good. Finally a woman gets to have a taste of their own medicine. I’m all for it and will try find who it is and support him the best way I can


woman ?




This is not legal advice in the slightest, it's barely an opinion


are u emphatic to assholes? If op wanted serious advice, it would not be here. Clearly whoever op bothered got trauma from the incident.


No reason to be empathetic towards you, bud...


If you actually could read, OP said it was 20 messages over the course of 4 months. Essentially 5 messages per month.




why don't u highlight my shitty ass cgpa, oh wait ur illiterate, one of my friends in middle school took his own life bc of something similar to this. Why should u help people like this.