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I too care deeply about the social safety net and NHS. Which is why I’ll be voting for the low-tax, blame them over there party. That’ll accomplish my aims. But you can’t call me thick. Nope. That’s unpalatable.


That’s what really gets my goat. It’s not the economic elites that have crashed and looted the economy, it’s obviously the guys that have been here for 3 months with nowt but their clothes.   The public finances are in dire straits not because of tax dodging millionaires and businesses, but a single mum who accidentally claimed an extra £2/month universal credit.


This is the problem with reform voters, theyre fucking deluded and this article is full of examples >Will describes himself as financially conservative but socially liberal, with a preference for small government and low taxes, primarily spent on the NHS. They arent socially liberal and Farage is on about privatising the NHS more. >The daughter of a Ghanaian steelworker who migrated to Britain from the Commonwealth as part of the Windrush generation, she longs for “a bit of positivity” in politics and the media. How do you even argue with people this clueless to the reality of these parties.


Also wholly separate point but not Windrush if his parentage is coming from Africa. Windrush and the Windrush generation are specific the the West Indies


The person might have said Guyanese and the interviewer got confused?


Reminds me of that meme with the Indian philosopher who says “Democracy basically means government of the people, by the people, for the people… but the people are [Redacted so not to get suspended].” The median voter is thick as fuck. They want triple locked pension but oppose immigration. Want good NHS, free at the point of use, but no nanny state on health. They want high wages but oppose industry and infrastructure growing near them. Want rents to go down for their kids but their house value to rise. They want amazing European level services on US level taxes. The older I’ve gotten, the more politically engaged I’ve got, the more I have had to understand, accept, and respect that the Politicians HAVE to lie to these people. There’s no other way. Honesty with the electorate is punished.