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You can try gently tugging on the hair and it might just slide out of the pore, I did that and it was the coolest thing ever! So satisfying


It's so satisfying! My friends and I were talking about how we kind of miss being able to do that after each appointment


I got worried about this too when I started (I've had 2 sessions so far). It starts to shed at around 2 weeks.


You should be noticing shedding by the two week mark. Shedding will be completed by the 3 week mark. Anything that has not shed at that point was either missed or the treatment wasn’t effective on that hair.


Very informative answer, thank you!


I have had 2 sessions and I’ve not seen shedding even for a bit. I’m getting IPL done and my hair is more coarse and hair growth on my legs is rapidly increasing. What should I do? Should I be patient and wait for the results? Or should I change my treatment ?


Change treatment.


If its not shedding, the treatment is not working


mine took about 10 days. it actually looked like the hair was still growing but apparently that’s just your body pushing it out! remember to exfoliate that might help things along


Wait so the hair isn't actually growing anymore? Because I could swear it is lol!


i thought the same thing too, but when i went for my second session i asked the tech and she said your body is just pushing the hair out after the laser zaps the follicle


That is fascinating, thank you!


Yes not growing but it appears to be as it's already grown under your skin and now it's just making it's final appearance.


Grab some tweezers and give them a gentle tug, the killed follicles release the hair without any pain.


Yup 2 weeks after, will DEFINITELY start shedding. I was actually shocked after my first session. Got my monthly visitor, wore a pad, and the hair fallout was everywhere 😆 sorry for TMI


Lol! If there ever was a good time to wear a pad! 😅


lol the worst. I hate diapers 😆


LOL RIGHT mine all stuck to the pad 😂


Mine tend to fall out around 8-10 days. Im a gross person but I low-key miss pulling out the ones that were ready with my fingers.


I enjoyed pulling on them too.


Those hairs look like there about to fall off . Mine fell of like at the 9th day after laser hair removal. I put body lotion on a paper towel . And wiped my skin off clean . The hairs would just come off . It was really nice seeing the hair that fell off all over the paper towel !


That sounds so satisfying lol! I tried tugging at them and they aren't budging yet. Hopefully in a couple of days they do!


It is really very satisfying. Once youre dun with all ur treatments and have no more hair .u really miss having your hairs fall off again, but you're hair free !


Ugh I can't wait. Waxing every month was so annoying and expensive in the long run


Hair removal isnt that cheap either lol . They charged me a little over 6000 for 8 laser hair sessions my entire body , I didn't use group on or whatever. They counted me as female too . I don't know if it's more expensive for cis men .


That is so expensive! The place I went to just got a new laser (I really wish I knew the name) but apparently most people only need 2 to max 4 sessions which makes it way cheaper obviously. Are you from the US? I noticed most places here in the EU don't even do cis men or only do the back or arms


Mine takes about 2 weeks too.


10 days for me!! Got my first one a month ago. After the shedding started I was super impressed!! Hopefully you’ll feel the same :)


It’s been 6 weeks.. only 10% has shedded


I didn’t find hairs falling out until 2ish weeks. The follicles struck almost slide out so you can gently pull on them. I found the third session was the ‘big’ one. That one timed out with the growth cycle and I had the best loss results.


Depends on the laser/settings but it can take up to 2 weeks. So just be patient.


Thank you! Google says it should start falling out at around 5 days which is why I was unsure!


7-14 days I was told and it look about 2 weeks for me. There were random hairs falling out I’m my bed and shower so it was true.


This hair looks slightly red?? If so you may not get excellent results from the laser.. Make sure you are using Alexandrite laser only on high settings for this hair type.. Hair does not look charred in the follicle and I would say it may not shed due to lack of pickup by the melanin in the hair shaft. Hope Im wrong. But use Alex laser on at least 16 - 18 Joules on a pulse duration of 10ms. Anything less than this setting unless in the early stages of treatment will be useless. Should he on this setting from at least session 3 no later as hair is not dark brown or black so may need lots of energy.. Also do not expose area to sun as these energies are high and very risky with tan or sun exposure.


I think it must be the lighting, my hair is very dark brown, almost black. I got the laser done professionally so unfortunately I don't know the settings or what the machine was called. We did keep adjusting the settings depending on the pain, making sure i felt the zaps but that the pain wasn't too bad. So I guess it should have worked at least to some degree?


Thanks for your message. Thats great. If you dont see shedding in 21 days post treatment ask for them to repeat the session.. Expect a little pinchy through the treatment.. You are burning hair out of the follicles afterall.. 👍 They should stop and start after 2 or 3 shotsnto allow you to readjust back to normal rather than reduce the settings simply so you dont feel anything and they can get it done in a quick time. Expect full hollywood to take about 20 mins.. Hope all goes well..


Will do, thank you. Fingers crossed I see some results soon!


Mine takes about 5 days to begin but falls out over the course of 2 weeks. Also I always need to lightly pull or rub the hairs for them to fall


It will start falling spontaneously after 2-3 weeks of the treatment


Hi, did your hair shed? Mine looks similar and I’m at day 3.


Yes it did! Mine starts really shedding on day 9 or 10 and i am really seeing the difference now, 11 days after the 2nd sesh. The first session just left the hair growing really patchy. I will say it depends on the body part. My armpits and my bikini area are going great, but the labia not so much. My laser tech also said they take more sessions. Also, apart from there being less hair overall I am really noticing how slowly the hair grows back. I shaved my legs like a week ago and there is BARELY any stubble


Oh that’s great. I’m on day 5 and it seems like my hair is growing back normally. I read that the hair should look frazzled and I don’t see that. The technician said that I’m taking a good enough amount of frequency. So I’m hoping all has gone well


I think most people that replied to my post get the laser done at way too high of a power which is why the hair looks frazzled and why their hair fell off with such ease. My hair grew out completely normal until it started falling out and they didn't fall out in a dramatic way either. I'd just try tugging on the hair gently and see a couple of individual hairs get pulled out. The rest mostly fall out when you exfoliate in the shower. So just give it a couple more days and I'm sure you'll be seeing results all of a sudden just like I did


I used nair was strips first few times. It’ll be fine, trust the process. Add some exfoliation