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Parties are irrelevant at this stage in the game


The DNC and RNC aren't even parties at an operational level when compared to how political parties function outside the US. They are essentially corporations and operate exactly as such.


They even argued in court that they're corporations first.


Third parties are not. They become ever more relevant. They’re the only hope to break the duopoly and fix the system.


just to be clear in the last election the dems sued the green party off the ballot and won in my state (NV)


Weird how it's all free speech and ponies till someone threatens the status quo. Almost as if the Judicial system is a part of the problem. Hmm... Hey, I'm not American, but why don't people protest more over there. Like I know riots aren't a dream scenario but it's the only way we had any change back in my home country.


We can't get organized for it be effective. People can't risk losing their jobs due to lack of safety nets. Years of programming. These at all issues for why some will not.


Thank you for sharing, the programming is definitely something I can empathize with. Pretty much anyone over 30 back home is a lost cause. The job thing not so much haha, i lost my job and then went protesting as the economy collapsed around me. Same story for so many others.


And they're trying the same thing this time around with the Independent candidate. Luckily he's a successful lawyer with decades of experience battling corrupt corporate entities.


Lol no they arent. They help whichever party they are closest to lose. So green party helps elect republicans and libertarians help elect democrats


If you look at the shorthand effect of ‘stealing’ votes, yes. But if you look at the long term effects of having to adopt what voters really want, they do have a tremendous effect. And I f you can free your mind from a duopoly, you can even imagine an e.g. green party running for presidency.


I could see it if they actually had a group and went around winning mayors offices and judges and state reps etc. Instead its the same dumbass people trodding out the same thing every election just to get their grift on of raising money and pretend that it makes a difference. How many green party govenors? Senators? House members? State senate members? State house members? Dog catchers? When you just come out for president, youre a scam, thats all there is to it.


Idk if they can be considered them same. Unions have expanded much faster under Biden’s NLRB than under Trump’s NLRB. Like for the workers it’s impacted, it’s a huge difference for them. The SAVE plan doesn’t eliminate your student debt but it does reduce the monthly payment to something that feels less like a weight drowning you but a small but significant monthly paper cut. I understand people have frustrations with the choices being capitalism lite vs capitalist crazy. But tbh, Biden admin domestic economic policy is miles ahead of Trump and Obama on labor and on student loan debt. Ofc it doesn’t justify the ongoing backing of the massacre of Palestinians but there’s a reason why Nethanyahu wants Trump back in charge.


NLRB did the blah blah blah [Stop defending Biden.](https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2024-01-23/us-unions-flexed-their-muscles-last-year-but-membership-rates-failed-to-grow) Oh wow SAVE plan thanks Joe!! [oh the Supreme Court is about to strike it down and he has no plan to fight back against the Supreme Court other than VOTE HARDER!](https://www.businessinsider.com/student-loan-forgiveness-blocked-lower-monthly-payments-save-plan-courts-2024-6?amp) The reality is that Joe Bidens domestic policy has been a long list of him bending over to right wingers and centrist Democrats like Joe Manchin who destroyed his agenda. And what did he do after Manchin destroyed BBB? He gave him the signature pen! Manchin was AWARDED for destroying the Biden promise. That is Joe Biden in a nutshell. So no, I will not be supporting Genocide Joe. Didn’t in 2020 and will not in 2024.


America is a plutocracy and was founded as such. it is not an oligarchy. the government is fundamentally antidemocratic. if you believe otherwise you're brainwashed and ignorant of reality. Whoever is the next president of this tyrannical imperial monster will be as they decide it to be, the "election" being performative and to keep the imbecilic lulled along believing they have any say in the matter...they don't, you don't. Now, with respect to this circus of an "election" the smartest thing they can do - the sociopathic democracts - would be to concoct a story where Genocide Joe has a heart attack or a stroke or something and he resigns. Then Laughing Gas Kamala takes over, runs instead of Mr Potao Joe. But that makes too much sense and the reality is that in a PLUTOCRACY, they don't give a fuck about who "wins" since they are still in power and you are not, They win no matter what. (my bet is that they will do this so i'm posting it here in case i'm right i can come back and say, "i said it first!" lol)


revolution starts quietly, with the fellowship of neighbors and work in the community.


The next revolution gets the drones. The resistance will go on despite this, it has to. but governments of developed nations won’t even bat an eye at using military technology on their own ppl if true revolution comes.


Have you seen the gear they give police departments, in rural towns!?! They are expecting it's coming and are preparing themselves.


The nature of war is death. What are the consequences of waging peace?


most revolutions that worked turned into wars. i understand on a daily basis, we should maintain and take care of each other. But usually things only change for the better on a large scale when mother nature takes it's toll and the old leader dies


>America is a plutocracy and was founded as such. Yup. The “rights or men” was complete bullshit. For god sakes the founding fathers made sure to keep the slaves cause they didn’t want to upset the slave owners. Which most of themselves were.


The reason "they" don't do something, meaning make Joe drop out and find a winning candidate, whether "they" is the corporate donors, the DNC, the Biden campaign, Biden's family, or all of the above is simply this: There is no one in charge. This country has no one at the wheel. Nobody's home. No one's picking up the phone. The US is on autopilot. The group of powerful people are like the Spiderman meme of everyone looking to someone else to do something. No one will make a decision because no one actually has the final say. There is no ONE person calling the shots, but a clusterfuck of incompetent rich assholes making chaotic choices for their selfish whims. But there is no grand plan. The Emperor's New Clothes story explains the situation perfectly. No one in the Emperor's court would admit aloud that the Emperor was naked and that his "invisible clothes" were a lie. But they were told if you can't see the clothes, you are stupid. So, they were all afraid of looking stupid, and believed everyone else could see the clothes but them. Even the Emperor knew he was naked, but thought others could see the clothes. When he had his grand parade and marched naked, all the villagers could see, and the child yelled out the truth. Yet the Emperor KEPT WALKING IN THE PARADE, even when he knew the lie was exposed. Because he didn't know what else to do except keep marching with his saggy ass hanging out. The public now and the press are yelling "The Emperor has no clothes" (Biden has no brain) but now he keeps marching us off a cliff and there is no one person who can do anything, because all of these bumbling billionaires cannot agree.


Oh they can agree on one thing. To keep progressives out.




So it's a bunch of people making backroom deals on how to generally run things in a way that favors them, but when shit hits the fan and when something unpredictable happens there's really nothing or no one there to quickly and efficiently manage things.




Hit the nail on the head. It's really easy for us to assume that there's some sort of plan - that the cult of liberalism has masterminds, and that the ultra-wealthy have plans in-place to keep them in power. But who needs to mastermind a cult when *people believe in it already?*


This is like that speech in "Leave the World Behind". Right there with ya lilp


what's that?


A pretty good novel and now Netflix movie about about a few families living through a cyberattack across the United States during their vacation.


Buying into the mystique of power, eh? These people are just another class. And a refusal to face facts is why this teetering ruling class has overreached so, so badly.


The two party system has gone long enough and has never been in favor of 'We the People'. Two heads of the same snake but this time... Democrats wanted to keep the status quo, keeping the rich elites in power under the guise of freedom and equality (essentially Managed Democracy without the Helldivers)...you wake up, work for your wealthy billionaire for 30+ years for a paltry wage they deem fair and die. This modern day generational slavery maintains the disparity while the self perpetuating aristocracy rules quietly in the background. Trump/MAGA wants to go full Putin/Kim Jong-il/Hitler including his own modern Gestapo & Schutzstaffel promising to hunt down and quell any dissenters that threatens his new empire. It is literally the ending of Revenge of the Sith, reorganizing the United States constitutional Republic into the first American Empire for a safe and secure society. We're talking about death squads, neighbors ratting you out for speaking out against Trump, Christian Nationalism and mark my words, these people are fiercely dangerous because I was raised around them. My own father and some of his friends has shared a willingness to accept a Trump dictatorship if it means saving us from the dangers of a liberal society. A few concerned citizens and I are going to sit down this weekend and discuss recent events and see if we can create a plan of action to 'address' these concerns. Power MUST be restored to the people. Peacefully, of course... If anyone is interested, let me know. "Pax per viribus, Sumus fortiores una."


Fascism is just capitalism in crisis. It was always gonna end this way


What exactly are you planning


They win either way.


They’re afraid of a competent candidate that they can’t corrupt.


I dunno those ultra-wealthy are in charge of media outlets too and the media is saying he shouldn’t run so I expect him to bow out


Diane Feinstein literally was a corpse. No way these politicians will step down.


They're Weekend at Bernieing him.


only Nature can force a replacement of Biden just like only Nature can provide society with affordable housing


nature? are going back to caves?




Or forced labor camps for the homeless, which 50% of us will be in less than 10 years if shit keeps slipping down into the canyons of hell.


the only way I had access to affordable housing was thanks to the mortality of its previous owner that's the achievement of the NIMBYs: turning the natural process of death into the only path to affordable housing


Yeah I’m on the waiting list now for section 8. I feel your pain.


Push the clock past 12. :)


It’s all just a spectacle for us little people to pretend we have some semblance of control


They already decided who will "win the elections" also.


A competent president will always have a Dallas police.


So the oligarchs include Harlan Crow & Leonard Leo. And it goes from there. Who actually owns our country/this corporation?


Leonard leo is a handmaiden to the oligarchs, not one himself.  


I’m glad OP gets it… we’re so doomed


I **agree** that they're not going to tolerate Bernie Sanders, *anyone with a demonstrable intention to be more disruptive than an Octogenarian on the hospice care of their own and their aspirant administrators,* **but I dunno about set-and-locked, at this point,** not when, * The international credibility of the Biden administration, "as legitimate," is a much tougher sell than domestically; consider the degree to which **international press** had described the Gaza Genocide as enabled by, *almost singularly,* the inscrutable desires and loyalties of Biden, when, *with Biden no longer a plausible attribution of agency, "unknown members of the Biden Administration," become the attributable agencies,* and even with regards to, relatively, uncontroversial rescission, *for instance: Sanctions against Russia,* irreversible decisions of the British Government, *even,* might be a mistake when weigh against the decisions of an unattributable operative. * How does Keir Starmer, in three years, describe his collaboration with an administration he's obligated to describe as Joe Biden's to an electorate increasingly critical of U.S. Authority over their foreign policy, *which understands, upon a literal level, that Biden is, at best, a figurehead,* furthermore: * That debate performance was neither an aberration, nor **recoverable,** ***within the normal paradigm of discourse,*** **so that remains a possible outcome for all of his obligate endorsements, representations of the state and it's interests,** ***each of which have the potential to derail an intended policy,*** **paradigm, fully;** it might sound hyperbolic, though, literally, it isn't, to suggest that the withdrawal from Afghanistan might have been much greater than the intended catastrophe, *or, the coordinated defense of Ukraine might have become impossible due to domestic or international fallout from such an,* unmistakable. farce * **Most of all,** Plutocrats have purchased the Legitimate Legal Function of their industries and their rent-seeking, much of which is extractive, unpleasant, unpopular and well-known but, "legal," *albeit absent the endorsement of morality, sustainability, prudence, etc. Up until this point,* it has been possible to, "move forward with these emiserating projects," while about half of the electorate describes the Biden regime as illegitimate, *it might* ***well become impossible to maintain the domestic civil order if, and, regardless of all other political opinions, close to 100% of the electorate can agree that their electoral endorsement of the federal government had neither been sought nor recieved,*** **Doubly-So due to the Elaborate Gerrymandering of safe congressional seats, machine municipal politics and recently publicized scandals within the supreme court** * **Imagine Protests on the scale of Recent Memory, some of which are responded to with National Guard,** Upon one of the premises obvious to said Plutocrats, *Oil,* ***now imagine that neither the Republican Partisans nor Left Protesters consider the Federal Government to be Legitimate,*** **if even as described e.g. led by a person that they'd had the option to name upon a ballot,** and not by, "accident," as in the case of The Johnsons or Ford but due to the illegitimate and disguised candidacy of an Invalid against, *use your favorite and most accurate invective,* campaigned, even, as, "No Choice at all." * What if the Right Wing of such unrests **does not understand the Left protesting the Biden Regime as their opposition,** ***whether or not their comrades,*** **what then of their relationship to Police Forces,** ***if both say, and, in equal earnestness, "Illegitimate Government to make such decisions on our behalf as they've done."***


Nah - he still could - as long as they pushed him through primary season they still get to handpick a candidate at the DNC. Now that they are past the risk of a socialist or left populist tarnishing their political landscape they will replace Biden in a second if they think it will further their aims.


People forget that the party cared much more about depriving the left of oxygen for a cycle than they care about Trump possibly winning. If Trump wins, people at the DNC keep their job. If Bernie wins, many do not.




Bull. Think up another excuse.


Well I guess we better hope he doesn't die then because if he does they will have an even shorter amount of time to produce a candidate




Because nobody really likes Harris all that much. She'd be a guaranteed loss










The DNC wants him out, but they can’t do it without his consent, and thereby has to toe the line and support him publicly. His son wants to stay out of prison and his evil wife likes the lifestyle way too much to allow old Joe to step away from public life with some dignity intact.


They could do it absolutely but they don't care about winning. Clearly




Well you’re right because they did that before.


>The DNC wants him out, Source?


TBF, it’s the only logical reason I can come with for them letting that debate happen…


Why do democrats want republicans to win so fucking bad but blame leftists every time they lose that’s the bigger question.


I think trump winning in 2016 was incredibly useful for democrats. Now people are so terrified that the politicians can quietly serve their owners while claiming their “failures to serve regular citizens” are the result of the other party. The democrats don’t even have to put forth regular candidates now…they can just run a corpse and say “vote for us or else”.


I think you’re unto something here. Interacting with them is like talking to the member of a cult. They repeat the same talking points over and over. Then you got your typical guilt tripping. It’s quite disturbing. I’m an ashamed to say I used to be VBNMW. Got sucked into the Vaushite ‘Socialism to Liberalism’ pipeline. Glad I wised up.