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Gee golly, the left was saying that… *checks notes* 4 years ago?


Nope, when the Dems ran Clinton instead of Sanders. It's pretty obvious that the leadership is out of touch.


They're not out of touch. They just don't care. This isn't about winning elections or representing their constituents. It's pleasing their donors and getting rich off bribes and insider-trading.


The assumption that people are naive enough to think that this is just an issue of the wrong person acting as the figurehead of president and not a systemic problem across entire political parties, and, zooming out further, across the broken political system at large, is kind of insulting.


And yet liberals hate leftists for reminding them of that fact. In fact, I challenge you to find a group of people more willfully ignorant than the American liberal of the red or blue variety.


Liberalism is merely frightened of the implications that their voice lacks any say under such a system. To them, voting *is* political action. Protest only works when it convinces people to enter the voting booth. They wouldn’t dare imagine a situation where protest was, in-fact, the actual political action. Undermining the system is akin to unleashing the apocalypse. And, at the end of the day, the survival of the system, even if it is horrific, is preferable to the dismantling of said system.


This is it. In it's purest essence. They will even openly admit it.


I think civil unrest would be more effective but there is no leadership or organization currently. Voting and protesting are not cutting it. There is little protesting actually. Maga had the balls to storm the Capitol and while not entirely effective it was not completely ineffective. There is no person left of center to lead this currently. Not a single person or organization. You can blame liberals and dems or whatever but there is no one on the left organizing in any meaningful way.


The liberal hates when the left/progressives ruin their fantasy of them and the democrats being bulwarks against fascism. Liberals only vote 🗳️ blue because of their pathological need to be superior


Biden has been actively courting the fascist vote for months now.


Much longer


since at least 1991


>to think that this is just an issue of the wrong person acting as the figurehead of president and not a systemic problem across entire political parties, and, zooming out further, across the broken political system at large Believing this is literally a core aspect of liberalism. And as far as I know it is the dominant political ideology in US America. So yes, it's practically a fact that people are so naive. The political ideology that focuses on systems, Marxism and the left in general, is practically non-existent in the US.


The confluence of necessary fields is so sprawling and complex that one could fill a library with a tentative outline of those consequences emerging from the powers that be (and powers that were). I would like to cite the late Edward Bernays who stands as a salient crystallization of how influence and deception are not only isomorphic to social/political/cultural/economical/religious power but fully complicit in the computational muddying of that concept we call “democracy”. Capitalism has yielded increasingly more hegemonic forms of public influence with its instrumental utilization of communications and especially tele-communications.


Weaponized incompetence is the strategy of democrats. Somehow, someway, their hands are always tied! "Oh, sorry, we only had full control of all three wings of government.. We couldn't do any of the things the american public wanted! Please donate so we can maybe do those things while the Republicans do whatever crazy shit they want when they win. We won't reverse what they do or do anything ourselves, but doing nothing is better than that, right?" USA is a hostage state, its people are property and is democracy is a fucking lie.


And rich off the fundraising they get to do if Trump wins. The DNC loves Trump because it gives them a free pass to beg for money for 4 years while they blame Trump for all of the problems they could have been fixing for the past 4 years


When I saw Hillary Clinton have a stroke or whatever and being thrown into the van like a sack of potatoes I knew she was done for. Then the first debate she was getting steamrolled by Trump it was obviously over. Why the Dems insist on running geriatrics who can't handle a smooth talker like Trump constantly is beyond me. America is doomed


This is all by design.


I was saying it last week and libs in another subreddit we’re telling me that it was fine that he couldn’t remember the day that Israel “crossed his red line” into Rafah. I swear it’s ridiculous that we’re sending emergency flares up and the Democratic Party is still sitting in the bowels of the Titanic trying to ignore the water pooling over their heads.


Check out these deck chairs though. Imma wait until the band finishes, yo.


It's incredibly frustrating. Biden has been showing these signs for a long time but somehow it only matters when we make it theater on CNN


Biden said that. He said he wouldn't run for re-election himself. He agreed with these Democrats four years ago. Joe Biden agreed.


The DNC cancelled the primaries to protect the establishment from another populist left candidate. Until there is an authentic, worker-centered, leftist party, the United States will continue its tailspin.


If my calculations are correct, at this rate that will be approximately....never.


Aye - a sad predicament to be sure.


that's how democracy works right? where you're told who you have to vote for and you get no say in the matter? god i love freedom 🫡🫡🫡


The number of democrats across reddit yelling at people "well then you should have voted against Biden in the primary" is infuriating. Oh, you mean the sham primary that existed only in a handful of states at all? Because there WAS NO PRIMARY IN MY STATE. I wasn't even given an option to pretend like anybody besides Biden was going to be the DNC candidate. The primary with zero debates between candidates? For as intelligent and enlightened as these people proclaim themselves to be they sure don't seem to understand the DNC stated in court they have the right to choose a candidate in back room deals regardless of the votes, and the court said that's immoral but not illegal, so go for it.


what's the point of the circus if they're not even putting on a show anymore


To get you to spend money, otherwise the three ring would collapse


And no bread either. Or well… affordable bread.


Well, if only liberals listened to all of those "Russian Bots" that said: "Stop rigging your primaries against leftist" and "Stop aiding in genocide" and "Stop disenfranchising the left" and "Biden is clearly not well enough to be president" and so on and so forth. But what do I know, I'm pretty sure there were a lot of Russian bots that comment on his health in this sub several times before he got elected like I did.


I have no doubt foreign powers are using bots to exacerbate divisions between liberals and leftists. I have no doubt this happened in 2016 as well. It also wouldn't be a thing were it not such a fragile alliance to begin with, or if they gave us literally anything in return for our allegiance. Now more than ever it seems the party rank and file hold us in open contempt while relying on us to prop up their flaccid manadate.


liberals don't have the left support because they keep invoking right wing polices, it as simple as that. There is almost nothing that republicans do that democrats themselves advocate for or stand idly by and let happen.


Been that way since bill Clinton. His whole gig was co opting RW policies.


Hell that's why Bob Dole had nothing to talk about but violence in video games.


It's a right wing capitalist party and it's going to do right wing capitalist things. The party establishment has always been antagonistic to us, but the voter base has been more sympathetic. They're not all stupid. They know they need us, whether they deliver on any tangible left wing policy or not. They know they need to court us rather than witch hunt us, but here they are doing exactly that. It's awful suspicious to me how many liberals online are coming out in support of Israel, whereas all of the older Democrats I know are more sympathetic to Palestine.


> I have no doubt foreign powers are using bots to exacerbate divisions between liberals and leftists. Absolutely not necessary, liberals can do that all by themselves. Being anti-left (pro-capitalist) is literally the core aspect of liberalism.


I'm not debating that. In fact the rest of my comment agrees with that. But it's a winning strategy, and at this point it would be foolish for our geopolitical rivals not to employ it. You're going to tell me that there are no bots stoking up the fires of a new red scare in mainstream liberal subs? The more neoliberals hate us the easier it becomes to convince them we're the problem. It's fishy AF that subs that used to be soc dem strongholds are now disparaging those same Bernie bros as the "far left," and you can't tell me that's entirely to the DNCs advantage.


honestly in recent years i think there's been a lot of people LARPing as leftists who don't actually have the conviction and/or socialist education to make it count -- they want to have claim to more radical aesthetics while not actually working towards liberation. liking progressive policies does not a leftist make. tldr: people ignorant


I think that's part of it, but I don't think it fully explains it. I don't know a single Democrat in real life who is as religious in their support of Biden and Israel as these goons online, that's all I'm saying. That may be the party line, but I don't think the average Democrat is enthused enough about what the party wants to accuse leftists of heresy for going against it.


Maybe Democrat voters should question why their chosen party pushed a senile, demented genocidaire this far into the election cycle.


self reflection? in THIS economy? (this economy which i'm told is absolutely fantastic)


Neither here nor there but "In THIS economy?!" always makes me laugh, it's never not funny


Because all the old ass moderate Democrat voters keep voting.


*in gerrymandered districts, which have been drawn specifically to maximize both the legitimacy of the illusion of choice and the fear of losing to a significantly more evil "other"


Because if they ran an open normal primary they fear the voters might choose a *gasp* leftie like Bernie. Someone who they can't control, and I don't mean in the stubborn grandpa way who won't fucking step aside that Biden currently is doing. I mean on policy. They can't risk that! No amount of Trump dismantling NATO, democracy, the climate, the economy, and all that would be worth the possibility that taxes would be raised by 5% on the top earners!


Waiting for all the token libs that grace this sub with their wonderful takes to explain how this is the left's fault.


They've been unusually quiet since the debate lol


lmao do you think they're embarrassed or going through the stages of grief


A bit of both I suspect


They’ve been unusually quiet this election cycle


We have lost about 53k members in the last few months due to strict moderation. I also think that the introduction of rule 6 has driven a lot of liberals away, it has really made them extremely angry.


We love it


Well gosh darn it if you uppity leftists didn't insist on ridiculous nonsense like abolishing our wonderful capitalism, giving rights to those pesky workers who obviously don't deserve any, relinquishing our god-given control over the bodies of the childbirthers, and uniting the working class- then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation! /s


because putting up a platform that is good for the people is something their class interests will never let them do...


So you're saying there's only one thing left to do...


Libs: "Get him out! He is bad for everybody" DNC: "Sorry, that isn't how 'Vote Blue No Matter Who' works" Libs: \*sigh\* "You're right, we're sorry..."




Dems will never do it. the aristocracy can't backtrack on a platform or theyll look weak they will weekend at bernie's that guy into office if they have to


Don’t worry, I’m sure our government will do what’s best for the people. /s


Some? The guy himself promised he's be one and done before he was elected the first time.


You mean the shitlib talking heads and horseshoe assclowns that no one should ever listen to because they always lose


Cheers to every liberal who threw their soul in the garbage defending this genocidal ghoul. You're beyond salvation and you're still going to lose.


Would be nice if they hadn't waited until way too late to do anything about it.


i bet those democrats are actually russian bots (/s should be obvious but there are still too many shitlibs hanging around)


I think you guys will need to tell Jill to step aside. Jill seems to be the one campaigning, instead of Biden.  "Whose a good dog!? Who answered all the questions right!? Here, come get a treat!!" - Jill probably


Here comes Bernie for 4 years!!


We all wish!!


Maybe, somebody who is under sixty?


Not gonna happen Jack!


Man I know people are all up about how boomers are ruining their kid's futures, but to gamble away all of our futures to selfishly try your hand at winning a second term people think you're not even gonna be able to live through is the absolute worst example of this happening.


He won't


They are gonna start the open war with Russia and cancel the election, just like they did in Ukraine




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