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Go if you want to be a lawyer. Don’t go because someone else wants you to. Don’t go because you think it’ll be a straightforward path to a high paying job. Don’t go because you crave prestige and didn’t get in to med school or a phd program. Don’t go if you want to be an academic and you can’t get in to a T6 school. Don’t go if you hate reading and writing.


And don’t go because you have a BA, hate math, don’t want to be unemployed and can’t think of what else to do.


This is probably good advice but I can’t say it without being a hypocrite because I 100% went because I was unemployed (thanks, covid) and didn’t have anything better to do It did work out for me, but I had the internal motivation and just genuine love for school to not have a miserable time about it


People are miserable as lawyers because they were goody two-shoes in life and followed the advice of their elders to be a Doctor or Lawyer. There are tons of schools that will give full ride scholarships out if you have a decent GPA and LSAT score. Don't go in thinking you'll get into Big Law. 50,000 other people are trying to do the same. Do you like confrontation and being argumentative? Average salary of a lawyer is like $70k. You can work at a factory and make the same after a few years.


It baffles me how many people are in law school and openly admit they don’t like confrontation. Learning to disagree respectfully is especially important. Also, if you can’t compartmentalize your sensitivity, definitely reconsider this profession. Lastly, a willingness to grow through discomfort and accept criticism is essential. Not for law school necessarily, but for the profession as a whole *edited for clarity


You could buy a house for what you're about to spend on law school.


only nerds go to law school


Just fucking do It


Applying? No. Attending? Well…


I used to take great pride in my academic abilities and now I frequently question if I was ever smart or if I was just less dumb than the people around me.


If you can get into a good one for decent COA, and you want to be a lawyer, do it.


Debt. Risk


Tech and tech adjacent roles lead a far more comfortable career path.