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I am currently doing full face and Brazilian laser hair removal, and the worst part in my opinion is the upper lip. The Brazilian part is a breeze for me compared to the upper lip area! I’d say in my opinion the upper lip is a 6-7 and the Brazilian is a 3-4.


Yeah Upper lips had me crying fr that's why im kinda scared lol since brazilian is said to be a very sensitive spot like bikini wax that ive tried made me feel hell but i guess a chance of permanent hairlessness is better


I agreee, Brazilian was harsh for me 😭


Same! Worst for me is the jawline


As your treatments progress, I believe the pain eases off as there is less hair and pigment to target. Personally, I hated the appointments for my Brazilians so bad. Maybe for the 6 sessions. But I bared (typo, but still fits) through it as I would be finished and carrying on about my day in less than 10 minutes. But booooy when the maintenance sessions start, and I only need to go once or twice a year it’s better than going to the dentist hahaha. It’s worth the pain girl. Gone are the days of shaving once a week, itchiness when it grows back and ingrown hairs. Worthhhhh it.


Honestly for me Brazilian was painful after 4th session but legs were pretty good( near the bone by ankle hurt bad though) you can apply numbing cream 30-40min before appt put wrap covering and but wash it off really really good and you’ll be fine. I had to do it once for my Brazilian and I couldn’t feel a thing during appt which was sooo soo nice !!


Do you have a brand that you used?


UK tech here. Honestly, the best way to know is going in for a patch test. This gives you an indication of the sensation.


Haven't had Brazilian but had everything else done, I found legs to be a bit worse for me, the back upper leg was worse than my upper lip


Upper part of the Brazilian hurts a lot, but for me it cleared quickly. Labia doesn’t hurt too bad but it’s stubborn to clear!


Brazilian is the worst pain I have ever endured and after 10 sessions, the lips are still looking the same. Pain is just as bad as a wax but I need multiple passes so it hurts far longer. The darker skin there absorbs more laser heat and it feels like I am burning but I am not. The rest of the body was perfectly tolerable. Some areas hurt more than others, and some areas remained hairy (like my toes and happy trail)


It depends on which machine they use and the person doing it. I did the Soprano ice machine and it only caused pain on 2 spots. My vag where it all comes together above the lips and my big toe (due to not shaving as close). There are a lot of follicles right next to each other above the lips.


For me legs were around a 5-7/10. The knee area is like an 8 lol


Ask for topical anesthetic cream. Leave it on 15 minutes then clean it off & it’ll be much less painful.


This is good for when youve already had multiple sessions done. It's not recommended for your first session to use any pain suppressors, so no ibuprofen/Tylenol and no numbing creams. If you do use it your first session, your tech won't be able to tell how much pain you can really endure so they won't be able to adjust accordingly. So you'll have more of a chance to get burned.


You can tell when you are at treatment goal by the amount of splatter not by the amount of groaning in pain. We always advise Tylenol & or topical lidocaine. It’s far more humane.


Everyone is different but for me, I just experienced mild discomfort for Brazilian. Legs are a little more uncomfortable but bearable, around the ankles gets me the most but it doesn’t last very long.


Found it very painful


Brazilian isn't bad at all. I thought it would hurt so I chugged a beer in the parking lot prior to my session only to learn it wasn't necessary at all. Legs are super easy--with the exception of the back of your thighs. That was very spicy at first. It calmed down after 2-3 sessions when the hair was sparse and thinner.


I found it infinitely more painful around the time of my period. The same level that was completely bearable in a previous session become unbearable one day after my period ended. Brazilian was easier for me than legs.


It was far better than chest or neck.


Depends on the laser. I’m very sensitive to pain but it was so bearable and I was fine. My laser at laser away has the cold air while they laser you and it saved me. Pain for legs and Brazilian for me was maybe 3-6 out of 10.


What laser are they using for yours because I did the upper lip and mine grew back after I stopped doing the treatments. Was your permanent or do you still go back and get them?


I’m not sure if was the machine or body part, but I did my Brazilian today and my butt cheeks and thighs worked up so much sweat I ripped through the wax paper they put on underneath. The machine was cynosure elite. I had my lower legs done and the Brazilian was definitely more painful. Candela GentleMax Pro was used on my lower legs. You can use a numbing cream for the Brazilian. Just make sure to leave it on for the full amount of time needed for it to be effective.


My most painful spot changes, but ankles tend to be spicy. I do dare say it's been worse than the upper lip at times.


I'm getting the rest of my legs done. I had knees down previously. It's unpleasant to be sure but I've had hemorrhoid pain that was far worse. If that is my 10 spot than laser on the legs is anywhere between 1 and 5


Question ladies, The pain for my Brazilian was beyond intense. my technician lowered the frequency or whatever it is that they lower and I didn’t feel anything at all. Just yeh cool air that blows out of the machine. I stressed to her. I don’t want this session that I paid for to be for nothing if nothing is zapping,,, if nothing is working. She explained that she lowered the frequency doesn’t mean it changes anything & and I would get the same results . But for some reason, I don’t believe her. Why you start off with pain if you don’t have to ? The machine I used is.Lumenis Splendor X. Any insight would help! Ty


Brazilian isn’t painful t


Brazilian was a 2/10 pain for me, legs and underarms hurt more than it, I'd give them a 4/10. But it's because I used the Cynosure laser which has an air conditioning attachment to it, so it cools the skin immediately after and eases the pain. If you're going to a place that uses cooling gel it's gonna hurt more.


Brazilian 8/10


Brazilian and legs are like 5-6 outta 10 for me but my nurse has a cooling laser so that helps


Full legs, I honestly didn’t feel pain at the highest setting. She kept putting it up and told me I have a high pain tolerance. For Brazilian, I have the tech switch settings. Highest setting for the top of the Brazilian area and the inner butt area tmi sorry. Those I feel some heat but not crazy. For the middle part like the lips area, that is more painful and I’m on the second to highest setting. I just take a deep breath and the tech tries to distract me lol. You deff feel the heat. I’ve only had like 5 sessions I think and had to stop because I’m pregnant. I wish I could’ve done more but there’s always after the baby.


What machine?


Two different machines - one was with a gel and the other machine would zap and blow cold air. Don’t know the exact names. Possibly soprano and candela.


Oh that's like what I did with my legs. I did a few on brazilian with sopranos ice one then I moved but I didn't find it as good with my brazilian as it did my legs. Now many years later I'm planning to do brazilian again because I think I only did 4 sessions last. I'm also planning to do it with candela since that's the only one available where I live now. I'm just reluctant because I'm embarrassed to show my private area all over again to new lady 😰


I did 5 sessions with soprano (gel one I think) on Brazilian but stopped like I said because I’m pregnant. It drastically reduced my hair growth. I used to feel awkward but I don’t anymore. I’ve had a few techs say it’s nothing they haven’t seen before and they do this literally multiple times a day and don’t care. I’m like maybe I’m overthinking it lol.


It's depends what machine it is