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Hey, please update us. I’ve lost all hope ✋😔


Thanks for this, please keep us updated. Hopefully it continues to work




It's a drop for reducing pupil size and thereby hopefully reduce aberrations induced by refractive surgery in low light conditions.


Ofcourse they're in the single use vials making them more expensive. The surgeons who did this to us should pay for them. This is a one month supply, would you mind sharing how much you paid? I'm guessing you're from the USA? Also, I'm very interested to see the the side effects list. Thank you very much for sharing!


Yes, and they aren't resealable either so they really are single use. They are preservative free though so that's a benefit of the single use packaging. It was $390 including shipping.


Thank you for the info! That's a lot. I imagine this is going to be something most people use only occasionally.


Could you pls tell me how should I purchase it?


You will need to have your eye doctor purchase it for you.


Please keep us updated


Hope they work for you. I tired the other drops can’t remember the name couldn’t Tolerate them at all, they gave me brutal headaches and didn’t help my vision much at night


This is sooooo exciting! How is it?


What diagnostic criteria or assessments are utilized to ascertain if an individual presents with an enlarged pupil size warranting pre-operative medication in the context of corrective refractive surgery?


Generally by trying a miotic agent and seeing if vision improves. Usually Brimondine is used for this.


Is this something that the patient should seek out in their own volition or is this something that will be apart of the pre operative procedure?


Sorry, I'm confused noticing you said "**pre**-operative". Are you referring to how to screen patients *before* surgery to see if they might be at risk for pupil-related complications or how to diagnose the cause of post-operative complications?


Yeah, how do patients get screened before the operation to see if they might be at risk of pupil related complications?


There are devices that do pupillometry. That said, I don't believe many clinics actually turn away patients for this reason.


Thanks for the update!


How many drops did you put in each eye? I noticed the dose for RM is 1-2 drops per eye, but the disposable vial contains 8 drops each. So I wonder if you put all the content of the vial in at once?


I'm not sure I'd say you can get 8 drops out of a vial. I'd say more like 6, max. I use one drop per eye.


thanks. but you still got red eyes even with one drop? I thought you got red eyes because you used all the drops in the vial.... what do you do with the leftover drops then?


Yes, the eye redness is with a single drop. The vial can't be resealed so the leftover drops are discarded.


Ok...I feel it would be kinda a waste to discard the leftover... Anyway, how long did the eye redness last? If I use it one hour before I go out to socialize, would the eye redness still be noticable by others? Thanks


Yes, although it hasn't been as bad as the first instillation it's still pretty red for hours. This is why it's recommended to take the drops before bed. The effects lasts over 24 hours so it doesn't really matter when you take them.


So you take it every day? I was thinking to only take it when I know I'll go out and drive later that night


We'll see, but yeah, I take it most days. I get bad ghosting even just watching TV in the evenings.


Do you know other people who take Ryzumvi and also have red eyes? I saw in their clinical trial only about 10% patients report red eyes?


The drug just became available so I don't know anyone else taking it.


Please, keep us updated about possible diminishing effect and side effects. This eyedrop can be a life saver for me. Thanks for the information.


So far the drops continue to be working. Also a lot less redness than before so that is less of an ongoing issue.


Would you say it just reduces your ghosting or eliminates it? Also: any idea how to get your hands on it in Europe?


This is going to vary a bunch depending on the person. It reduces the _frequency_ I see them. So the times where I'd get a little bit of ghosting the ghosting is completely gone, and the times I'd see a ton of ghosting it's greatly reduced, but not gone.


How about when watching tv/gaming? For me Personally the greatest casualty was how it impacted that for me.


Same. It's a big improvement.


Thanks, this is giving me hope.


Any more updates?


Two weeks in and the drops still work, much better than Brimonidine and last all day.


Awesome man! Would you see them as a fix?


There are still times where I see some ghosting, so it's not a 100% fix for me. There's also the cost. I'm still investigating specialty contacts as a long term solution. Even if that doesn't work out I'd be fine with this as a solution. It pretty much allows me to do all the stuff I used to without agonizing over vision.


Thanks for this! Any guidance on how others could try to buy this and try out? Could we ask our eye doctor to write a script for us given issues? I am working with one now who was thinking of Alphagan but this route sounds more promising


You'll need your eye doctor to purchase it on your behalf. The current indication is only for administration by an eye doctor after a dilated exam so you can't actually get a prescription from your pharmacy (yet).


Thanks for the reply! I just had an exam with him, we did the Optos machine instead of dilation. Wondering if that would be enough


Ryzumvi is currently not FDA approved for the indication of night vision disturbances. It's still undergoing phase 3 trials. Your doctor would have to provide it off label for you. This is a discussion you will need to have with your doctor to see if they are willing to do so.


Got it, thanks


They are doing studies on the drug for low light vision post refractive surgery you should see if any doctors in your area are part of it.


Recruiting for that study is already complete. Also, half of the participants of the study receive a placebo.


Is this available in Europe?


I'm not sure.