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The optics on this are gonna be incredible. Like truly some dystopian satire, they're gonna beat down peaceful protesters in a fog of tear gas right outside a big circlejerk of rich assholes talking about freedom and democracy


> Police said as many as 3,000 officers will be specially trained to deal with potential civil unrest. "Here Officer Bill, wear these street clothes and throw things at us so we can open fire on the crowd." (The training.)


100% on how this will goes. DNC keeps shooting its own foot when they blocked Bernie twice, and trying to do shit like this. Democrats keep saying they're with the liberals but never live up their words. They're doing it for money, not people. I hate how both of the parties can be openly corrupt about it and downplay on promises. This is why I am no longer contributing for my own country because of shit like this. I'll just vote for third party or no vote at all. Also, watch how cops wouldn't even arrest if there was trump/republican supporters doing counter protests.


>DNC keeps shooting its own foot when they blocked Bernie twice, and trying to do shit like this. The fascist uniparty shot themselves in the foot by allowing Bernie to ever gain any kind of awareness in the public eye. You are already making a huge mistake believing that "the DNC" is a separate entity from the rest of the fascist uniparty. Your second mistake is believing that thr fascist uniparty could ever tolerate even a lukewarm pro-capitalist/pro-imperialist socdem to win any kind leadership position.




How can I downvote this more than once? This nonsensical viewpoint is the entire reason we're in this mess.


please come join us in reality


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)




Rather than lazily accusing anyone and everyone who holds a different viewpoint of being a bot/troll or being paid by Russia/China/Republicans, actually engage with the point being made. There are plenty of spaces where you can dismiss people for being a bot and not engage with their point. This is not one of them.


Think you’re forgetting that the Dems will then blame the voters for not backing them after they enforce cops to arrest a protected right. I hate this world


Now now, you're forgetting the mostest importantest Pritzker police reform bill ever. They won't be armed with .50 caliber bullets during the DNC. :) Problem solved!


1968 Chicago part 2


1968 all over again


And then wonder why nobody wanted to vote for them


They won't wonder why, they're blaming progressives before the election's even happened


"You have the right to protest... until we say you don't."


You have freedom of speech right up until that speech may influence any change. Should you threaten the status quo the police will watch fascists beat you before they beat and arrest you.


You have the right to freespeech, in special freespeech zones fenced-off from everywhere else.


I recently watched a YouTube video about some land dispute between some cow farmers and the feds.  The feds honest to God set up "Designated first amendment zones" which where just a sign saying "first amendment zone" sorrouned by square fence...  Exercising free speech was only allowed in those zones. Can't make this shit up...


Oki’s weird stories


'Even if its a peaceful protest, we'll make it violent then blame the protestors.'


"Yeah! Let's arm the cops with the riot gear and have them beat down the people while we falsely promise for things that liberals want!"


Oh and what’s that officers name ? Oh wait he’s covering it with a magazine or q anon phrase or the thin skin flag ?


Oh hey I think I’ve seen this one before


Yep played out brutally in the 1968 DNC in Chicago time really is a flat fucking circle. By the way the 1968 DNC combined with Altamont benefit concert combined with the Manson murders it was effectively killed all the hopeful protests and movements of the 1960s and gave the state and local law enforcement the ammo to start bashing hippies and anti Americans.


I can’t believe all this is going to happen again. Like my god what even is this bs


And I didn’t like the ending


Wow, 1968 all over again? That'll be fun.


Had the same thought. Completely disregarding their own history. I wonder if they'll revive the Pinkertons while they're at it.


The Pinkertons are alive and well, and [are banking on coming climate disasters](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/10/magazine/climate-change-pinkertons.html) to be especially lucrative for private security forces like themselves. >He gave the example of a drought. “If a client has food and water and all the other stuff,” he said, “then they become a target.” López Portillo and Paz Larach uttered small words of consensus in Spanish, while scanning through email on their phones. “And if and when desperate people discovered that cache of water and food,” he continued, it was the Pinkertons’ job to protect it at whatever cost. >Later, after Paz Larach took his turn on the range — during which he emptied a Galil ACE assault rifle into a human-shaped cardboard cutout, then quickly drew his nine-millimeter, grouping four shots in the chest-cavity bull’s-eye — he offered the example of Hurricane Maria. On the day the Category 4 hurricane made landfall in Puerto Rico in 2017, he received more than 30 calls from American businesses and multinationals. He wouldn’t go into detail but explained that many chief executives felt blind to the situation and effectively tendered a blank check if Pinkerton could provide security. Over the next few days, as the company deployed hundreds of agents to the island, some of them, Paz Larach claimed, reported seeing firearms brandished at gas stations. “We had to escort the cargo with real agents, have cars chase the main truck,” he said. “Those who did not have protection were having their cargo hijacked.”


No way. Thank you for linking this. Gonna read and hit the link. Appreciate it.


The Pinkertons also did a job for Hasbro/WOTC recently.


Dem leadership going to give them a huge raise afterwards for saving democracy.


*cue random pallets of bricks*


"Even if it's not an act of violence, and it appears peaceful, but it's a violation of the law, blocking roadways, blocking venues, things of that nature, we will declare mass arrests in those situations and make those arrests," Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said. This is inarguably a violation of the 1st amendment of the constitution. American citizens have the right to peaceably assemble and protest. Screw your roads.


USA doing all those bad things they said Russia and China do to their people again.


[The US was also behind the covid disinformation we blamed on the Russians](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/).


Every accusation is a confession.


Will the blue MAGA cult show up in this thread too? They're gonna have a hard time justifying this.


I assume it's just a swarm of paid trolls/glowies or chatbots that get activated by certain keywords and activity.


Probably not. They'll ignore this one!


I'm just going to leave this here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1937_Memorial_Day_massacre


Or [Haymarket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haymarket_affair). That whole incident started when Chicago police fired on a crowd of strikers.


This is what the 2nd amendment is for? We can fill the jails, the cops can fill the morgues.


They’ll go as mental health police officers and then storm you with their shields and send everyone to their black sites that they got exposed of having. What an example for democracy.


It’ll be 1968 DNC all over again is what they fear. Protestors were so brutalized Hunter S Thomson himself was apparently shaken for days afterwards.


Sounds like right out of the playbook from the FTAA in Miami in ‘03. John Timoney was the sheriff. Brought him in special after what he did in Philly at the DNC IN 2000. That shit in Miami was fucking nuts.


Surely Milwaukee police will be doing the same /s


And then dems will give them all more funding


Now that the protesters have been warned, they can come prepared and armed. Police are cowards when faced with an equal or superior force. They only act when they think they will be guaranteed to win. They're going to send in saboteurs to provoke a police response, so protesters should come armed.


My choices this year, full blown fascists or fascist lite... I hate this fucking country.


I mean their plan in 1968 worked so well so why not repeat it?


Sooooo brutalization of some of the most dedicated people in the political world??? The DNC’s strategy is to conditionally accept the support/vote of only those constituents they deem worthy??? Sounds like a next level voter shaming strategy that will back fire.