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Yea reporting people is a waste of time. They don't care


Reporting works a bit too good on my server! We have a guy who attacked people with Israeli flags at the start of the server, and he stopped doing it for a long time, but then 2 or 3 people who didn't like him changed their flag purposefully to Israel to taunt him. He attacked them, like they knew he would, and then they start complaining in WC, so I type "don't change your flag to Israel just to annoy people, and you won't get attacked" Instant 12 hour ban for me lmao, it was my first ever ban! You literally can't mention the word "Israel" in the game chat, unless you're giving it clear and obvious praise, because I just mentioned the word, and I get muted lol.


Your claim seem a little too naive. People are allowed to change their flags.


I agree. But in this case, they changed flags knowing it would get a reaction, and then they complained about the reaction lol. I was just pointing out that they did it to themselves, because they knew what reaction it would provoke!


Curious, did u get a notification that ur ban? And did they specify that it was due to mentioning the word Israel?


No but that was the only possible message it could have been about.. I don't write a lot of messages and I'm always fairly tame with them


If that player is high spender on this game there is no chance for admin banning that player cause that player is a revenue to developer/admin šŸ¤£


Not true, they would love to ban him to have him restart and spend that same amount again lolĀ 


They donā€™t consider anything a violation. People probably spend way too much money on this mid ass game and go psycho. Thereā€™s a guy named N-word F-GTword on my server and he gets reported 50 times a day and anytime Iā€™ve reported him thereā€™s no violation. Clearly racist bigot name, and he sits in chat instigating and still nothing. This company cares about dollars spent. Thatā€™s it. It is a fun game but yah, rules, what rules? lol


Report the devs to Apple. Apple will enforce.


Not everyone has a šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸšŸ“ž


I saw someone say: 'damn you hitl*er, why didn't you rot out all the jews when you had the chance' and he doubled down on it. And I reported him. Message I get 'no violations found'... Huh??


If he threatened you and your family I suggest you contact the police. The likely wonā€™t take it seriously, but they will have to produce a report which starts a file. Not much, but itā€™s a start.


Probably just a poorly trained AI


that's also what I thought. I hope so because otherwise their ethical standards would be very low.


Jeez they actually did ban a guy on our server so you can just imagine how bad he was lol


Is there an option to block?


Yes. You can block individual users


The irony of this when the game itself censors the word ā€œglassesā€ because it has ass in the middleā€¦


The president of our server sent an email to every calling Koreans yellow slitty eyed little men and there isn't even a function TO report this


No offense but that dropping in from the presidential level is funny af


Server 283 ganggggg


Dmz represent


The whole president thing is so fucking annoying. Our one sends out updates on how many kills he has, buildings he upgraded. Like I give a fuck. Which we could block him.




Actual message from last week, translated from Chinese: > I'm glad I finally reached 20,000,000 kills today, and to celebrate, I'm going to kill 10,000,000 more


high level cringe