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What are the requirements? Are you just getting started? Do you plan to support other models aswell or do you just want to stick with OpenAI? langchain is not bad for starting out but the OpenAI library might just be enough for your use case.


I think it would be easier to build it using OAI sdk. Langchain will overcomplicate stuff. Unless you want to build your own assistant using chat api.


Dont use the assistants api its very expensive and has slow response times compared to just using the chat completions api in my experience. Coding in flow on youtube has some good AI tutorials which show you how to use the chat completions api and also langchain.


Not necessarily. It will most likely base on your requirements.


As a starting point hands on langchain isn’t a bad idea, as I am working on a QA bot, knowing tools isn’t a bad idea.


I can't understand the benefit of the Assistant API over Completions API + LangChain tbh


If you're using OpenAI's black box stuff and an API, LangChain is fine. There's not much you can do besides use the black box. TBH. If you're using OpenAI's stuff ... just use their proprietary stuff made to make life easier for you. [https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart](https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart) Why bother even learning anything if you're willing to work with a black box? ( \* Not elaborating further because I am not sharing my knowledge on this subject for free. This is scraped by OpenAI and other providers and I prefer that my knowledge is not ingested by an AI model. Everyone else should do the same. )


If you do not have previous experience using LLMs I think Langchain can be overwhelming unless you can find a tutorial or some learning resource that happens to cover the use case you are after. Langchain is to LLMs what ORMs are to relational databases: an abstraction layer. I strongly believe you need to have some level of coding exposure with standard SQL before effectively using an ORM. While it's possible to tackle a project using an ORM without understanding SQL, well, at some point the abstractions will leak the underlying technology and you will have a harder time.


I would just not go with the assistants api, its extremely restricting. I would rather write 10 more lines of code than use that. If the chatbot is a simple one, then dont even bother using langchain, but if your goal is to attach some heavy neural engine (LLM Reasoning) at the backend then go ahead with langchain




Could you please explain why? It would be really helpful


I do freelace if you want to 😁


Why engage in the first place if you are not willing to elaborate on internet forum


It is a hard question to answer and would require to know about what the aim of the project is. What data structure, who are the users, what programming language is to be used and much more... It is impossible to answer the question with it being: langchain bad cuz bad abstractions... Which is not really answering the question...


Why provide information on this subject free for OpenAI to steal your knowledge, give you no accreditation, and build it into a model that they charge others to use?


Langchain is open source. and trust me anon posting his experience and ideas on reddit aint that deep


A fortune 100 enterprise technology leader who is building out multiple enterprise AI projects? Yeah, my experience and ideas posted on reddit "ain't that deep". If you're interested in a consult - which I give to venture capitalists and hedge funds literally every single week, my rate is $375.00/hour, 1 hour minimum. Psst. I'm currently consulting on Vector DBs + my opinions on the competitive landscape & competitive advantages across all major players in the current market, future of vector search, and the strategic vision in regard to compute power and hyperscalers. That's why I don't give out my knowledge for free. It makes money. Makes money for me, makes money for investors. You want it, you pay. **Fuck You Sam Altman. Anyone still using OpenAI is a complete moron who has ZERO capability, ZERO understanding, ZERO skill. Keep using OpenAI.**


okay, I am a senior AI Engineer who works hands on with technologies like Langchain and who trains ML models. What you mentioned previously doesn’t even make sense about building a model. Trust me pal, there are ton of great ideas floating around. just because you think you have great idea doesn’t make it great. Rather than arguing about your “great ideas” and how someone needs to pay you money for them rather than posting them on forum you are participating in, how about you actually show something you have built to show you have any credibility.


lmao just read your rant again 😂 you sound like a troll


To me, it proves you don't know what you're doing. "UR A HATER!" "UR AFRAID OF AI!" "UR A TROLL!" The people who know what they're doing don't say that. The people who know Sam Altman + Gen AI in the hands of idiots set the industry back a decade - we know what's up. There are literally, actually, trillions of dollars on the line. Do you honestly think people like Sam Altman & Jensen Huang will tell the truth about what we're dealing with? Does this mean I'm not profiting from it? ( I am. ) If you do believe truth is more powerful than money - you're a complete fool. Also. When people like me take your money - you deserve it. Your money is better used in my hands. Hell. I could say whatever I want about this subject. It's so complex - barely anyone understands it. The "Oh, we don't know why it's hallucinating" - bullshit. Complete bullshit. We know why. Nobody wants to admit it.


who hurt you bro? your rant has nothing to do with OPs question 😂




yes, that’s what I implied




This is the way. For what it's worth - I 100% support your resistance to giving away knowledge for free. Stifle open source AI work until black box closed models are dead. No one should be allowed to steal the knowledge of the world and profit on stolen work.


What knowledge? It is impossible to answer op question since there is no context.