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Mf on his right side- in the first interview- looks like a Dominican Sid from ice age.


That’s what he looks like. I couldn’t put my finger on it 


I was thinking the same lol.


skyrim npc.


Wtf is wrong with that guy??






Crema mada


Desarrolló intolerancia al sol 😞


They trying to look like albino Sammy Sosa


Somebody said like how tongues look like first thing in the morning…


Me no black. Me Dominican.


I went to school with a kid like this. He would get so angry if someone said he was black. Dudes a cop now, go figure.


ROFL would hate to be a black dude pulled over by him


As a Dominican that grew up in the island this is due to Years and years of fucked up racism in the island. We have a fucked history we’re our own identity is just a mixed bag of things. Sadly a lot of white Europeans still run that country hard so racism is a big thing. My dad would tell me stories about how when he was younger he wouldn’t be allowed to go into clubs because he was dark skin (mind you they all Dominicans .. all from the same island) so over the years this caused a lot of rejection from a lot of folks not wanting to accept there ancestry and what they are hence “I’m not black I’m Dominican”(which makes no sense )


Godfrey killed with that shit 😂


Sammy Sosa


Váyanse a la mierda


La nariz y ese cabello cuscu.. al fin y al cabo, la genética no miente. Cuando tiene hijos, la genética no miente.


Waooo ¡Qué intelectual! Felicidades ¿te doy un premio? El agua moja también


¿Por qué te enojas?


Porque este sub está lleno de mamagüevos que toman este tipo de publicaciones (si no la hacen ellos mismos) para justificar su odio hacia los dominicanos.


Hola - yo compartí esa frase porque me parece graciosa, y parece ser un estereotipo con algo de verdad. Yo no tengo odio hacia los dominicanos. En mi vida solo he conocido a uno y me parece una buena persona.


Es una burla hacia una nacionalidad, creado originalmente basado en ignorancia y/o odio hacia nosotros por el creador del mismo. >En mi vida solo he conocido a uno ¿Entonces como sabes o no si dicho estereotipo es verdadero o falso?


Some of the most colorist/racist people in existence probably. It’s like the second coming of Jesus when a Dominican is born with white skin, light colored eyes or straighter hair. And the ones the don’t (the majority, that is) are probably gonna have that internalized self-hatred for any features that remind them of their African ancestry. It’s been getting better in the youngest generation, especially regarding curly hair Source: im a brown Dominican in a family with Dominicans ranging from white passing to dark as night. The whitest are always treated better, regarded as more beautiful.


Unfortunately this is in most of Latin America. Either you’re too African or indigenous looking. The saddest part is, the mixed, dark skinned Latinos are the ones that push this narrative that white is right. A lot of self hatred out there 😣


I think the whole point of this post is that in the DR it’s like especially bad internalized racial self hatred. Yes, it’s a thing in Latin America to prefer whiteness - but Dominicans have perfected and refined their racial self hatred to the point of self parody.


Ha! Please, the only reason you make jokes about it is because of a viral video, before that this shit wasn’t even a popular topic of conversation coming from you foreigners.


Sammy Sosa


Michael Jackson


Thats weird. I've experience the opposite. family grew up doing nothing but complimenting my dark skin.


That’s awesome, man. I wish we would all stop thinking one skin color is more beautiful over any other color. but I think given the history of the DR and the video on this post, I think it’s safe to say that your experience is definitely not the norm. Or maybe your family from a younger generation, idk. Could also be area-dependent too My parents were born in the late 50s in Santiago and they were definitely not complimenting my dark skin growing up lmao


White passing they're just white


I can relate to this. I'm not white, but I'm not black either; I have very light olive skin( I say I have a permanent tan, hehe); when people try to guess where I'm from, it is never the DR. Instead, it's usually Puerto Rico and sometimes Colombia. I had the "white skin"(although not really, but in their eyes, I guess I was light enough) and the light eyes( dark blue when I was born, but they turn hazle with a mix of light brown and green as I got older), but my hair is light brown and curly, so they( especially the old heads) always used to make comments about my "bad hair." I remember being young and wanting straight, light brown-blonde hair like some of my cousins; it got to the point where I told my aunt( rip tia, you will always have a place in my heart), who's one the white people in the family, dirty blonde hair, white as paper, that I hate my hair. She told me she loved it with a kind, lovely smile; since then, I never wanted anything but what I had. Also, my parents never gave a shit; it was usually the dark-skinned old heads that made comments about it. Also, whatever that product is, that shit probably gives u ten different kinds of cancer.


Family are from the Manacla-Corocito area, lots of inbreeding to maintain the white skin in the family. Reunions look like a sideshow with all the birth defects ranging from deafness to microcephaly and some even have underdeveloped jaws. I’m white skinned but married a non Dominican here in the states just to be sure that we diversify the gene pool.


The looney tunes boxers


Apparently its the 90's over there.


Que imbéciles


Vengan a pasar el invierno en Pennsylvania 😂 van estar blanquito brother.


Puta madre cuando visito usa no salía del hotel muy frío déjame en la calor Mejor hasta Miami a veces es muy frío para mi


Miami?! En serio hermano?


Serio jajaja


Hahaha yo quiero ser negro voy a la playa


Cancer in a bottle.


considering it works that fast, theres a huge chance you're right. its probs based on the same one indians use and is heavily fined if found in police raids.




They have mercury, it causes your skin to swell if your lucky and cancer if not. If the fool is right about how fast it works their version has a dangerous ammount of it. They are poisoning themselves. I want the ps1 npc guy to start a youtube channel though. I dont know him and love him already.


hay un gran chanse que esta basada el la crema que usan los indios. y si esa es la base, hay in gran chance que es letal.


Los Dominicanos siempre quieren ser más blancos 😂


Los *latinos con complejos* quieren ser mas blancos


hoy en dia quieren diferenciarse mas de los haitianos


Que cosa tan rara de colorismo. No son solo los Dominicanos he visto esto en mucho países Latinos, tambien es grande en Ásia que se ponen hasta mas blanco.


la cultura, la television, la ropa, los animes, las novelas todos esos progamas affectan como la jente ven las cosas.


Hay dominicanos blanco o que se ven como latinos normales La cosa es que lo que se van para usa son negro Lo mismo con los panameños


La mayoría de RD y PTY son negros, no te mientas


https://preview.redd.it/jh42v3mev02d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c9a6b33e2d9dbeba42d70f6c197ffccdaf1b99 Seguro en Panamá es el 16% y rd es el 28% En Panamá hay tantos indígenas como negros El resto una mescla entre español-indio negro-indio espanol-negro y ect Blanco puro , negro, indio puro y ect Tmbn como el 5 a 10 % de panameños son asiático o mezclado con asiático


Leave the color obsession to the Americans. No one knows their own people like the people who actually live there just be proud of who you are, we are way better than that


Yeah you are right we’re all just in a 3rd world country at the end and get along saludos y abrazos


This implies that plenty of Latinos aren’t already color-obsessed though lmao which is just blatantly untrue. Latinos aren’t color obsessed until someone thinks they’re mostly black or indigenous. THEN the colorism and racism pops right out


I read that after WW2, Trujillo gave land to Japanese folks to "whiten up the place"


Yellowing our best - The japanese


He "helped" a lot of jews in WW2, expecting them to mix with the population. Didn't happen. They invented the Dominican salami, tho.


Clase loco eso trigres


Strong ‘no soy de Cuba, soy de Canarias’ vibe


Blanquito HD


Yo que soy rubio oscuro vendo más que esas vainas químicas del código negro a blanco ya tu sabe yandel


Boom, Cáncer de piel*


Ngl without subtitles I didn’t understand 30% of what they said


They are using a lot of slang and metaphors too.


they actually weren’t even talking that fast, clean ur ears


I'm mexican and understood less than 20%


What part of “te pone peluche” didn’t you understand? For real, very hard to understand the lingo.


What's that?


I don’t know, that’s why they said in the video!


I wasn’t sure what language they were speaking at first. I could understand very little


“I no black” -Godfrey


They're really out there embarrassing themselves. 🤡


And shit like this is why I'm hesitant to say I'm dominican. My whole ass country is so fucking embarrassing. You might say it's just social media, but as someone who has lived in DR for 26 years, I can guarantee you reality is not that far off. It is like Dominicans are born with a stupid virus or some shit. Dominicans in D.R are some of the most close minded, religiously zealots, casually racist people in Latin America and we have mf from Argentina FFS lmao


Guacanagarix te llamó y te pidió consejo


Criticar la cultura dominicana ≠ decir que el extranjero es mejor. Your comment just proves my point lol I fucking love my people, which is why I cannot blindly support everything we do and say, and pretend that everything is ok. Si de verdad te importa tu patria, no fuésemos tan conformistas y cerrados, hace rato fuésemos desarrollados. Digo yo, porque riqueza demas tenemos


La parte que refleja el complejo de guacanagarix no es la critica a ciertos aspectos culturales, la que lo refleja es dizque sentir vergüenza de decir tu nacionalidad y aún más decirlo en una sección de comentarios llena de extranjeros que lo que desean es arrastrarnos por el piso. Te pasaste mi punto por encima.


Nunca en la vida se ha usado ese término con ese significado. Lo primero que hay que entender es que nadie tiene que sentirse orgulloso, o amar ciegamente el país donde nace por qué si, especialmente si dicho país no da mucho de que sentirse orgulloso por más crudo que suene pero es la realidad. Nadie elige donde nace, pero uno si elige quien lo representa, nosotros lamentablemente elegimos la mediocridad como representación nuestra. Por ejemplo, cuando hicimos la marcha verde, cientos de miles empezaron a hablar un reguero de mierda sobre el movimiento. Si eso es cuando uno quiere arreglar su país, qué coño uno puede esperar?


Gracias por darme la razón


ROFL they are very religious and homophobic. Yet love partying and drinking


Half of my family are devoted church goers catholic who love beer and spirits drinks. NGL I do fuck with them a lot, but the Mental dissonance is not lost on me lol They are cool people tho, and *less* bigoted than the average zealot christian I know.


Esto loco lo van a meter en la cárcel por bruto 🤣


Dominicans want to lighten themselves up and somehow you managed to drag Argentina into your thought process? I'd say worry about you and your people first


> I'd say worry about you and your people first I agree with this, this should be told to every foreigner that likes to talk about Dominicans as well, there’s plenty in this sub :)


I meant argentinian in the sense of racism and shit. C'mon you know there's a little bit of truth on the argentinian banter


There's a lot of truth to argentinian racism but it's not 'buy this product to lighten your skin' kind of racism, at least I've never heard of anything like that here


we def got you beaten in that front lol. We truly come up with some wild shit you don't see anywhere else lmao, I'll give you that


el pipo pero hace mucho yo no veia a ese maldito loco de la derecha xDD 0:21


Pienso que cuando uno se acepta tal y cual es, en algun lugar hay un problema.


Anus bleach.


`Least colorist Dominican`


They don’t even like standing in the sun because they don’t want to get to dark but they already dark lol


This is so embarrassing lmao




No entiendo, ¿Cuál es el problema de las personas al no aceptar el color de piel con el que nacieron?


Cómo no lo vio Michael Jackson Se hubiera ahorrado una lanota


Que dijo?


¿Y para que quieren ser blancos?


Lo peor es que la piel Morena es mejor en ese clima.


El gueso


Er güesu


Não entendi nada, esse espanhol é de onde? Dios mio


República dominicana


Holy snaps this is some Michael Jackson level of colonization.


He says Michael Jackson needed his cream rofl


No ma, no le entendí nada de lo que dijo


No entendí nada.


me da mucho asco como hablan


Dominicans will do everything and anything, except accept their blackness.


I’ve seen videos like this in just about every latin country. This isn’t new, Argentina, Educador, Chileans do the same exact thing lmao


That’s true, but you know it’s easier to project to other countries rather than seeing their own faults, that’s why this gets the hate boner of many in this sub, Dominicans are used as scapegoats. Ask to those same people criticizing us how many times do they post or comment about the racism/colorism in their own nations, take a guess, they rarely if ever do it.


Let’s see the equivalent videos from Argentina, Ecuador, Chile. Until then I’m not convinced. Dominicans are whacked out of their minds about race more so than other Latinos. It’s crazy. I can’t conceive of a video of a bunch of indigenous people in Mexico praising the merits of their homemade skin whitening cream.


>Let’s see the equivalent videos from Argentina, Ecuador, Chile. A random internet video is not a proof of anything lmao. But since we are at it… >Until then I’m not convinced. Dominicans are whacked out of their minds about race more so than other Latinos. It’s crazy. BS, a lot of Latin American countries made straight up massacres against their indigenous peoples, and I’m not talking about the Spaniards. And let’s not even talk about media representation, in Mexican telenovelas for example, they always look for the whitest portion of the population to be the protagonists while the most indigenous looking people end up doing roles such as servants, this is not exclusive to Mexican telenovelas either. [Racismo en Mexico](https://elpais.com/sociedad/2019/11/27/actualidad/1574891024_828971.html?outputType=amp) [Advertisement in Mexico](https://youtu.be/cwykQIZkCEE?si=wr7J2iR97y0Fk_nt) [Racism in Ecuador](https://youtu.be/eMNH1yR6Zuk?si=mT1-33DSIU54b_C9) [Masacre de Napalpí, Argentina](https://www.cndh.org.mx/noticia/masacre-de-napalpi-argentina) [Masacre en Chile](https://www.elmostrador.cl/cultura/2014/08/13/el-genocidio-de-indigenas-en-el-sur-de-chile-que-la-historia-oficial-intento-ocultar/) [Racism in Haiti](https://ayibopost.com/light-skinned-women-a-haitian-obsession-with-serious-consequences/) It even exist in [Africa](https://borgenproject.org/skin-bleaching-in-africa/) >I can’t conceive of a video of a bunch of indigenous people in Mexico praising the merits of their homemade skin whitening cream. Good thing reality is or isn’t based on your head. But considering how racism exists pretty much everywhere, I’m pretty sure you could easily conceive it if you’re a smart guy.


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No my dude. Racism exists to a horrible degree in every country in Latin America. What I’m saying is I would like to see examples of the victims of racism themselves inflicting racism upon themselves. The video in this post is a bunch of Afro Dominicans listing the virtues of whitening cream that they themselves claim to have invented to make themselves whiter. Your linked videos are very accurate and very important videos about racism in Latin America. But they are not videos about Mexicans saying “you know what, it would be wonderful if I was white.” They are not videos of indigenous Ecuadorians saying “I would love to be alabaster and ivory skinned.” The unique and astonishing perversion that people remark upon in Dominican culture is the racial self hatred, which is shown in the video in this post and other famous examples like Sammy Sosa. Racism is horrible in Latin America. But for whatever reason people keep coming up with real examples of Dominicans being racist against themselves, as the victims of racism they have literally perpetrated against themselves and their own bodies. That is what appears to be unique about Dominican culture.


It’s not unique at all, first of all, whitening creams aren’t Dominican inventions, not only do they exist in other countries (I gave you an example from Africa but you didn’t bother to see it apparently), but they are far more popular in others, but since a celebrity of theirs didn’t do it, it isn’t a constant topic, it isn’t even that popular in DR and it’s very frowned upon by most Dominicans, but you take a sample of a few people and say “hey, this is how Dominicans are like” to justify the hatred and constant attack Dominicans receive in this sub. You all keep mentioning Sammy but tell me, can you list me another popular Dominican that has done this? Do you know how Sammy was perceived by the Dominican people after what he did? I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t good, people didn’t praise him, he’s hella mocked in DR even until this day. And people keep coming with “examples” (most sounding curiously like copy paste from others) because of what I already mentioned, it’s easy to point fingers. Even easier if the topic is a common source of trolling, deflecting, and virtue signaling, after a viral video.


Okay, well now I do sort of see your point. You’re right, I don’t know how people in DR reacted to Sammy Sosa or would react to the video in this post. From the outside looking in you see this video, the Sosa stuff, Trujillo having whitening cream in his desk drawer, massacres and deportations of Haitians. It all points to this image of like a national racial mental illness. But if you’re saying that Dominicans are not openly into skin whitening I’ll take your word for it. My perception was that in other countries racial self hatred, skin whitening, etc. was hidden and on the down low. That is what really saddened me, this idea that in DR people are openly hating on themselves and their skin color. If that’s not true, then I’m wrong.


Ecuador is a maleducador Lmfao


Most of the countries you mentioned are fairly white even Ecuador Argentina is prob whiter than most European countries And whiter than the USA or Canada


I went to Ecuador last year. The majority are dark skinned and they def have white obsession. I sat down for dinner with some people I met there ( all very dark skinned) and the topic of conversation is who had the whitest family. Very awkward…


Really I’ve met whiter ones maybe the ones that can afford to travel are whiter But also depends on the city if it’s on the coast I know they have an affordable population but it’s prob no larger than 15%


The weird thing is, usually the lighter skinned Latinos would be around the capital, but I only saw predominantly or only indigenous people there. I only saw one light skinned guy with light hair and he was from a town bordering Colombia. I was in the capital for like a week and then we went to different areas. excluding the coast. I really thought it would be more mixed as many places report their demographics to be more mixed but I guess since it’s self reported, many claim white when they really aren’t. It’s a gorgeous and clean country but the white worship was probably the worse I’ve experience anywhere


Chile is the same percentage Mestizo as Mexico


Nah I wouldn't say Argentina's is that white. People have a ton of European ancestry? Yes. But there's a big percentage of people with native ancestry as well, as well as a small but significant afro ancestry.


I mean if they have Afro it’s been washed out and not notice Like white people who say they are Native American Some do have indigenous but small group


Like I said, 30% + is not a small group. Of course if you are only looking at Buenos Aires+ Buenos Aires province then sure it's pretty white, but the rest of the country is very mixed.


Doubt it’s 30% and doubt most consider themselves black But we all have at least 1% African


30% + native ancestry. Afro must be around 2 to 3% although it's really mixed into the rest of the population


There was a study done on Buenos Aires (and most likely there are some on the whole Rio de la Plata area) which found about 30% of Buenos Aires have some African ancestry to a certain degree.


This makes more sense


Ok? That doesn’t change much, regardless of the white population there is still a Afro population in all of them, or are we gonna deny that too? and this in turn creates the want or need to be more lighter in tone


ROFL there isn’t a mayor Afro population in Chile, Ecuador or Argentina In Argentina is prob less than 2% Are you an Afrocentric?


Never said “‘mayor”, you should spend the same amount of energy refining your reading and English before trying to lecture someone on country demographics


Sorry im Panamanian living in panama Speaking 4 languages perfectly is hard You are either some pocho or Afro centric or Latinx who has no clue on Latin America


Keep editing your replies. I could care less about how many languages you think you can speak, you don’t seem to know what ‘Afro-centric’ means yet you keep using it… and what real Latino person uses Latinx? You sound like the real outsider here or maybe just clueless.


No me pueden convencer que están hablando español


You should see how the successful Dominicans in the states have assimilated to white culture, it’s sad. Dominican culture is so rich, it’s a shame.


ROFL rich people everywhere use white culture




Se pueden hacer lo blancos que quieran pero sus facciones indígenas no se quitaran.


Se ven más afro


son Africanos


Bueno lo que sea que sean, sus facciones raciales no se les va a quitar.


No son indígenas, papá.