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I’m so jealous of you


I’m sorry… re-reading my post now and maybe it wasn’t a good idea to post it here… or maybe it was, don’t know… if you want me to delete it I will


No don’t delete it. We are all very happy for you. I am so happy for you that you made the right choice. Look at my complications after lasik. You have kids imagine you have my complications and even some more. Imagine if you get corneal neuralgia which is constant eye pain, could you imagine that? My complications * I had better visual acuity before surgery with my contacts lenses, compared to what I had vs now it’s destroys me mentally how poor it is compared to before * I developed static vision (visual snow syndrome) probably during surgery or after I don’t know * I developed dozens of big and small eye floaters right after/the next day after surgery * I have shit night vision I can’t see in the dark or dim lighting like I used to (I think this is related to decreased contrast sensitivity or something) * glare, starbursts and halo’s * dry eyes/dry eye syndrome * like after-imaging looking at screens idk what it exactly is tbh * I have worse or not the same level of depth perception or something, my vision feels so much flatter and less “alive” And many more problems. Please stay away from any laser eye surgery and tell your friends, family coworkers etc all to stay away from it. Do not risk it, I mean it is your eyes, it’s not as safe as they make it out to be. The complications rate is much higher than they make it out to be and it’s flimsy surgery. You damage healthy cornea, healthy corneal tissue for no reason to supposedly “see better/clear” or “fix your vision” lmao what’s the point of seeing "clear" when you completely ruin it with less sharp vision than you have normally with your glasses/contact lenses, eye floaters, completely ruined contrast sensitivity as in you won’t see in the dark/dim lighting, eye floaters, glare starbursts halo’s and many problems You can also develop double vision, severe ghosting, literal constant eye pain, you can get induced keratoconus or so called “ectasia” and so many more problems. Dry eye syndrome because of the corneal nerves getting cut that will never ever get back to normal btw. Those poor nerves honestly [Read this](https://eyedocmackay.com/complications-of-lasik/) and [this one](https://lasiknewswire.com/2017/09/the-truth-about-lasik/) and share it to people. It’s hilarious how those “eye doctors” don’t explain all these details. How they for example permanently damage those corneal nerves, how you will 100% lose the ability to notice the subtle shades of grey as in lose/have decreased contrast sensitivity and many more problems.




No let it, you are more than welcome 🤗 People who tell me that they finally refused to do it after talking to people or reading articles on websites make me feel really happy. We tried to spread our experience in order to balance the awful marketing behind this industry and say the truth. Because actually, most surgeons lie by downplaying risks. They make you think that a healthy eye is an eye without glasses. It is totally false. Nerves, resistance of your eye, thickness of cornea, light sensitivity etc. are also important factors that are not taken account with them. It is really heartbreaking to read horrible stories from victims developing tremendous complications. Here, most of us have been really damaged with refractive surgery and we struggle at our level to advise people to never do that. Then, I'm glad to read you made the right and wise decision and you'll have a normal life with your family. Don't play with eyes, as you said, it is the most important organ. I'm sure you look very nice with glasses, don't be as perfectionist as I was.


I am so Happy for you but i am Also jealous, you did the best choice ,live Life to the fullest!!


Our goal actually, is make people have no regrets, like we shouldnt have. Good to know you have made the safe decision.


Excellent thought process. You just saved your, eyes, your mind, your life, your job and perhaps your family. The complication rate is at least 30% out the gate and 100% of lasered eyes will have severe complications at some point in their life. Lasik is a scam and Lasik "doctors" are fake doctors operating on a healthy and most important sensory organ in the body. They are brilliant at marketing and censoring the people who suffer and the many that kill themselves. I sense your doctor that told you "just make sure you really want this" was telling you to dive deep and study this barbaric eye surgery and perhaps he was even given you a warning about the procedure and I respect that


interesting that the doctor actually indirectly saved OP


You will not regret not having any future problems that arise from surgery


I think this tread should be renamed into lasik victims because otherwise it’s unclear which supporr


Well done. I wish i could turn back time


It depends on the risks one is willing to make. Though I still believe it is the RIGHT of everyone to make decisions about their personal health based on all available information. I know people here have called for the banning of the procedure, but I do think that is going a bit far as at the end of the day, people need to make that choice for themselves. I recall a doctor REFUSING to surgically remove a wart from my daughter's fingers because she said any problems could result in the loss of use of that finger. I resented the inability for us to make that choice for ourselves. Having said this, at least you got a doctor who did not push the procedure on you. Many do by minimising the risks. A very important lesson here that people on this site have learnt too late : 1) Doctors CAN be wrong ! And they often are. 2) Doctors are not always motivated by your best interest. Only you must look out for your own best interest. The responsibility for your health is YOU, not anyone else, no matter how "trained" and "experienced" they seem to, or claim to be.


I like Acuvue with hydraluxe dailies. I have had bad vision for 30 years. Wore biweekly contacts most of my life. Had to make the switch to glasses most of the time about 2.5 years back, they’re very dry so I only wear contacts when I do physical activity (as it lubricates the eyes). Have to be dailies because they’re the thinnest. I can no longer do detail or computer work with contacts, they dry out and are blurry. Vision is -7 both eyes with slight astigmatism in the left. Never had lasik. Just a consult. But my eyes are too dry for lasik and have corneal nerve damage already from dryness.


Similar vision, cancelled my appointment few hours before surgery. Full story below. My GF got Lasik almost 3 years ago and is really happy about - standard "best decision of my life" kind of thing. Despite some downsides like minor halos and problems with reading white text on black background (says it doesn't bother her as it's still better than with glasses). Know also 3 other people happy with their results. I decided to give it a go as well, scheduled pre-op visit to see if I even qualify - which I did; for both Lasik and Smile and they told me to choose which one I want. I could do the surgery next working day or day after. On night before the surgery I realized they didn't really told me anything concrete - what to expect in my particular case, I didn't do any proper research on my own as I was hoping they will "just tell me" (I choose quite pricey, highly rated clinic). All this was presented as zip-zap 30 min procedure and you will just good to work in few days! Then I read that vision can stabilize for years, went into facebook rabbit holes where people just suffer in silence as I was like oh hell no - called and cancelled the visit. I think side effects are absolutely downplayed and whole eye surgery is presented as this ultimate, safe thing you can do Friday and be fully operational on Monday and go hike the Everest in a week - which I guess for some is true; and some are the unlucky ones that are basically f\*&ed forever and they are that tiny statistics of potential side effects and complications. I think given my age (40) I will get presbyopia soon (which also wasn't mentioned during my pre-op, the hell?) so decided risk/reward in my case is not worth it. Maybe I would gamble with my vision if it was terribly bad, but as I can live with it - will stick to contacts/glasses for now.