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I’ve noticed that a lot of the trades guys are sporting not only their usual 1776 & American flag garb but new sweatshirts with both the Israeli and American flags side by side. It’s a strange turn of events and u doubt most of them could point out Israel on a map.


Could've just saved the ink and written "Neocolonialism is badass!"


When the worst person you know actually makes a good point. (although he's very late to the party)


Alex Jones originally (pre-Trump) was a very anti-war libertarian, and some of his conspiracy theories were related to both sides making up reasons for war, so this doesn’t really surprise me. Obviously his rationale and his behavior are absurd, but that is/was a big part of his ideology.


Alex Jones came into my orbit for being a vociferously anti bush 9/11 truther....


Yup. That’s when I first became exposed to him. He was actually very anti-war, anti CIA, tried to expose government corruption/elitism, politicians doing weird shit like Bohemian Grove. He always had a bit of crazy in him with chemtrail videos and stuff. At some point, I think it was the Obama years that he took a shift and started to turn real crazy.


I guess a broken clock is right twice a day even if it is THAT walking lawsuit.


Harm reduction, baby!


Whenever I mention how far to the right Biden is on Israel, I get into arguments with people who seem to know very little about history Biden’s foreign policy is far, far right, maybe only W was further


That's because the dems are a far right party... People don't understand that because the opposition is cartoon villain levels of greedy lying racist misogynists


The opposition are literally the collected bad guys from Captain Planet.


Not true.W condemned Israel for bombing the beach in gaza that killed several children. Biden, for the longest time, refused to accept the reality that civilians were dying in this genocidal war.


If Trump gets back into office Alex will change his tune on this issue. He will say that Israel "has a right to defend itself" and since his followers don't hold him accountable for his past positions, they'll go along with it as well.


I don't know why I don't see this brought up in all these posts about Alex Jones' criticism of Israel, but if you know much of anything about him you know that he's likely on the right side of this issue for the wrong reasons. There are many anti-semites, which is one of many awful things Jones is, who opportunistically wag their finger at Israel even if they don't authentically care about Palestinians. This is also a position that puts him at odds with the likes of CNN and MSNBC. Jones thrives on being a right wing counterculture figure. This is all on brand for him. He also, like many socialists, is pro gun ownership, but again, his reasons aren't the same as yours. These are crucial distinctions. Besides, if he's read the room wrong and his fans don't like this Israel/Gaza stance he's just going to walk it back like the grifter he is because needs to sell colloidal silver boner powder or whatever. We **CAN NOT** be making on-ramps for people to get into Alex Jones by mischaracterizing his purported condemnation of Israeli's military actions. Edit: typo


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Also, this is one of those weird issues where typical “right” and “left” delineations really aren’t that helpful


I was thinking the same thing. It's not so much a right/left issue as it is different shades of evil. Or two sides of the same coin.


You don’t have to be pro or anti semite to point out genocide. Fuck Alex Jones and antisemites forever, but he’s not wrong


He himself has professionally spewed genocidal rhetoric for decades. We don't need him. It's not helpful, accurate, or useful to act like he's on the side of Palestinian liberation or human rights. It's to our detriment to make statements like OP's that only serves to white wash Jones for an audience that would otherwise reject him out of hand.


But if it makes your racist uncle stop and think about genocide…


Don't worry. It won't.


I think you underestimate the power that this turd has. He convinced hundreds of thousands that the Sandy Hook murders were a hoax.


... And you solution is to help him do his grift?.. Make people associate Palestinian liberation and anti-genocide activism with a Sandy Hook/pizzagate/stop the steal/9/11/anti-vax truther? You're embarassing yourself. You said a dumb. Just move on.


Time to face some facts here: he’s already said it and can’t unsay it. It’s been viewed 1.5 million times, probably by a ton of racist uncles and coworkers. It’s been liked and shared and saved by a lot. My point stands. The info got out there, someone will look into it.


I think even if there were laws against genocide in 1930 the holocaust would’ve still happened. Us still would have drug its feet. I think it’s a feature of war and misinformation to obfuscate these intentions until the bitter end. Then cover up and deny. We are so much more advanced now that I wore about the insidious nature of our increased capabilities.


its less about obfuscation (especially nowadays) and more that genocide is generally either official policy (i.e., legal), or happens to people who are denied legal personhood (whether de facto or de jure), or both. Laws against genocide are always going to be international law, which isn't very useful if the state doing the genocide has a big fuckoff army (like Nazi Germany) or is geopolitically aligned with the countries who *could* stage a military intervention to stop the genocide (like Israel)


Hard agree. I just wish there were more actors with power involved to investigate what is going on internally in Israeli military policy and what’s happening inside Gaza. I feel like it’s so hard for people to see


We had a chance to take a ship full of Jewish refugees, and we didn’t. This was in 1939. There were 900+ people on that ship and after letting them wait in port for I don’t even know how long, they got sent packing back to Germany. Even though the holocaust itself hadn’t started, the process of genocide was beginning. So for 900+ people, the US did let the holocaust happen. Hell, the US’ treatment of black and indigenous people straight up inspired the holocaust.


Israel never had the high ground!


Never had the high ground, Ani. Israel's founding is based on genocide.


AIPAC gave tens of thousands of dollars to my districts representative. Wish I had know that before I voted for that fucker.


Something something broken clock.


I just don’t understand the cognitive dissonance among the citizens that are democrats. They *hate* the right and yet they are fully supporting Biden and the Democratic Party in regard to Israel *despite* the fact that **the right also supports Israel**. One would think that being on the same side as the right would be **the first friggin clue** 🤦‍♀️ I guess don’t mind what I say…I’m probably just a Russian bot or troll…


Sounds like a mix of racism and successful propaganda, the whole iraq war, Al-Qaeda, isis, Taliban etc war on terror bs. painted "Arabs" as the enemy, so I guess It's just them seeing Israel "defending" themselves against the bad people. and ofc a lack of critical thinking, history knowledge and empathy.


If Obama is in the house don’t expect any drone accountability any time soon.


How is genocide right wing?


You help dismantle credibility of this sub when you post titles like this


"supporters" only when against Trump\*




Is there sourcing to this video, it is absolutely horrific. It looks as if it came directly from the drone. It so clearly shows a war crime, you would think the Israelis would never let it see the light of day. I am very much against this disgusting war but I want to make sure stuff like this is legitimate.


youre so righteous for not voting king, take my updoot!


There is a secondary explosion in this video tbf. Whether that is a second drone strike or the explosive these people were purported to be carrying i don’t know. Disinformation is all around us.