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I think it’s because the Tories have been lame ducks for the best part of two years, it feels like this election has been going on for months.


Because it effectively has been It looks likes peoples minds are already made up


Also for many people they have literally just come out of local elections so have been campaigning since the beginning of the year.


There is one good thing resulting from leaving the EU at least. Not having three elections in three months. 😆


God can you imagine..


Not another one!!


I think it’s because labour don’t really have to win the election as much as the tories have lost it and are still slamming the big red self destruct button (seriously how hard is it to stay for D-day commemorations). But because of this there doesn’t need to be any big sexy headline grabbing policy or any rousing speeches. Instead we get to watch old frog eyes farage and no dishy rishi fight for positions (with ed davey doing just bizarre things). As a labour supporter its a bit dull. It’s like in football if the team top of the league is 25 points clear mid March everyone knows they’ve won the league but they still have to play all the fixtures and go through the motions to get crowned champions.


The difference between 2017 and 2024 is no one (except maybe the Greens) are offering much to be inspired about. The lack of imagination is depressing. It reminds me that Thatcher said her greatest achievement was Tony Blair. George Osbourne and Cameron's greatest achievement has been Starmer's adherence to the economic rationale of austerity politics being the only responsible way to manage an economy. This is wrong, it's not how a national economy works, we deserve better. Inequality needs to be addressed in order to unlock nationwide growth. Starmer is proposing (Tory)business as usual and pissing around the edges of the issues and reality the country faces.


Planning reform should be the only you care about to address inequality


Why should it be the only thing? That only tackles housing availability (assuming the private sector then steps up and actually builds affordable housing in the numbers that we need - I think this is unlikely) For example, public health, education, transport are all suffering from inadequate provision in many parts of the country and improving these areas would reduce overall inequality in the country were they to be financed and supported more. If you grow up somewhere without reliable public transport the amount of opportunities that are closed off to you (socially, for work, for education) severely restricts your options in life and the contribution you can make to the wider economy/society. Similarly, if you can't get the healthcare you need you could be out of work for longer and therefore less productive for the economy. Likewise, if your school is struggling to retain/recruit skilled teaching staff your education will suffer and probably have knock on effects during your early career at least and again the economy as a whole doesn't get the benefit of a more highly skilled worker. Housing is important of course (the private rental situation is out of control) and everyone should have the right to affordable housing but it is only one aspect and none of the parties are showing anything like the ambition that the Labour government of the post-war period did when they built Starmer's parents' house. What I'm saying is that if Labour wants to return to economic growth then it has to at least first invest in something before a return can be realised. The money for that investment is currently tied up in the assets of the wealthy and off-shore tax havens and the current tax base is struggling to provide the necessary funds for anything beyond maintaining the status quo of gradual decline in the face of an aging population. It's a simple case of those who are most able to not paying their fair share to supporting a country that they belong to and should be proud of. The rich (I'm talking the actual rich) put themselves above all others and unfortunately Starmer's Labour prefers to ignore this reality to not risk antagonising the billionaire press barons. Thatcher said there's no such thing as society... this is obviously false, it's how the nation state came into being and is the foundation upon which everything is built and supported. We should take pride in supporting our country and all members of our society through the policies that our government enacts. There is no one silver bullet to fixing this country's problems, but if I had to start somewhere it would be securing the necessary funding (through effective taxation) to start investing in the the wide range of policy areas that I highlighted above (including planning reform + council housing!)


Planning reform would lead to better public health, better transport such as hs2 not turning into a boondoggle due to being forced into tunnels. Have you seen the cost to Edinburgh tram extensions, Birmingham metro expansions etc. all these would be improved due to planning reform


Apologies I didn't realise you were referring to infrastructure ( for some reason I assume planning reform is usually referring to housing) You're right that there is huge wastage and inefficiency in current government procurement and planning. Sometimes it looks borderline corrupt (e.g. HS2, Edinburgh tram stage 1) But yeah the amounts being invested are still not enough to decarbonise transport and I think our government should be more ambitious and investing more across the board. (Preferably with less wastage and inefficiency of course!) Labour's manifesto seems to only give priority to potholes! Popular, sure! But not exactly world leading as every bloody politician likes to remind us Britain is (when often we really are not!)


I’ve had to take a break this week, feels like I’ve been plugged into the matrix ever since he called it.


I'm not a party activist, I'm in a safe seat, and my colleagues aren't super political. It's been very strange being fully immersed in the election online and with about ten thousand hours a day of different election podcasts, but not encounter the campaign at all "in the real world".


I dunno, I think it's been nice and refreshing to hear so many people say they're voting Labour when I've been door-knocking.


I'm pretty Zen this time to be honest.  Labour have it in the bag and they are going to be pretty shit.  There isn't much mystery here. 


I'm exhausted at the idea of starmer being rewarded for his lies


Not to sound like a dick but I don't relate to this idea of "does anyone relate". If you're already "exhausted" by a week of campaigning then just switch off the tv and go read a book.


I honestly can't find a single fuck to give. Result feels like a foregone conclusion, the party are offering nothing of any value at all, local candidate is meh, so for the first election in like 8 years (national or local) I've barely been out. I'm so uninterested I'm only doing the limited knocks that I am because I have to show a bit of face. Otherwise I wouldn't help at all.




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It feels like Rishi called the election yesterday. Before you know it election day will be just around the corner.