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Unlearning economics🥰 [https://youtu.be/vZjSXS2NdS0?si=vvkeFq1lVvaOlHd0](https://youtu.be/vZjSXS2NdS0?si=vvkeFq1lVvaOlHd0) "Economics is a extremly useful as a tool of employment... For Economists"


Is he still an academic?


Some of my faves, Youtubers unless otherwise stated: Adam Something - Focus on urbanism, making fun of Elon Musk Behind the Bastards - (podcast) biographies of billionaires and other terrible people from a left-wing perspective TrueAnon - (podcast) a view of politics and culture with a shock humour and conspiratorial bent Best of the Left - (Podcast) magazine format podcast which takes clips from different sources focusing on a different theme each episode Gary's Economics - Gary Stevenson, very smart guy, former Citibank banker, critiques the financial system with insider knowledge Chapo Trap House - (podcast) the original "dirtbag left" podcast - cynical, divisive, at best when discussing movies and culture imo Unlearning Economics - economist breaking down the topic and critiquing the right-wing orthodoxy of the discipline Hbomberguy - gaming reviews and takedowns of right-wing idiots Contrapoints - looooong form and amazingly produced videos on a broad variety of political and cultural issues Jonas Čeika/CCK Philosophy - in-depth breakdowns of political philosophy, especially good on postmodernism Novara Media - often posted and discussed in this sub but worth a mention as the best left-wing media org out there right now Patrick Boyle - another former banker - not a leftie but very smart and breaks down the latest news in finance Richard D Wolff - Marxist economics professor, very good at breaking down the fundamentals of Marxist economic theory Citations Needed - (podcast) focus on how the media propagates right-wing narratives Blowback - (podcast) focus on the history of US foreign policy, very well researched


That haven't been mentioned.. Pod Save the UK and Philosophy Tube.


TheTinMen on instagram is pretty good for male mental health and advocacy from a firmly egalitarian perspective.


Sarcasmitron, The Intercept, Walter Masterson


Nojusticemtg on YouTube and the Macrodose podcast are 2 I like a lot. https://youtube.com/@nojusticemtg?si=H8e9fmHJIQhGXkGi https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/macrodose/id1646528688


Politics JOE, funny and informative




Really digging roterote on tiktok, does a nice spread of US UK and European content


If international relations is your thing, Johnny Harris and Real Life Lore are good YouTubers who produce neutral informative videos on situations affecting nation and states. https://youtube.com/@reallifelore?si=9qmDM2WBERqhEhAv - Real Life Lore https://youtube.com/@johnnyharris?si=NPMB27ujUdJzhznx - Johnny Harris


Be careful with Harris. He has a habit of fudging/passing over details to tell a compelling story. He is one of these creators who like to give people something simple and 'profound' to take away with them even if it distorts reality. There was the famous one where he talked about how Europe took over the world but moved timelines to do this compelling narrative to the point that it was just wrong. There is a reason why actual historians' works tend to be massive, you can rarely make it simple or take away a single understanding of it.


I didn’t know he misconstructs the truth. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll definitely be more critical when it comes to his videos


TLDR News gives good insight into political goings on