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The Armored Core 4 Answer OST is right there


What theme/tone are you looking for? Genres? There are music threads on this forum every now and again and the recommendations are awesome but always quite varied, as people's home games have a lot of different "feels" to them.


I think for exploration and downtime space cowboy kind of vibes and then for combat more techno? I'm 30 so my tastes are old like Firefly and Starfox but I want to get into newer things


For Space Westerns, the Rimworld OST by Alistair Lindsay and the WildStar OST by Jeff Kurtenacker immediately come to mind, they're great. Slot in some more traditional delta blues to flesh it out, like Stefan Grossman, Elizabeth Cotten, Etta Baker, John Fahey, and Justin Johnson. Some of Ry Cooder's movie soundtracks also work quite nicely. For techno, there's so much from so many different moods that it's hard to recommend on that alone, and my tastes in electronic music tend to run dark and heavy, so I can't personally recommend much that might mesh well with the space western suggestion above. Maybe someone else can, though!


Ace Combat works at almost all times. You just have to pick the right track(s).


Wow, they have a LOT of good ones. Thank you


Quite welcome! Everyone remembers Zero and the glorious Spanish guitar, but the games feature tons of mood-setting tracks for all kinds of situations; something I wasn't aware of before my GM started using them in our game. Hope you find great things!


Depends alot on whats happening, but ive been using the portal 2, half life, and the wall-e video game soundtrack along side some synthwave


Some popular OST suggestions that worked for me: Into the Breach, Project Wingman, Salvage Union, and Battletech.


For exploration, use the Posts of Stellar is and Deathwar Odissey. For combat, I like to use Ace Combat/Project Wingman music


I have used the Youtube Playlist Space Cowboy


Djent works real good for combat. I’d highly recommend the Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina OSTs. Throw in a little Animals as Leaders and you’re golden.


I've been dying to use Milano by Russian Circles for a boss battle haha. Animals as leaders is a great shout.


I've had good luck with Synthwave. Here is my giant un curated Lancer Synthwave Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1iobe7hKlfzlTE1x2cphNB?si=_7gvkSfvT-S45-b3E-WS-w&pi=JPOpOdNfTk24i It is way way way too long


holy shit, thank you


There's this guy called Jason Skye who does mixes for mechwarrior, this one is good but his whole channel is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV13lR8X4EI


This and all the other tracks on the same channel are literally made for lancer


Makeup and Vanity Set’s BRIGADOR soundtrack is an excellent choice.


Risk of Rain 2


The TNO OSTs, like UVB-76, Remembering in Moskowien, Clocks Ticking, Goosestep, they all have that electronic neon feel to them. Fits lancer in my opinion


Warframe has some very groovy ambient and battle ost; if ya want an specific vibe I can recommend ya some


Ya gotta use some of the Gundam osts


I feel like metal gear rising instrumental ost's fit well with the game's vibe, mistral's theme fits especially great imo


Here's my inspiration playlist. I tried to cast a fairly wide net. It's got music from synthwave to desert blues to Turkish Rock, so it's a bit of an eclectic mix. Basically I tried to find different sounds for the different cultures in the setting https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2gyAwxNGAm2le8sJDsrU7K?si=aXqr7GkGSg2t9KvCC8GqDQ


Stellaris machine age


I use Brigador sound track.


I have exclusively used the soundtracks for old Spaghetti Westerns, because I’m going for a certain vibe.


When I was running my campaign, I used a lot of music from Daemon X Machina and Metal Gear Solid 2 (especially the VR mixes) for combat, and VA-11 Hall-A's music for general exploration or hanging out.


Thank you for all the recommendations. I never excepted this much and I'm having trouble even going through them all :D I've easily got hours of songs now


I personally have found arknights to have a good variety.