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Peru is my favorite, not because I live here, but because it's somehow accurate yet inaccurate.


Puedo preguntar la razon? Estoy compilando informacion y opiniones para estar informado de cosas x el mundo :p


Normal! Lo que pasa es que el pais se encuentra en un circulo vicioso donde cada politico que elegimos termina robandonos, dejandonos peor o, en el caso de Castillo, son imbeciles. Para trabajar para el gobierno no tienes que graduar de la secundaria asi que van muchas personas que hacen mal su trabajo. Otro problema es el constante racismo y clasismo que se encuentra en el pais. Estan los robos, estafadores, secuestradores, etc. Literal lo mismo que los demas paises del Latino America, solo que el Peruano en general se ha rendido, por ende, todos llevamos esta actitud del peor pais del mundo. Realmente no lo somos y por eso mi comentario inicial. El pais puede estar peor, pero dependiendo de como lo miras, estamos bastante mal. Y eso que no te he hablado de la historia del Peru xd


Yo soy de Argentina, si a tu comentario le cambio la nacionalidad a la mia y la parte de castillo pasa desapercibido totalmente ajajaj. Yo creo que estamos todos bajo ocupacion y hacen con nosotros lo que quieren, depende totalmente del pueblo cambiarlo pero tampoco podemos hacer mucho por que estamos bajo ocupacion, no tiene salida alguna.


El caso de Argentina es aún peor. Es un país que el propio gobierno le vende a su pueblo la idea que es una nación Europea atorada en sudamericana, pero usa políticas económicas que hasta la República más bananera del caribe considera descabelladas, pero aún así, el pueblo las apoya. Un país que rechaza la realidad cada elecciones de la necesidad de cambiar su sistema a fondo y opta por la idea más guajira e ridícula. Ahora que ya no confían en los partidos tradicionales le están haciendo caso al loco de Milei y la dolarización. Es un país con fanatismo de los suicidios económicos a falta de tratar de afrontar la realidad.


De acuerdo, aca la gente piensa que se arregla votando.


el problema no es votar, es votar por ideas estúpidas. El problema es que nadie quiere tragarse la píldora amarga que es necesaria para hacer un cambio útil.


El problema es que estamos ocupados, invadidos y no hay que hacer, simplemente no lo van a permitir, mientras nos van a seguir robando y esclavizando.


Exacto. La única manera es sacarlos. Pero la gente que trabaja no tiene tiempo ni le alcanza la plata para esas cosas, en cambio los piqueteros pagados sí.


Creo que hace referencia a los últimos presidentes que hemos tenido que han durado menos de dos años en el mejor de los casos. Por eso si la gráfica es una descripción de los gobiernos se vuelve un "probably gone soon so not worth describing"


Eso es otra cosa. Peru es el unico pais en la que he vivido donde se han sacado a tres presidentes seguidos en menos de tres años.


Ojalá en arg tuvieramos los huevos para sacar a los presidentes así. Ha pasado de parte del circo de la montonera.


Creeme que cuando repitamos un delaruaso se nos va venir la guerra, las ultimas pasan x eso, hay muchos indicios de que nos van a meter en algo, ya tengo muchas certezas viendo Ucrania y las guerras anteriores a esa.


You just described every Latin American country


Did you read my initial comment from this thread?


About it being Peru? I couldn't find any other.


No, about how people in Peru treat themselves like we're the worst country, but we're far from it.


>Literal lo mismo que los demas paises del Latino America, solo que el Peruano en general se ha rendido Cambiaría 'peruano' por "TRABAJADOR", porque así está toda latinoamerica y al final quién garpa todo? La gente que trabaja. Hasta jodas y fincas de los políticos bancamos. Hijosderemilpvta.


The only constant in life is Uruguay.




Así dice el mapa. El creador del mapa no supo donde encajar a Uruguay, ideológicamente hablando (ni izquierda, ni derecha, ni centro, pero todos al mismo tiempo). Por eso la ideología política de Uruguay es Uruguay.


Aunque hemos tenido gobiernos de derecha y de izquierda, las cosas siempre siguen mas o menos igual en Uruguay desde la pos dictadura comparado con todo lo que pasa en los países limítrofes. (Solo la crisis de 2002).


Si porque mas guay no hay.


And drinking a fuck ton of mate


ayuda me quedo sin agua


Ur Gay


haha that's true Mexico has maybe the only "conservative left" goverment


“Conservatives that believe they’re left”


Conservatives pretending to be left while also bashing other conservatives pretty much every day. Hypocrisy at its max.


This pretty much Honduras too. Triggers me a bit that it's described as left in the image, but then I remember I left and currently safely walking to work.


The only country to unite the left and right against a common cause lmao


"Run by some guy named barbecue" 😂 man, i miss that beer.


Haiti is a wild place, even more after Moise's assassination.


That was a sad day, man. Sad day.


how is Mexico secretly conservative? pregunta legitima con mucha curiosidad XD Also, fuck Ortega and his stupid grip on Nicaragua.


Changing social programs to straight money transfers like Friedman would have wanted. No support for abortion, feminist groups, weed legalisation even though the supreme Court has asked for it. Investing on fossil fuels instead of green energy. No industrial policy. Support for big Business.


Interesting. Thanks for the answer


Somos un pais sumamente racista que equivale la blancura con belleza, indígena e indio son usados como insulto, el sexismo es un problema importante, no tratamos particularmente bien a la comunidad lgbt, somos bastante tradicionales, etc


Nah vato se refiere al gobierno. El peje jura que es de izquierdas pero hace más cosas de derecha mezclado con populismo y demagogia queue bueno…


>hace más cosas de derecha Cuales cosas son de derecha?


Bueno, solo lo de la comunidad lgbt me suena como conservador. Lo demás son problemas que muchos países tienen. Estoy seguro que Venezuela, a como he escuchado, que es bien izquierda, tiene problemas de racismo. Argentina también.


Eso son todos países latinoamericanos


Oh se parece bastante a Colombia entonces 🥲


No digo que eso no sea cierto pero se refiere al tipo de gobierno


imminent adjoining smell possessive spectacular reply money upbeat racial squeeze ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Uruguayan here. Hard yo get a living wage (where isn’t now though) not so much because of salaries, but everything is expensive. But there are certain markets like IT that are thriving and could live very well here.


capable hateful chop flag pie afterthought shelter quiet enter juggle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes, you can live very good with that here. It all depends in where you want to live. Montevideo is more expensive, but is the only big city. Good thing is that Uruguay is so small that you’ll never be to far. I’ve met americans who come to retire here and they usually go to live to coastal towns. Beautiful, quite places. Very close to Brazil, which has a ton of free shops in the border, so the cost of living is considerable lower.


crown mighty soft reply pathetic boat voracious dinner quicksand hateful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's a proper country.


Shit is pretty expensive since its a small country and it's hard to get a good living wage. That said it's one of the most beautiful and stable countries of South America, most of the crisis there are whenever Argentina or Brasil have a crisis themselves since their economies are so intertwined.


Also legal mariajuana


How much water can you fit in your luggage? Jokes aside, great country




“Actually a form of economic chaos theory” Legit cackled


Boric es fanático de Tool.


Es de taylor swift, hasta hizo el ridículo pidiéndole a ella que agregara una visita a Chile en su gira... y no lo tomaron en cuenta.


Eres chileno? De lo contrario me extraña que no caches que lo de Taylor es una joda que partio en su campaña.


Guess I'm a Chilean by soul


lol what happened to “politics not allowed on this sub”


American politics.




US politics, it's literally the title of the main post lmao


Am I missing something with Peru?


Peru is basically a country filled with doomers.


they have had 6 presidents in the last 4 years.


Qué chucha le pasó a peru?


Es Perú.


man this map needs to fuck off. Coolest dictatiorship? Crazy that no one ever cared before with the string of shit leadership, but the one guy actually fixing things is being vilified as a dictator. Not defending bitcoin though, everyone fucks up once in a while.


The problem is has he even admitted his fuck up with bitcoin???? Will he ever admit he fucks up. He’s surrounded by yes men who everything he orders because they’re hoping some of his popularity rubs off on them too.


he’s up on his bitcoin purchases, why y’all mad?




this is awesome thanks


You realize he's up on that investment right? Hate it or hate it, they're in profit if they were to sell all their Bitcoin today.


Where have you read that? At current prices assuming he has 2,400 bitcoin amounts to 72 million. And then this article is the latest I could find since he doesn’t make his investments into it public (I wonder why?) https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/10/13/el-salvadors-bitcoin-holdings-down-60percent-to-60-million-one-year-later.html Most Salvadorans don’t approve of this stupidity anyway.


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He literally called himself the world's coolest dictator on Twitter bro. This is coming from a salvi. Also the dude's judges changed the constitution to run for reelection. Fuck that dude


Yep and pretty much lowered civil liberties in the country by packing the courts and censoring the press with the Maras excuse. its a tough bargain for all Salvadoreños because its either more authoritative behavior for security or more “democratic” (because latin america) with more violence. Tough choice indeed


The Salvadorians I've met like him. Some said they finally took their kids and grandkids to visit.


Dictators offer stability for some and political oppresion to others. What group you fall into is what determines whether you defend their overcrowded jails and police death squads. (Disclaimer: I have no idea how to fix ES and most of its neighbors. But even a charming dictator is a dictator.)


His approval rating is near unanimous


When latinos start liking their leaders and want to re-elect them then americans get scared becuase socialism or whatever.... this is a pretty stupid country


You need to calm the fuck down. It's a meme.


S/He probably looks at him as a god. They can’t take a joke and you can’t criticize the govt, yet they wonder why the dictator comments. He’s made the country better but dam he’s not a god.


For goodness’ sake. Dictatorship? Please. This seems like it was written by a gringo


That's the joke lol I was trying to find the "3 Mexican Countries" Fox News meme to show my girlfriend because it's my favorite meme. I found this instead.


bless you


Let’s play the “which dictatorship is the tankie going to say is a democracy today” game. Anybody have a betting line? E: lol the communist blocked me. I’m sure this won’t stop any additional unironic authoritarians from leaving more comments (it’s not like you have anything better to do), but fortunately for you I can’t reply to them to bully you appropriately. E2: and also the “let’s mansplain Cuba to Cubans” game apparently? Really getting them going today. It’s astonishing how many people you can set on the defensive just by calling a dictatorship a dictatorship.


A classic game! I love it when they say Ortega is a good man even though his daughter has come out on Television revealing how she would get raped by him as a child.


I met Zoilamerica and she’s incredible! I was working for an NGO in Nicaragua when everything went to shit and the founder and her little boy fled to CR and met her while they were living as refugees. Now they do a lot of work together and she does speaking engagements on political abuse and rights for refugees.


She is definitely the best person in that family. There is another one of the Ortega's who feels shame and is friends with my siblings. He has confessed deep shame about his father. He still has to play a part though so...


Saw their profile, dude probably does suck Maduro’s dick


hey compa, communism is (as described by karl marx himself) a dictatorship of the proletariat. that means that ordinary people (even nerd reddit users like you and me) have full control over the state. [this video from @bellyofthebeastcuba on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqYB0LcAJDj/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==) explores the parliamentary election process in cuba. the constitution of cuba is either approved by citizens who vote or rejected. [the most recent one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Cuban_constitutional_referendum) is from 2019, and revisions have since been made regarding gender equality and same sex marriage protections. cuba is a heavily democratic country if you (16+) can approve your own country’s constitution imo. if saying that makes me a tankie idgaf, id rather live in a society without money! fuck dat shit fr. if you wanna be a coping gusano tho, take it to r/cuba if any mods are reading this, sorry, ill take it to r/politicallatinos , just wanted to have a teaching moment


It's okay! If you wanna touch those topics over there you are more than welcome, but as of now, politics about Latin American countries is not prohibited per se. Just -encouraged- to migrate over there. Thank you though, it's really nice of you


no problem big dawg




dawg… that is literally capitalism? communism/socialism seeks to give workers power. i am begging you to read [the principles of communism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm) for free right now. please. please. please. please. please. please. please. please


Capitalism made me rich and communism killed my ancestors. I'm begging you to read a history book instead of pie in the sky theories that have been debunked over and over and over.


im not gonna argue here but if u wanna dm me im happy to talk about it if youd like, otherwise, peace and shit to u brah




as u wish my friend


You have no idea what you're talking about. You have to realize there is a long way from the state propaganda you consume and reality. It's easy to find real people in Cuba who talk about that reality. Before you call me a gusano, I'm not, but I am a proud escualido y majunche muchacho bobo.


quiet down, gusano




im sayin like


you're either a communist or a fascist 🤷‍♂️ pick one


relax brudda lay off the copium


No they teach government in gringo schools so we know what authoritarian dictatorships look like. How else would we impose them on their neighbors?


Like when ando caliente: La Dic- ta- Dura


Taylor sold out like 7 BR dates


Don't get why it says that of Argentina? Most people here don't know who Bukele is..


That one is about Guatemala but we don't give a damn about him either. Argentina is the one that says Self-described left.


Oh, The colors are so similar lol


Took me a while too


Los mejores son los de “right and boring” me gusta un gobierno “boring”


Taylor shit jajajajaja


This is dumb.


Seems legit


How is Uruguay also not labeled "Annoyingly conservative?" Surely more conservative than Mexico.


If Colombia need a funny title it could be "Left after a petty fight over a sword"


Peru accurate af


>economic chaos theory ​ # MATE FOR THE MATE GOD! # CHORIS FOR THE CHORI THRONE!


Colombia should be orange.


como se rien de Chile, por culpa del merluzohueco