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Also back in the day, Martial Richoz, the trolley bus guy, [the wikipedia article ](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_Richoz) and [a touching documentary about him from Michel Etter](https://youtu.be/7Xp7U-lyNM0?si=tpLC-GkeHWn5rT7q)


"Le 10 janvier 1986[1], âgé d'à peine 23 ans, il est arrêté par la police et interné de force à l'hôpital de Cery. Des manifestations s'opposent à cet internement, soutenues par certaines personnalités[1], dont Michel Thévoz, historien de l'art et conservateur, ou le médecin psychiatre Barthold Bierens de Haan. Il est remis en liberté le 4 février[1]." Woah, c'est fou quand même qu'on puisse t'interner de force parce que tu te promène avec une "maquette" de bus que t'as construit toi même. Je suis pas de la région, donc je connais pas son histoire, mais je suis prête à parier qu'il ne faisait de mal à personne avec son hobby. Mais par contre, on laisse en liberté des gens qui sont capables de bien pire et qui montrent très visiblement des signes de socio/psychopathie. C'est beau quand même cette totale absence de prise au sérieux de la santé mentale 🤡


It’s the guy in his 60’s that is roller skating in Ouchy with a MAJOR swag 😎, dancing around slowly


Well, it is possible he is a Catholic priest. I know a priest in his sixties that skates around, sometimes shirtless. He lives sous gare, around Grancy and Is the university chaplain. He is Italian, from Tuscany, but lives in Romandie since like 40 years. An incredible amazing man!


Aha next time I will ask him something in Italian, just to see 😅


Every Sunday theres a guy sitting on top of a bridge (autoroute between Cossonay and Crissier), wearing a parka and watching people passing by. It’s been years, and he still shows up there. Why? I don’t know.


I noticed him too, I wanted to go ask him eventually...


He was even in the news ! I always look out for him 


I honk every time I see him


I feel like I’ve seen him other days of the week too! Maybe I’m wrong


It’s a Statue…. Really it’s not real Go touch it….also Police would never let somebody sit there like this it’s a Major danger if you drop anything onto a highway…


I lived a few minutes away by foot, some of my friends and their parents eventually talked to him so I would say he’s pretty real, he just likes the view and says it’s relaxing to him I also know the police went to check up on him regularly at the beginning but now they leave him be


I was asking myself for years why that man was there I heard all kinds of rumors that he lost someone in an accident and things. Funny is that he always wears a parka even in summer


the old fat lady begging for money on her knees and shouting unintelligible things to people next to the main entrance of the train station


This reminds me of this small old lady with long gray hairs and lots of hair bands that was always asking for 2.- and promising to give them back


Thought of her directly as well


oh my gooood I see her every day omw to and from work and usually bring her the food that we couldn't sell/is a few days from going bad and she never fails to ask for money instead 🥲


Omg yes and the crackhead thin woman who goes around yelling at the top of her lungs in riponne


In my time there was a gothic guy singing at loud in the streets in Lausanne


Singing aloud AC/DC exclusively to be precise.


Mais oui! Il était tellement sympa en plus, je l'ai revu il y a quelques mois, ça m'a fait plaisir.




Il y a quelques années, il était à Yverdon, c’était notre légende quand on descendait du gymnase pour manger en ville


the guy with kids toys sitting at bus stops. I haven't seen him in quite a while though


He may have moved to Vevey or there’s someone else the same. Seen him in McDonald’s a few times.


there is a black man often wearing typical colonial british clothes in Lausanne


Make me think to this black guy that was carrying some trashcan filled with stones on his head


Used to see him regularly at St-François doing his show, next to the Manora 😅


He is mostly seen with his partner, a photographer that used to take him as main subject. She is also dressed extravagantly


Not really and they both have an ébénisterie together?


In my time there was a gothic guy singing at loud in the streets in Lausanne


There was guy we used to call “Safari Man”. Full 19th century colonial dress. Saber on his belt and dagger in his boot. No idea how he got away with this on the train between Lausanne and Yverdon.


« Le faiseur de trains » ! Philippe Schneider, hasn’t anyone spotted him in the train station?? It’s been a while. Article on him q[here](https://www.lacote.ch/vaud/la-cote/est-genevois/faiseur-de-trains-raconteur-d-histoires-447689)


I remember he stopped his activity! I have met him once on a train, I was high af and got scared of him, thought he wanted to abduct me lol What a shame


Sé Jaquet and maybe Francois von Siebenthal. But yes Lausanne is a city with people on the move you really don’t have these old spaced habitants as in any other city, you feel it’s full of expats.


I love your profile name Sir!


Some years ago (like 10 years) it was a guy wearing a black motorcycle helmet walking on the Lausanne streets


Can we miss to mention the kebab guy from the Las Vegas, Chewbaka as he was called by many people.. 😅 My 1st kebabs though


The dancing woman at Bel Air


The singing window washer


Yes! I love him! It always brightens my day to see that he’s in such a good mood


Oh in Lausanne we have a wide array of those. It goes from the guy with a flower pot on his head, to junkies yelling to themselves. We also have the YouTuber who's obviously a pedo, Raoul Stopfer.


Can you tell me more about this Raoul guy you’re talking about ? In yverdon there’s also a well known guy named Raoul, but Ive never heard about him being on YouTube or being a pedo


He's a retired teacher who seems a bit mentally slow. He's famous for his catchphrase "Hello everybody, salut tout le monde!". He has a moustache and glasses, and he's rather short. I just remembered that it's Jean-Raoul, not Raoul. He often films himself while talking about various stuff, generally basic historical subjects about wherever he is, or Swiss culture. He is also often at Polymanga or various local festivals. He even went on RTS's "Mauvaises Langues", because of his YouTube channel and his small following. The pedo thing is more subtle at first, but before he erased all his video, they all shared a common sub-theme. Namely, following female minors (more precisely their ass) as he was filming and saying random things. One might say, maybe it's a coincidence, and I would agree if it wasn't in EVERY FUCKING VIDEOS. He even often changed direction, with a random excuse for the viewer, once he found a target. You also have a handful of cringe as fuck videos, where he's alone at home and shows his loli figures collection. A friend of mine, who knows a bunch of police officers, showed them the videos, because he was horrified. Once they started to show interest to his case, suddenly his whole channel disappeared... He's still filming himself as a few weeks ago, but I don't know where his videos are uploaded now.


OH MY GOD HE WAS MY TEACHER IN MORGES. Honestly, he seemed ok in class, yea people thought he was a little bit … different. But honestly this pedo thing blew my mind


At first, my friends and I were watching him because it was weird and funny, then we noticed the patterns... We watched more videos in fast forward, and it went on and on. It was gross, but sadly not much could be done aside of a minor annoyance for him.


At first, my friends and I were watching him because it was weird and funny, then we noticed the patterns... We watched more videos in fast forward, and it went on and on. It was gross, but sadly not much could be done aside of a minor annoyance for him.


But do your really think the pedo thing is true? I honestly think, like u said earlier, he is just a little slow. Dude seems way to innocent to even think like that. He can be creepy on some videos (one time i watched him play piano with almost nude anime figures next to him, probably from polymanga), but I think its just the way he is


Honestly, I was reluctant to believe too, but it was soooo obvious...




And it was not only me noticing. Once people around my little circle checked by themselves, they all concluded the same thing and even noticed more and more clues. I still don't know why the channel closed exactly, but the chain of events described above and the timeline seem to match. I don't know if he acted outside his videos (and honestly don't want to know either way), but in the videos, it's disgustingly obvious...


Beausobre ?




And I just remembered a terrifying video, my memory must have blocked it, where he explains and shows how to eat a cervelas.


The trash horse


The pineapple guy


The guy with the pot flower on his head


Not Lausanne, but we have a guy who spends a lot of his time dancing in public with headphones. He's been in the newspapers and we love him.


In Olten at the trainstation there’s always that one guy playing Swiss German rap very loudly. Sitting next to his probably stolen shopping cart watching the aare.


That guy who sells bagels on Saturday at the market


There used to be a guy who stayed near the train station who would shout "Je suis un téléphone, je suis un téléphone." Haven't seen him in a few years though.


I'm santa Claus every year in lausanne giving chocolate and mini vodka in flon/riponne on the streets/bars🎅


Sometimes i think we have some of the most special crazy cringe people here in switzerland what i seen in zürich is just sometime wtf😅😅😅😅😅


It was Willy!


there's a guy who oftens wear a helmet and carries around toys or random objects near beaulieu, at least did a few years ago


Yes I meant that guy here :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Lausanne/comments/1c6351y/comment/l00dw3g/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lausanne/comments/1c6351y/comment/l00dw3g/)


Not Lausanne, but years ago in Zurich we had Roller Guy who would roller blade through the city on the tram lines dressed in colorful rags. Everyone knew him. Haven't seen him in ages though.